Posts by taeric

    They do need to re-shoot but like you said its going to cost them a lot, one thing they can also do is make another actor do his part and then edit him out and replace him with the new actor but I don't know if it can be done.

    Yeah, most probably that's what they are going to do,,, but he was the main lead so he appears everywhere haha

    And most actors are booked one year before the shooting,,

    I feel so sorry for everyone, to see their dream being destroyed like that by an "anxious" bully

    Wow, only 6 eps (I waited because I wanted to binge it hehe)? They already filmed 18 episodes with him, so that means he will appear in the other 12,,,

    So they have 2 options: 1. to air it and change the lead for the last eps, 2. to start recording again from ep 7,,,

    The costs will be overwhelming for the staff, but it will be better for them to record from ep 7 again, who will watch the drama with him? People will go crazy if there will be a kissing scene including him.

    Considering the actors already had other schedules after filming the drama, it will be so hard to convince them to re-record. I mean, they have to be paid again, because they already did their jobs, even tho it will not be aired.

    I hope he will have to pay for everything, not his company. He has to pay from his own pocket.

    He even said that the past gave him anxiety... incredible. He was anxious only because he was scared that one day, people will find out about his actions, and I'm so happy that this day came. He doesn't deserve the support and money that his fans invested in him.

    If he was so anxious, he should have apologized before his debut, or after 1,2,3 years. But he didn't even after 16-17 years because he was scared that this will trigger the victim and they will talk.

    It is amazing, to have such bravery to write an apology letter about how hurt HE was... wow. I can't wait to see more victims sharing their stories, they deserve inner peace.

    He even participated in all my favorite dramas,,, what I will do now? lol

    At first, I didn't like their songs (I still don't like Jopping lol).

    But now I really like it. It's a nice idea to take members from different groups and to make one. I always dream about a group with my biases hehe.

    The thing is, I just hope it's not too overwhelming for the artists, their schedule became even more hectic and crowded, with promotions from their group and SuperM.

    But the songs are good, maybe their choreographies could be easier? For me, it feels like it's a full workout haha.

    I feel like their music is super catchy. But not noise.

    I am tired of cute, innocent, or love songs, really. For me, SKZ and NCT have some of the best songs, the instrumental is on point, everyone has the chance to shine and it fit their voices. We need diversity in music, if everyone would produce the same songs, it would be boring.

    There is no point to argue with this kind of people. They aren't fans, they just want to drag other groups, because, in their head, they think that's the way to make their group look better.

    So you think every single bullying accusation is true. Even the ones were the accuser said that they lied and apologised to everyone. Crazy, because recently I have been thinking the same think. I mean April Naeun had a bullying scandal last year where the accuser later stated that they lied about everything and apologised, but we know now that these accusations were most likely true and the victim just got scared.

    I think they are true, actually. I first I was like "oh, why would you talk after so many years?" or "how can she/he could do that since it's always kind?", but years passing and working in a similar industry, I realized is only a mask.

    So, about bullying accusation, taking into account that a company can sue extremely easy someone if they are lying, why would someone risk posting bad things about a big idol? Only because of jealousy? You should be dumb to risk your social status/career with a criminal record for accusing some random idol.

    Recently, there were a lot of victims, and out of nowhere they stopped talking, and here I see 2 reasons: 1. they got scared by the company since they don't have solid proofs to support them in a court (many were emotionally bullied, so how can you show this?), 2. they received money to shut up.

    Many companies said that they WILL take legal action. But where are these legal actions? Nowhere.

    Also, how can we be sure that the ones who said that they lied, actually lied? If a company would give someone enough money to buy a house in Seoul and some pocket money as a "consolation", and in return to say that everything was a lie, what would most people do? Ofc, would take the money and say that it was a misunderstanding.

    That's how I see.

    Cube immediately ended Hyuna and Dawn's contracts because they dated. I think they didn't know how many proofs and support have the victim, and they hurried too soon to take Soojin's part. Now that they realized that the scandal is pretty serious, they will lose their credibility if they admit that she was a bully. Like "did they supported a bully?".

    That's why they don't let her apologize and it's very dumb. Everything would have been "fine" if she apologized, maybe paid a sum of money to help the victim to go to therapy, and then go into hiatus for one year.

    No matter what, even if she was a bully, or if that was a lie, her fandom wouldn't be the same. And at this point, she is affecting other members' careers as well.

    Locally, if you send a funeral wreath to someone alive, it would be construed as a death threat.

    Don't they send it for celebrations too? I saw that usually if someone opens a business, their friends send this kind of flower wreath to celebrate and to congrats. Ofc, the message would be different lol.

    But anyway, lol, that's a next-level way to express your hate haha. But yeah, her career is dead.

    I think they're indeed trying to scare her, however I find it weird that you can actually sue somebody still in your employment without breaking contract.

    Exactly! They didn't mention anything about ending her contract lol. They are suing her now, but will work together in the future? No way. They are trying to scare her to come forward and deny everything to protect her family.

    If I remember correctly, some time ago, when Goo Hyesun and Ahn Jaehyun divorced, Hyesun started to fight against the CEO of the company and the fight was suuuuper messy and they kept attacking each other, destroying the image of both the artists and the company. But they didn't sue her. It would have been pathetic lol. And DSP is suing her for...? Being bullied, destroying her health, not keeping their promise? She should be the one who sued them and April.

    I don't like Hyesun at all, but I wish every victim would have her courage lol.

    They know she doesn't have any solid proof (CCTV footage, or a witness) to sustain her claims... They aren't that dumb to give her footages from the company to protect herself lol. It's impossible for them to don't have any footage where she was bullied during her idol days, they are just going to say that they deleted footage from many years ago.

    There is also a possibility that they are trying to scare her since until now she didn't make a statement, maybe by suing her and threatening her family she will come and say "you know, it's not true, my brother lied, he is young haha". I saw that a lot of victims stopped to post their stories. It's either they were paid or sued/scared by companies.

    Which is disgusting. I really hope they will fight against DSP, even tho it will be super hard.

    I was so surprised to see that many don't find him attractive. He was my first bias in BTS, he is so manly and hot.

    But it's up to everyone because, on the other hand, I don't feel Jin for example that hot, but only because I don't like him, doesn't mean he is ugly lol. Everyone has a certain beauty standard in their head.

    I also think that he isn't the type who can easily suit any hairstyle or hair color. Believe me, a haircut/hair color can change your face A LOT. He looks better with black or brown, rather than white, pink, but it's a must for kpop idols to have a different hair color for every comeback..

    I don't think they don't like Namjoon because of his facial features, but more because he is a good speaker and gets more spotlight, and some people are pretty evil and like to attack him if he talks more than their bias. It's the easiest way to call someone ugly, rather than making solid arguments.

    I have mixed feelings, I'm not gonna lie. I understand very well how the victim feels since verbal bullying can leave deep scars too. But to end his career,,, well, that's a little bit too much.

    A hiatus and paying for the victim's therapy would be good enough from him. Let's try not to be too harsh on them. I saw someone who asked the victim to reveal his name so he can't ever receive a proper job, excuse me, but tf. Same for the ones who asked Hyunjin to leave, that's too much too.

    Well, it's actually normal for people to act differently depending on the places where they are. Really, do you all act the exact same way in your family, friends group, school, and job? I don't. I can't act the same way with my job colleagues/business partners as I act with my mom or my best friends.

    Is like posting on Linkdin memes or weird photos lol. So that's why I don't think their idols personality is the same as their private one. Also, if you stan many groups you will somehow see that their answers/ preferences/ image are similar.

    It's their job to act in a certain way, and tbh I don't even bother to care about how they act in private life, as long as they don't hurt anyone.

    Hiatus for sure. They need to let things settle down. To come in front and to promote with a smile on the face is not a good idea, knowing how much passion people put in when there is a scandal. Chanyeol and Irene's example is the best. Everyone was shocked that Irene came back to her jobs after only 2-3 months, even tho she apologized and settled things down with that girl. CY is now leaving the spotlight for 2 years.

    His hiatus would make people forget a little bit about the scandal and also would be taken as the price he has to pay.

    My class bullies also received 100/100 points for good behavior, even tho our homeroom teacher knew that they bullied constantly others, smoked, swore the students from the countryside, etc. So yes, a school record is a total lie.

    It was a good move that he apologized. He already went through a drinking scandal during school so nobody would have believed him even if he didn't actually bully someone...

    Gosh, I am so sad, Kihyun is my bias TT why...