Posts by booople

    Sejeong!!! Sejeong's sooo good. JYP also left her a comment--

    "Wow, Se Jung, it's so good that I keeping listening to it! The guitarist played the music well but you really sang well ♡."

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    I always come back to this performance, she was channeling her inner Celine Dion

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    this one gives me chills

    I agree with all that was written here. I think you are like me who likes to observe people's actions and try to understand the person behind them.

    I have to say I remember Tzuyu being more open around Twice's debut than how she became later and saw her slowly opening up a little with time. I don't follow their variety appearances now but I couldn't help but feel the China incident made her very mindful to speak properly as her own words could be used against her.

    very sad if true :(

    dahyun- she kind of has a dual personality. can be easily excited on screen and humorous. she loves a good game and takes them seriously but she's definitely kind of serious and quiet off screen and occasionally in group interviews too. she has said that she finds cameras and receiving attention thrilling and naturally becomes excited. but i can also see that she's the kind to contemplate on things and is sensitive, i get the feeling from what she has said that she is the type to occasionally overthink the things people say to her or the way they behave around her- even if it was done lightheartedly. i think she's quite pensive off screen and has various mood swings in a day too, as she's said. she's also fairly private, for someone who does vlives and such quite often, she has actually revealed quite little about herself. she prefers to talk about things like food (chocolate) or what she did that day than tell stories. i do think she really keeps to herself and only shares deeper feelings with the ones she feels closest to. she's humorous and enjoys acting silly from time to time but i've noticed that the kind of humor she enjoys most is physical (like funny dances or expressions)-- such as the eagle dance. she rarely roasts the members, even the ones younger than her. she isn't a huge fan of savage humor and i don't think she particularly enjoys being on the receiving end of it either which is one of the many reasons that her and Sana get along so well i think- neither of them seem to intentionally push each other's buttons. she's also quite principled i think- she's not unpredictable or impulsive. fan interactions are her favorite thing ever i think, she truly seems like she loves being around fans and is genuinely sad when she can't. i think she really gets energized from talking to them at fan meetings and such.

    tzuyu- she strikes me as someone with a very healthy way of thinking and living. i think she's very principled and responsible but she also has this very pure, childlike innocent aura. her body language and expressions sometimes remind me of that of a child (only off stage I mean) and I mean that in an endearing way. just look at her reaction here when the fan speaks mandarin at 2:20

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    she's very principled i think but also a lot more emotional and talkative than she shows on camera. i think tzuyu is shyer than Mina and some of the members have commented that she's more talkative and emotional off camera. she's shyer on camera but not as introverted or withdrawn off camera as Mina might be. i've noticed the type of humor Tzuyu enjoys in others the most is the savage kind. nothing makes her laugh harder than when the other members hurt each other- physically or verbally. if you want to see Tzuyu laugh so hard using every muscle in her face watch a game in which the other members accidentally slap or hit each other or watch when they occasionally diss each other, like when they did a lie detector test and Momo answered yes to being uncomfortable around Jihyo or something of the sort and Tzuyu found that really funny or when they play that game the pot and hammer game and Tzuyu cracks up so hard at them accidentally hitting each other. Not that she enjoys others truly feeling bad, just that she likes cheeky humor occasionally. the type of humor she possesses and uses is actually the unintetionally funny kind. she has had her savage moments too but she doesn't do it that often. she has a natural sense of humor where she does or says something, and everyone bursts out laughing and then she realizes it was funny. she doesn't try to be funny. like a child who is naturally funny and adults find that hilarious. she talks way more in one on one conversations than group ones. she's very pure.

    nayeon- she's rather similar off stage and on stage as well as off screen and on screen i think. she exudes confidence everywhere and seems to be truly very comfortable in her own skin. strength of mind seems to be very important to her and i think i have seen a similar quote of hers somewhere. she's very clear in the way she thinks and feels. she enjoys asserting herself and taking charge, but at her own will. i don't think she would enjoy having to be in charge 24/7 as she does enjoy being playful and occasionally slightly rebellious. at the same time, she's very responsible and really takes care of all of the members. she's good at steering the conversation in group interviews and telling quick anecdotes about other members or asking them a question. i think she really believes in herself 100% and respects herself. she's also very reactive- she's quick to react to everything around her. someone makes a joke, she laughs loudly (only if she truly finds it funny though- according to her), someone says something surprising, she puts on a shocked face and asks a question. she's very curious i think. she enjoys banter and making fun of her members but will also compliment them a lot openly, unprompted. she's also very unfiltered, she's not one to hide her expressions and is also very honest. i think she's the type of person who really respects honesty and self-assuredness in other people as well. judging by nayeon's taste in movies, i think she really loves dynamic or emotional stories. i know she loves dramas and she also loves movies like "eternal sunshine of the spotless mind". i think she's philosophical and enjoys thinking about the meanings of things. she also seems like one the most openminded members to me. she isn't one to really reprimand others but rather give her opinion. i don't think nayeon is really the type who wants the inculcate habits in people or steer them in a direction, rather she's the type to try to back them up and believe them and empower them in whatever they want to do. she's sensitive but also quite expressive of her feelings.

    mina- she's very introverted but it seems to be fully out of choice rather than shyness. she can be a bit shy though, but her comfort zone is i think to be by herself. she's different around chaeyoung though, seems very comfortable around her although she's close to all of the members, but just different around chaeyoung, most "herself" maybe. i think she is super comfortable just being by herself for hours and hours at a time, playing games, knitting or crocheting, and watching things. she's also kind of secretive and doesn't reveal a lot about herself (on camera atleast). her personality is quite enigmatic. she's quick to smile so she has a warm aura despite being quiet. she has said herself that she hates conflict and even didn't have many fights with her brother either (i think). part of the reason for that might be because she is kind of self-reliant. you can't really be upset with people that much if you don't demand or expect a lot from them in the first place. she doesn't expect a ton from people around her i think, maybe just the few she is really close to if anything. she directs a lot of her energy inwards rather than out which helps with getting along with people too, i believe. i think she struggles with making decisions sometimes and can question herself which is probably one of the characteristics of her ideal type is someone who is decisive and can guide her. i think she feels better when she's doing something with her hands, something that forces her to be mindful and focused and not pay attention to anything else (puzzles, crocheting/knitting, gaming, legos). it helps her zone everything else out and think about just that one thing, something that gives her a true physical escape and challenges her fully (vs watching movies or listening to music where you are still very much with your thoughts as you are not challenged- which im sure she does too from time to time but the things that give her the most energy are manual things i think). she has said she has trouble fitting in with people and feels passive if there's a lot of people although she can be around her closest friends for hours. i think her love language is gift giving. she has said that she's not good with words or taking care of people around her but she expresses things through making handmade gifts. maybe she's like her mom in that way, i remember her mom making a pouch for all of the twice members or something similar. i think mina is the type of person who is very different if she's very comfortable around you. most people are but maybe even more for so for her.

    i'll do the other members later this week

    Finally, I dig one up, it was hard to find tbh. Here you go:

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    this is a really good look on Mina (hair and makeup)

    I will be surprised that in the 21st century there are still countries with such tough patriarchy that simply reaches the point of absurdity. I will never understand how you can "accidentally" kill your own daughter out of anger. But what about blood ties, humanity, in the end, the human right to life, protection of the state, where is it all? This is terrible, I am very sorry for the poor girl. This man deserves to die in torment

    these are generally very backwards, overly conservative and traditional communities in more rural areas that are stuck in their way of living and thinking and have never changed over the past 100 years. in India, many people, both educated and not, think highly of what others think of them. "what will society think" is such a common way of thinking, even in the cities. for instance, if a normal university-aged girl is in a relationship she will often have to hide it from her parents because if they knew they might even force her to break it off. most wouldn't attack her but would yell at her and say its a distraction and yada yada yada. not all parents, but a good number. it's of course even crazier in smaller towns and rural areas. they take it to a whole other level by considering the daughter's worth to be as much as her singlehood and "purity". they consider relationships to be "cheap" and "embarrasing" and that they're tainting their family's honor by being a young, unmarried girl seen with a guy. its absolutely crazy and horrifying.

    I think Sana is the cutest in Twice so shy shy shy was the best line for her or she the best for this line.

    i actually think Tzuyu is the most naturally cute member offstage, in a childlike kind of way. her reaction was so cute here at 2:20 when the fan Kasia speaks mandarin

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    but Sana is also very cute and is the best at utilizing her cuteness on stage and in music videos

    So i do agree the line suits Sana the best

    Dahyun is good at more of a quirky or silly or extra type of cuteness vs the girly aegyo kind (although Sana also seems embarrassed at doing aegyo these days)

    Well, after rereading the article summary, it seems like only two of the girls were totally against redebuting. The other 10 were open to redebuting as Izone. So it isnt quite as bad as i thought, i can understand if the girls wanted to explore solo opportunities as long as they also remained loyal to Izone.

    Right now, i've only cancelled 2 members. I will be watching very closely at the others though :/

    Canceled?? lol that makes it sound like they lied or broke a promise.

    Did the ever say they were going to continue after 2.5 years? did they ever make that promise or trick fans into thinking that?

    Looks to me like no foul play was done here. They stuck to their promise to their words about being a group for 2.5 years.

    They are not obligated to you nor are you to them. They don't have to stick together after 2.5 years nor do you have to support them after 2.5 years. You could ignore them now if you are an OT12 stan. but canceling? lol who hurt you, when did they ever promise you more than 2.5 years? where have you been lol

    also maybe they want to get away from the slightly tainted image the group has

    on every article there are koreans who say "just disband already"…alks-for-izones-re-debut/

    I too wouldn't feel good about being in a group that had a slightly shady origin

    They are free to move on. Some might have been struggling in certain ways, not getting along as a group, facing a lot of issues with MNET, wanting creative control, wanting to pursue acting, wanting to model-- who knows, no one knows what an idol is really facing. they can't go public with it all.