Mmm, in my opinion...
For starters, he’s had a couple of nosejobs: the first one before debut and the second one sometime in 2018, when he sharpened the tip of his nose and tucked his nostrils in even more. He also uses lip fillers on the regular.
His most blatant procedure is a jaw shave combined with cheekbone shave, which narrowed down his overall face structure. Now his cheekbones only protrude when he is particularly gaunt, as opposed to before, when there was some powerful bluntness about the way they were projected. The jawline is much more steep as well. This has caused himsome loose skin problems, since the flesh doesn’t have the original support it once had. So there’s his reappearing “double chin” even when his body fat percentages are super low. He’s probably had a lipectomy to get rid of the underhanging chin fat and most definitely uses botox to maintain his skin looking tight as hell. He also uses cheek fillers to create volume and projection at a low weight and, of course, jawline and chin fillers. His jawline is always waning and increasing in size and the shape has not been at all consistent throughout the years.
He also had a blepharoplasty to get rid of the fat atop his eyelids, his inner corners cut and his outer corners cut and subtly “pulled down”.
Male idols do have as much plastic surgery as female idols. If you think your oppa got away with a teensy nosejob due to breathing problems only, you’re probably in the wrong.