Posts by oldies

    I can emphasize. I do feel like that emoji here at times. ;(

    I mean anyone thinking can see the tactics being deployed but people fall for it again and again.

    I will never ever say anything bad about the American voters again after this experience.

    if i saw Bang pd using that much abusive language towards the BTS members i would be losing my shit for real :pepe-slash: idk how tokkis can still stomach that woman

    If she really did say this about NJs is still up for debate. Like I showed before, we don't know how much was edited and how much taken out of context.

    I gave this example before:

    In Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Darcy says, "She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me."

    Taken out of context and quoting just "handsome enough to tempt me" changes the intended meaning from a rejection to something completely different.

    Like I stated Hybe's statement is disingenuous. Having evidence submitted and actually getting them accepted are two different things.

    Well, up to people if they want to ignore this fact.

    I will add one other thing that I forget to mention in relation to why people are so afraid of going to the police or giving the perception of getting arrested.

    "In Korea, people believe that if a suspect is arrested, he or she must be guilty of something. In the court of public opinion, simply being arrested is tantamount to a guilty verdict. For this reason, judges are cautious in issuing arrest warrants, and like to see some solid evidence that will lead to a guilty verdict before allowing someone to be held on remand. Consequently, an arrest warrant acts like a preliminary judgment ― not in legal terms, but in the minds of most people.

    When I was a court judge in the 1960s and 1970s, I occasionally had to preside over cases involving defendants who were U.S. soldiers accused of committing crimes against Korean law (usually they would be tried in a U.S. military court, but occasionally they were handed over to the Korean justice system). These defendants maintained their innocence all the way to the end of their trial. To Korean thinking, this is arrogant, and the wrong thing to do. To American thinking, this is the right of every defendant ― although one must bear in mind that in the United States, pleading guilty can lead to a lesser sentence, so there is some expectation there too that the guilty will confess."

    I just assumed everyone knew why people were so afraid of any appearance of wrong doing like getting taken to police station but catching up on here reminded me again that likely most people are not familiar with any of this.

    The last paragraph. They submitted all their evidence.


    Submitting them and having them accepted are two different things.

    "Different rules of admissibility will apply to different types of evidence. However, there are some basic rules that apply to all evidence. All evidence will require foundation and must be relevant."

    Of course, Korea could have a much different law but I don't think this part should be that different.

    Per the

    Oh wow. Does this mean the 58K texts to the shaman will be released to the public along with all other submissions to the injunction judge?

    Your going to have 1000s of netizens and knetz pouring over the shaman texts.

    I'm reading right now from K netz wrote and this is what they said:

    "Ador's rep claims that Hybe's overall manipulation of evidence was unfair was accepted and the court dismissed not only that but many other claims because it lacked evidence or were not relevant to the case." "Multiple news reports from the hearing stay consistent in quoting Hybe's vague misogyny accusations ("she talked down to female employees with misogynistic words" and "doesn't like working with NJ members"). "

    However, now that YT guy took the step others can now report supposed MHJ text as shown by YT guy.

    So that YT guy could literally have changed anything he wanted and MHJ has to again state the same old edited text and taken out of context. Even if he gets sued and he loses, it takes time. Chu I believe also wanted to sue this guy if what I'm reading is correct but it didn't matter as by the time she could get around to it.

    Basically, another political maneuver. Damage the person's reputation and sew doubts in the present. What happens later does not matter because people will have moved on or you've achieved your objective already by the time the court ruling comes out. Same damn thing we see in U.S. politics. Because reporters that would have been afraid to get sued can now use this guy to quote it and use him as reference. It's so f'ing messed up but it works.

    I started to dig into more of Gfriend and BSH and I found this quote that is attributed to him:

    Gfriend is unique, they can't be replaced with other girl groups. I'll support them no matter what

    Is this a true statement from him?

    Also Gfriend member said this:

    "Starting with Bang Si Hyuk PD, BigHit’s producers and visual producers helped us with our song and photos. He participated in the music performance and contents aspect, which helped us a lot.

    The story that we wanted to tell with this album became stronger and more solidified overall."

    This was also said:

    방시혁의 조언을 묻자 소원은 “아직 만나 뵙진 못했다. 스태프를 통해 좋은 말씀을 해주셨다".

    So even if a girl group acknowledges and gives BSH credit and respect, it did no good and that no matter what support ....

    I think bunnies/NJs fans can be forgiven for their apprehension and suspicion of BSH/Hybe if you look at what happened to Gfriend and Hybe CEO's statement about giving them "vacation" for minimum of 1.5 years to find the grammy winner producer or something. And add to that lie to their parents about keeping their discussion private and to not worry the children or something then Hybe going to the media....

    lol now that I know what to look for, that is political euphemism that he was saying. Just treat it like what a politician would say and you can get a fairly good idea of their intention. So I am now leaning more on the side that even if NJs did not speak up and stayed at Hybe hoping for the best, their future would likely have been bleak. Of course, all conjecture, but not an unreasonable one and why I cannot blame the parents or the girls.

    But damn. Political maneuvering in Kpop is paying off pretty well

    Park Jiwon getting ripped apart by Nexon employees

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    Oh so that Hybe CEO was poli sci major?!? No wonder.

    And part of that title "screwing over the company members...." ;(

    Lmao I thought I recognized too many political ploys being used in this incident. Now I know why.

    lmao at that one translation:

    Nexon worker: How's the taste of the game industry's corruption

    Krafton: I wish there was someone in our industry who would expose the corruption for us too.

    I think BTS copied came before her press con and there was also release of materials about Source and GF that Hybe used for media play

    edit ----

    Search for articles before MHJ broke her silence/press conference and you'll see lot of supposed things people claimed she has said and later perpetuated as she said by Hybe fans along with other things.

    There are pros and cons. I think JYP is somewhere in the middle. They overwork their idols, turned into fast fashion content mills long before hybe did and they're notably strong at suppressing any criticism of them from their own idols.

    But their idols get to write a lot of songs so...? Idk they aren't as bad as SM or YG

    Ah that's too bad. I liked few JYP groups but I did think JYP was kind of odd, like competing with his own idols at times.


    Made standing up for twice more difficult than standing up for bp because so many Onces were JYP stans. Yg stanning blinks got jumped any time they spoke up

    Now that you reminded me JYP has for the most part been consistent in dealing with their idols. I can only remember few that have left JYP like Hyuna, Jay Park with no explanation. JYP also has more equitable salary between men and women than other kpop companies.

    I kinda knew those texts were true as soon as ador didn't run to put up a statement on Saturday.

    It's evident now they exist and the patch work she is accusing ain't holding up. Now not sure what the context excuse is. Because under no context r those decent texts. Absolutely not!

    But i also knew that this text reveal won't change the way nj or parents look at her. Like she said we don't know what they have been through together. It's true we don't know their relationship and how it is. At the end they'll always see all the good she has done for them. But to outsiders those text look vile.

    Sigh. It could:

    * In context: A politician says, "We need to cut down on unnecessary spending to balance the budget."

    Out of context: Quoting only "We need to cut down" could misleadingly suggest they advocate for widespread cuts, potentially to crucial services.

    * In context: In Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Darcy says, "She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me."

    Out of context: Quoting just "handsome enough to tempt me" changes the intended meaning from a rejection to an admiration.

    * In context: Someone says, "I don’t enjoy going to the gym, but I love how I feel after working out."

    Out of context: Quoting "I don’t enjoy going to the gym" alone gives the impression they dislike exercise entirely, missing the positive outcome they mentioned.

    * In context: An athlete states, "Winning isn't everything; it's the only thing when it comes to preparing for the competition, but sportsmanship is also crucial."

    Out of context: Quoting "Winning isn't everything; it's the only thing" distorts the message, ignoring the emphasis on sportsmanship.

    This kind of trick happens in media and politics all the time. It's relatively easy to change the meaning of things if you are skillful enough to cut and paste things.

    uhhhh.... this is a common topic on talk shows. Even when NJs went on IU's Palette age was mentioned and how Hyein was born when IU debuted or something and also age was mentioned during another show (I believe the one with InSooni) about their mother's ages (and the host's age). Not just NJs but other shows also mention this topic at times with other groups and it's not an unusual topic.

    Trying to deal with this mess plus trying to handle NJs comeback. She also mentioned in the previous live press con that she has not had good sleep either in the last 3 days (at the time of the interview) and that is why I was surprised to see her statement. I'm not sure if this is the case with her but I've seen women put under duress with no additional help make some poor decisions and their verbal and communications skills also decline. Because I am pretty sure that things that should be handled relatively easily are likely giving her a lot of trouble and some staff may be leaving already if her claims of Hybe continuously harassing the staff are to be believed, which I suspect are likely since this and several other issues are things that Hybe is not addressing.

    So is it confirmed that MHJ actually called the girls fat/pigs, whiny, and other disparaging terms on her Kakaochat? Saw some Hybe fans talking about it on TW.

    If true, if you care about the girls one iota, you would want this nutjob 10000 miles away from them. Imagine being a 19 or 20 year old and told that you're getting uglier by the day or get called a pig by your boss.

    The MHJ cult is the only fanbase in history that shoots for their disgusting, narcissitic CEO even over the best interests of the actual idols. Like Blinks want YG in prison, Onces want JYP banned from the building, Mys were dancing in the streets when LSM was kicked out. Yet MHJ loving Tokkis are STILL defending her? Make it make sense peeps.

    Not confirmed. Speculations at this point.

    If hybe should focus on legal issues, she should focus on legal issues too. Stop crying and making emotional appeals every presscon

    lol that's not how the law works. The burden of proof is on the accuser, in this case Hybe.

    There are multiple things I am seeing on play and things that would seriously raise the eyes of anyone in corporate. There are many things in play and a lot of intricate nuances that touches on many different things. Sure question both sides but so far witness that have come out on record have refuted the claims of investment. Like I said before, when Hybe can provide the statement of Dunamu and both sides have had a chance to cross examine, then we can look at if there was in fact anything there to legitimately be counted as usurpation of management rights.

    That is why I said it's not worth coming here to have conversations or in depth discussions here. Back to the conversation, Hybe is the one that is throwing out the allegations with text that MHJ has claimed from day one has been manipulated and edited and MHJ is the one responding to it, all in the public. What Hybe is doing is repeating the same actions again and again and people fall for it each time. Look at the factual sequence of events. Honestly, I've said this few times but this is such a dirty but common tactic.

    Also, do you think it's right to throw your friend under the bus by sharing private chats? Do you know that while shamans are common there is a stigma attached to them in Korea? Do you think that is something that she should expose her friend to?

    Honestly speaking, from all the evidence I've seen thus far, Hybe is doing too much media play and using semantics to play around at the edge of the law and using the media to spread misinformation and partial truths. MHJ for sure has things she also has to prove but she is not the one who has the burden of proof for proving her innocence for what Hybe accused her of. And I believe we are all mature enough to know why that is.

    Sometimes I can't with this thread but I had to put my thoughts in line before I write. I debated if I even wanted to come back but I'll at least share this.

    1) It has been MHJ's side who has consistently asked that they keep things on the low for NJs comeback and that it should be done in court and let the law decide. Hybe keeps on media playing these texts and MHJ keeps on having to provide rebuttal. She's shown previously that texts were taken out of context and cropped and stitched together leaving out context. Now we're in the same cycle of rinse and repeat. I'm sure you get why she and her legal teams are tired of this BS. Seriously, give someone access to 2+ years worth of chat and I'm sure they can create any narrative they want by manipulating what was previously said.

    2) The text that was shared seems to cover 2 years or more from the impression I was getting based on discussions I saw floating around before I left for family event. This is illegal and unethical to be frank. So we won't know who those comments were about and how much of was cut and weaved to create a narrative. This is a serious breech of privacy and probably even illegal at that. Looking at how much Hybe is not even following internal governance that was set up for itself, I guess I should not be surprised.

    3) This was supposed to about usurpation of management rights but so far Hybe has shown nothing substantive or shown that their evidence has any merit. They keep on trying to make innocuous meetings into something it isn't. Investment firm meeting and analysts and others that they claimed was attempt by MHJ to gain investments for gaining control is a no go since all parties denied it and gave context to the setting they were in.

    In regards to Dunamu and Naver, it was in a setting that was not even a formal meeting about investments and no talks about investments were involved. ALL sides know it is impossible to do anything without permission from Hybe and Dunamu has an agreement with Hybe where they vote with Hybe. Nothing about Hybe's claim about management usurpation holds water and their attempt at narrative building is very apparent and not holding up.

    4) Shaman. Now this is very low. lmao bringing in a dead family member into it at that.

    If by consulting/listening to shamans CEOs and subsidiaries can be as profitable as Ador, more companies would and maybe should do it. lmao Certainly BSH/Hybe could benefit from it.

    I emphasize here again that modern shaman are closer to fortunetellers in Korea for the most part where they do readings on couple's compatibility, auspicious days for big events, etc. If this shaman/fortuneteller (let's just call them fortuneteller since part of what they do is literally translated as fortunetelling) is that good to make a business successful, there will be lineup of people wanting to do a reading with that person.

    Of course, there are those shamans that you can find that go deeper into the traditional art but the same principles still hold. Case in point about shamans nowadays:

    "Shamanistic fortunetelling is also provided via mobile apps. Jeomsin, developed and operated by local tech firm Techlabs Corp., is the most popular and well-known app. Having amassed over 10 million users so far, the app connects users with fortunetellers who can interpret their saju. The users can conveniently provide their data -- their birth date and time -- via the app to the fortunetellers of their choice. They can also leave a review on the fortuneteller."

    Dragging in a friend who happens to be a shaman and bringing in dead family member into this is not only in poor taste but looks like a desperate move more than a legitimate move. They have in no way shown anything besides innuendos and unbelievable claims. I swear their side is starting to sound like I kpop fans at times.

    5) Investment by Hybe in Ador. People seem to forget that Ador pays rent to Hybe for office space and for other services such as IT, legal, etc as well as pay for its staff. All of this comes out of Ador's financials. Ador is self sustaining entity. Hybe gets their share of Ador's profit. There is no constant sucking of Hybe's money like some people have stated. It gets tiring reading that.

    Fact of the matter is Hybe is dragging everything into the public court of opinion with leaks (let me amend that it's claimed to be leak but not confirmed for the YT one) so they can avoid getting sued along with claims that brings a wow factor at first blush but does not hold water when scrutinized. Now if that YT guy says yes it was Hybe who provided these materials, that's a different story.

    Hybe should be focused on legals and proving their case in court but, based on their behavior, the longer this drags on the more I am starting to believe that it really is about the money and not having to pay out MHJ what they promised. And that they are really out to get this woman out of the way using any means necessary.

    Their attempt at character assassination is kind of funny and transparent to those who have seen scenes like this playout in U.S. I have more to say but this is already too long as is so I'll end it here and I need to go and continue with family event. Seriously though, I feel incredulous seeing some of the responses here and on social media from I kpop fans.

    Sigh. You guys did not catch that those most recently leaked chats that were taken out of context and edited were from far back as 2 years ago?

    Also, that Hybe invaded her privacy by using her personal laptop, not just the work one. This is seriously messed up on so many levels.

    Maybe I had rose colored lenses before but I don't remember I kpop fans being this bad before where they insult Koreans on social media telling them to butt out when they tried to clarify things for the I fans (I believe Army fans) and telling them they hate Korea and the only thing they like about Korea is BTS and just denigrating Korea in general and more such BS yap yap yap

    The person telling them their translation is wrong and tried to set the record straight and them telling this person butt out it is none of your business. lmao Sometimes I can see why I fans are called cockroaches and worse.

    In any case, I need to go for family events but will be back later. Maybe lol

    Not sure if forum discussions like this is really worth it. Wish OH was still up.

    so, what's stopping her from pulling out the proof of hybe's manipulative action again.

    People have given you plenty of reasons why.

    Because it was succesfully rejected in court. If she herself made her texts public, it can be used again (and still be able to pick apart which line taken in isolation to home in on). Obviously she's not gonna do that. No one going through legal proceedings would do this. And when you say the original text, she made allegedly made 58,000 texts to her shaman, her other conversations may be similarly long filled with irrelevant stuff. These are also people she talks to in person. Full context for any conversation may not come from texts and emails alone. She's under no obligation to provide proof of the context for a private conversation.

    I mean the burden of proof lies on the accuser. I'd believe a murderer's word if the other side couldn't provide enough evidence that he committed a murder. Come on yall, you don't even know your basic rights.

    If someone leaked your texts you'd leak more of your texts to prove yourself innocent, even though you'd expose your own privacy even more?

    MJH is not losing anything, it is a smart move from her to not address it. If the public opinion changed drastically then she could do it but for now it is irrelevant waste of time.

    I get that hybe is bad, evil, and 'manipulative', but aren't you also believing whatever mhj claimed. Didn't you also just believe that those text are edited, manipulated just because mhj claimed they are?

    I believe those with proofs like when she literally pulled the original text messages with timestamp and all during her press con and where even those analysts and supposed investors denied the Hybe allegations and explained fully where the supposed meeting took place how innocuous it all turned out to be.

    So far, Hybe's claims have fallen flat and at times one can even say they have acted maliciously with intent by manipulation texts and claiming falsehood of events that was in no way even remotely close to what they claimed it was.