Posts by bzzz

    Anyways, you can continue to be obsessed with Thai entertainment but it's not going to make your faves anymore famous. You get better by supporting your own people, not by trying to drag others down.

    This person is a lotus in the mud, blinded and deafened with hatred and jealousy.

    So, you joined this thread just to express your hatred and not even read the article? You were not bothered to remember Milli and Kratae but did deep researches on Rasmeekae and Mint Chalida? Your determination is awesome. Only if it were used productively ...

    Wait a minute. The stepfather in BP House has never been confirmed by YGE or Lisa as her stepfather?? WTF?

    NGL, this whole time, i've debated about Lisa's background. She looks super mixed these days, and her insane body proportions with her long legs lend creedence to this theory. OTOH, if you look at her predebut pics, she looks full Thai. I know plastic surgery is wizardry in Korea but can they actually turn someone who is pure Thai into someone who looks mixed???

    The rumor account i used to follow had yet another crazy twist to the story. The account claimed that the person in the BP House show was in fact just a stepfather, but that the actual biological father was also Swiss. 8|8| Personally, i dont care whether she is full or mixed or whether the dude in BPHouse was her biological father or stepfather. None of this really impacts how i feel about Lisa, to me she is almost a PERFECT idol in every respect (voice, rapping, dancing, character and attitude, personality).

    Her relatives (on mother's side) said the white man was her stepfather.

    Lisa's biological father surely isn't white and Lisa doesn't look white mixed to Thai eyes.

    Here is Lisa's cousin, Chantakarn Manoban, aka Phayahong. She's in the red corner (black trunks). Does she look somewhat similar to Lisa?

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    There's a lot of diverse beauties, just google Thai model actress

    some pass as East Asian others look more SEA

    Lisa’s biological father is apparently Thai not white. And she looked like any average Thai girl growing up. Most Thais are a mix of different Asian races from India, Papua New Guinea and China.

    ??? So, Thais have various looks and Lisa looks like an average Thai girl? Then, why "I don't think she represents Thailand in terms of visual."? Get your thought straight.

    "traditional Thai beauty."? How is it? These were said to be prettiest princesses in the reign of King Rama V


    Princess Abhavarnee, a niece of the king.


    Princess Suthathip, the king's favorite daughter who snatched the "prettiest princess" title from Princess Abhavarnee.

    How about the queen to King Rama IV who was praised for her beauty?


    And, why must Thai beauty be represented by transwomen?

    Yes, you just fixed yourself in a certain narrative. Yes, Google doesn't lie but filter does. Do you know you can better see the skin tone in unfiltered video? And, a Viet user has come to affirm the SGO's girl had paler skin. Lol.

    Funnily, someone believed those in the south did not have legs to travel out of the area. Lol. This is typical look in the south of Thailand.

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    Go North? There is the Chiangmai based CGM48. You can check it out. Members surely do not look Khmer. So, what is your real Thai look? The look like this


    or like this?


    that guy is a semi ONE HIT WONDER that made a buzz with some Jason Mraz-lite drivel and none of it was even sung in Thai, so don't start

    Don't use the word halfies as if half indian or half african even has a remote chance of making it in your country. Just say mixed white. And no, i'd rather my country treat all halfs equally than partake in some Eurocentric BS thats erasing local representation..

    He is an indie artist from an underground music label. To get some music videos exceeding 10m, isn't that already a huge success for his background? And, so you just pretended Milli and Kratae did not exist? Cool!

    They do. Mint Chalida is half Indian. Kob Flatboy and Rasmeekhae are half black. D. Gerrard is doing alright. Half Cuban Gina Salas is on the roll. They are also Pinky Sawika, Yardthip, Bird Wanchana and Oat Pramote who are South Asian descendants. You lie to yourself if you say the half-black is as pretty as the half-white by Asian standard.

    Treat all halfies equally? Are they even halfie celeb to be treated equally in your country? If you truly see them the same, why pick on their ethnic? Why don't see them just as simply Thai citizens as non-white celebs? Why don't you judge them simply by their looks, their talents and their characters? Your racism is showing.

    You need to check your kidneys, your level of saltiness is unhealthy.

    So, this is not pop music nor a performance? What is it?

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    Why does the Thai need BoA/Britney/Ayumi/Janet? We have Kratae. And, we have our Soyeon in the brewing.

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    Anticipate her to shine in next decade. She's the elder child of a famous rapper, Way.

    Do you know that GMM is a TV channel of like 1 point of average rating, it's like JTBC of Thailand. Bright may be the biggest star of GMM TV but he's not half as famous as Khem Hassawee or Ken Phupoom domestically. Jaonaay also has gotten very popular with his music. Bright is not half white but quarter (a white grandparent).

    I looked at the list and I counted 19 half white actors out of over 90 actors. So, it's close to 25% and not 30%.

    You should first ask how many Thai kids of a Laotian/Burmese/Cambodian parent are in middle to high social class, pretty and put themselves in somewhere that a talent scouter may see, audition show, Tiktok etc. And, if you were not ignorant, you should have known that the Laotian is strongly anti-Thai and any Laotian working in Thai showbiz will be heavily flaked in Laos. Anyway, they are some actors of a SEA parent, Johnny (Filipino father), Richie (Filipino father), Tony Rakkhaen (Viet father), Esther (Malaysian father). Day of Thaitanium is a USA citizen of Burmese ethnic. Hannah of the girl group 4EVE came from Laos.

    Partial white population being over-represented in showbiz in no way means Asian ethnic being erased and is still dominating the showbiz.

    Being able to write in Thai fluently is not a requirement to be Thai and never will be. Anyway, Miss Obdam has gained many young supporters (so as tons of haters) due to her controversial political remarks.

    You're too ignorant to realize everything you said was ignorant. Thailand surely is not free of racism yet, many Asian foreigners choose this country their home to live for lives.

    I think that Thailand is more well known around the world than Vietnam.

    If a country is more well known around the world then there might be more tourists coming to that country and so more contact with foreigners and more mixed babies.

    Yes. Thailand is far more well-known than Vietnam hence more expats. Thailand has long been a popular destination to foreigners. 17th century was a vivid era with some notable foreign historical figures.

    Constantin Phaulkon, the Greek chancellor

    Nagamasa Yamada, the Japanese governor of Nakhon Si Thammarat

    Ahmad Qomi, the Persian vice chancellor.

    They were also Portuguese village, Japanese village, Chinese village, Muslim village, Dutch village and French village around the capital city. Only the Portuguese village is still survive to these days but relocated to the area centered by the Church of Santa Cruz and has lost much of its Portuguese heritage.

    Stop lying. Bnk48 does not have dark skin member while in the viet version we see some tan skin members.

    Stop being ignorant. In this video, you can notice brownish skintones of Tawarn, Namneung Jane and Mobile as opposed to 2 members of fairer skintones, Fond and Pupe.

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    and if its a half white person aka Janine Wiggles and Tata Young.

    cause they surely ain't going to pay attention to some girl with a real asian look singing in their native tai language lol. Thailand has no real BoA of their own. Sad...

    Cool! Let's play oblivious that Phum Viphurit, Milli and Da Endorphine exist.

    Thailand has no BoA but, you don't have to be sad for us. We don't need it. We have our own dancing queen, Kratae.

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    By the way, I don't think Milli and Janine have longevity. Milli has no versatility, she always raps the same style and not really is that good as vocalist nor she is self-composed. Janine has faded out from Thai interest after she moved out of the country. Rarely anyone in Thailand has any idea what she's been up to in last few years.

    P.S. it sounded like someone was jealous that Thailand had abundant talented pretty halfies while her/his country didn't.

    There were more than 100 applicants but those 84 girls are girls that can access the second round.

    The other girls have been eliminated and do not have their pictures showed.

    If they were 120+ in the beginning, it's a very extremely slim possibility that no one from number 85 onward were chosen. 85 - 120 = 35 persons.

    K-pop music videos are known for their music videos with super synchronized dance moves.

    J-pop Idols have music videos with super cuteness as their speciality.

    V-pop music videos signature move are dramatic music videos with a story.

    But what makes T-pop different from the rest ?

    Other countries, Korea included, know to make super cute music video too so, it's not J-pop specialty. Japanese specialty is natural lighting.

    T-pop music videos usually have story lines. For examples

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    But, what the Thai wishes T-pop girl groups to go for is these such kinds of music and music videos

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    this people should be popular, or at least get a rise because this music is freakin good!

    Composed by : Kevin G. Cho, Heejin Song, Versachoi, Noday
    Arranged by : Versachoi
    Mixed by : Noday
    Mastered by : Nam Woo Kwon

    As you've seen from the credit. This group, similarly to NiziU, raises a question if this is T-pop. Does the group getting almost everything done in Korea by the Korean, music, music video, choreography, wardrobe & basic training, represent Thai music industry? The vision of the boss is to let Thai kids doing K-pop in Thailand. Will such move help develop Thai music industry when it contributes nothing to the development of back-end personnel?

    Everything about this release looks and sounds as if something from a top mid-tier agency (bigger agencies that not in Big4) but, why may K-pop fans switch from K-pop to an identical product? Many Thai audiences ask for something looks and sounds different from K-pop beyond Thai lines.

    Yet, when the group and its song are totally processed in Thailand, they will be criticisms that the group is not up to K-pop standard.

    China have 1.4b population, imagine just getting 1% of the cake.

    Looking at SNH48 for reference. Everyone says they need to just hit that 1% of China and they will make bank but, the truth is the possibly is dim.

    500 million is like 7 times of Thailand's population and almost 1 forth of world population. So, no, it's much higher than that. And, 1 in 500 millions still is higher than 0. Besides, what's the likelihood of a Thai/an Asian foreigner to hit as big as Sunnee in China?

    Greasy tomboy is the very appeal that shoots her up in China.

    You better look into Wajijiwa's problem before commenting. Lisa was not paid performer's right fee because Federation of Korean Music Performers (FKMP) has the regulation to not pay performers from nations not collecting performer's right royalty fee for Korean performers. It was not some biased discrimination. It's said the problem had been solved with Thai music distributors started collecting performer's right fee of foreign artists thus, Thai K-pop idols had been paid by FKMP. Anyway, performer's right fee has never been a big income source to the idol. The issue on Nene is another topic based solely on the bias. For example, Nene could not be on the magazine cover because she could not speak Chinese fluently ???!

    Every popular idols make profit to their companies regardless of the country they are working in. So, this is a non-sensical point. Unheard of great songs still is better than bad songs that will never be heard of the because of no hype, no grand scale marketing. Have you heard of SIS or Pam? She's also working in China as singer, a member of SIS.

    Yet, akgae culture is the reason why Chinese idols rarely active as group thus lack group cohesion.

    Well C-Pop was always much bigger and a grander prize, hence why so many trained idols went back. It seems that more and more idols are gaining fame in China, and that follows the trend. Now I don't necessarily agree w this, but there's a reason why SM is so bent on China, they have a huge market.

    Is it? Do you think Sunnee makes even half of Lisa's income? Lisa has endorsed AIS, the mobile phone service, so her face is everywhere and, set the record of highest ever endorsement fee for a single person. Black Pink has been plastered on Pepsi Zero as endorser. Even a kid in remote area knows Lisa, wanna be Lisa. Sunnee is the most successful Thai singer in China ever yet, she has had no Thai endorsement and not even 10% of Thai population knows her.

    Nene's fans have complaint of discrimination toward the Thai member and terrible overall management of the agency, Wajijiwa.

    The threat is that if Cpop begins to build a foundation of opportunity that meets or potentially eclipses that offered by kpop. It could lead to a siphoning off of potential talent pools.

    It may begin as the so called "rejects".

    But it could reach a point it starts actively competing for premiere talent that otherwise might go to kpop.

    The question is when it will do so. All The9 and Bon Bon Girls's releases are terribly underwhelming.

    Chinese akgae culture also has to be erased for Chinese idol industry to thrive.

    Possible. But what happens if the foreign idols are "asked" to defend and promote the CCP? 8|

    I see no problem. If American singers can support Biden, singers in China can support Xi Jinping.

    Way of Thaitanium (DaboyWay), Stamp and the guitarist of ETC., Ole, are COVID infected. All got infected from performing in pub/lounge and have been quarantined in hospitals.

    Terra - Not Your Toy

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    Louis - Next to You (Fish Upon the Sky OST.)

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    Aye - Far Away (Mr. Lipstick OST.)

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    Moving And Cut - Go to Him

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    Gungun ft. Kob - Revolves

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    Krist - Missing

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    Pimrypie, F.Hero, Boom Boom Cash & M-Pee - Double

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    The Yers - Drugs

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    AR3NA's mini documentary EP. 04

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    The chairman said he had invested 100m+ bahts into his music label.