Posts by booople

    Honestly dont seen this happening. A collab generally has to be fruitful for both parties. Taylor's fandom is way more powerful than BP's. Views and all aren't reflective. Taylor probably has the most powerful fandom after BTS but in America, Taylor Swift is a household name. BTS isn't a household name in America.

    Also, Taylor is really into songwriting and composition. She's also into telling her life's stories or moods through her songs. Her music is like a diary. BP is fierce, dance-focused, rap-focused.

    She doesn't even collab with many American artists except like the Haim sisters. Because her musical style is very different and personal.

    The BP/Selena collab worked because I feel their music matches each others a bit more (little more sexy) and also because Selena is more well-known in the US but BP is more well-known in SEA and it just worked.

    I honestly don't see an Ariana-Blackpink collab happening either. And this has nothing to do with talent or anything before people get insecure or try to call me a hater. I just don't see it happening looking at Ariana's career direction. She's big enough just collab-ing with American artists. Blackpink are trying to make it in the US. But Ariana has ALREADY made it in the US. And their musical styles are so different. Ariana's is way more provocative and sensual and she doesn't dance. Why do you guys get mad if someone says they don't see an AriPink collab happening? I mean why does a collab with a popular American artist determine how successful your faves are lol? They're successful because they're successful. I've seen fans jumping down others' throats when they say that they dont think AriPink is going to happen. It's like people are just thirsty for some big name to drop without even thinking about different musical styles and fandoms, etc.

    I could possibly see an Ariana-BTS collab.

    Wow yes I totally remember that!

    That sweaty palm moment when the teacher says "okay I think we can squeeze in two more" and you're one of those two

    Ah I never had actually. Shame I missed out on it. :wilds:

    What you did sounds more fun anyway! I've never played Poptropica but I just looked it up! That looks fun.

    Oregon trail was about 19th century pioneer life and crossing the oregon trail. You were a wagon leader guiding a group of pioneers and had to battle things like dysentery and getting enough food for everyone and your wagon breaking down and someone stealing your goods and things like that :-D

    1) depending on it school was 4 days beginning at 7:45 and 1 day at 8:30. end was 4 days at 13:00 and 1 day 12:15

    2) no

    3) You were only allowed to eat the food your mom packed for you during the breaks (that means 9:20-9:40 and 11:10-11:30)

    6) here the teacher will want you to be there before you so they know all students are on place when lesson begins. If students are late many teacher will get mad cause you may interuped them teaching important stuff. If you come 5 minutes to late it will be writtin in a book for your class. if you come more as 15 minutes to late depending on it you will have to stay half an hour more after school as punichment, if it's just 5 minutes it will ad up till you get enough minutes to stay longer in school as punichment . Most of the time your than sit in school for up to 2 hour extra and get forced to copy the school's laws into your notebook. the badder you are as student the more you get to write aka if you have to spend many days longer in school you might finish to write all laws of your school down

    Where are you from, if you don't mind me asking? I'm curious

    Sounds like you had some pretty short days but stricter rules!

    I definitely got in trouble for being late too lol mostly it was just warnings in elementary and middle school, but in high school I would have to come in on Saturday and attend detention for being late too many times on weekdays. It was really just a quiet study period where we could do whatever we wanted, quietly. We would get a free lunch too ^^ all of us tardy kids

    what about that feeling when your teacher doesn't arrive and you get a substitute and you're like yes!!!! slack off day\

    and the reverse feeling

    exactly like the above but instead of a random substitute you get the vice principal or principal instead lol

    hahahah the reverse feeling is definitely the worst! we had a nice principal though but still...can't watch a movie with the principal being there :-D

    Sorry this happened to you.

    One thing I have to say though, is that we have to take responsibility for our actions. We all ask to be treated a certain way. If you allow your friend to keep treating you this way again and again, you are basically telling her to continue.

    We can only truly move forward successfully if we accept full responsibility for the way someone has treated us- for allowing them to continue with it time and time again.

    Your friend is trash and you're allowing her to be. It's not the part about borrowing things from you or taking advantage that irks me as much as her trying to ostracize you and make others cut you off. That is plain trashy.

    I would actually bet that your friend doesn't treat every person in her life this way- there are some people that she probably met and didn't even bother to be friends with because those people gave off a vibe like "I love myself, I don't need you, don't mess with me"-- a confident vibe. I get the feeling she's probably the kind of person who wants her friends to do as she says so she doesn't befriend people who will treat her as an equal rather than treating her as a superior.

    You need to cut her off. But that's easier said than done. You need to work on your self-love and self-worth. Respect yourself more than anything else or anyone. You are perfect as you are. You don't NEED anyone and you only deserve good friends. Rather, your friend doesn't deserve you in any way. Realize that you are bigger and better than this and cut her off. It does not matter if you are left as a loner. You should affirm that you are so likable and charismatic that it doesn't matter if she tells people to not be your friend, regardless- you will have friends. People will still be drawn to you because of how great you are.

    Trust me, I think the root of all of this is self-love and self-respect. Work on yourself every day and day by day, it will be THAT much easier to cut her off.

    Cutting her off in the state that you are in might just make you succumb to her manipulation and take her back as a friend, since it has happened before. She will think "ok...I can get her back to being my friend" and use her usual sneaky tactics and then you're her friend again.

    Work on yourself from within.

    There is NO reason that this girl should be your ONLY friend, aside from you believing that she is your only friend and the only hope you have. If you believe that, that is the way things are going to be.

    Nothing is going to change without you changing first.

    Tell yourself that you can make friends everyday because it is true. There is nothing out there that someone else has that you cannot get. The only thing you need is confidence.

    So, please cut this girl off. But before that, please work on yourself and see yourself as a wonderful, confident, amazing person who can get and do anything. Tell yourself that daily. Do not respect ANYONE more than you respect YOURSELF. Once you master that, standing up to anyone is a piece of cake.

    She's no match for you.

    Ahh yes pizza parties. Yeah my school would award those to classes for stuff like raising the most money for a fundraiser or something.

    I remember one of my favorite things as a kid in school was the computer lab. When we would finish whatever "work" we had, we would get free time to do stuff on it. So I remember playing Poptropica and trying to create masterpieces™ in ms paint.

    I loved the computer lab too! Did you ever play Oregon Trail? :-D

    I'm from the US but I wrote this list keeping in mind that not everyone will have had the same experiences, which is why i didn't include some that might be specific to only the US (things like getting picked for sports teams based on popularity in physical education class)

    But, I can really only speak for myself.

    1) What time did you get out of school? 8 to 3 where I am from and even in other parts of the world i was under the impression school hours are similar, give or take an hour or two. I mean who is at home as early as 2 pm??

    2) Do you have food carts or food trucks ??

    3) Have you ever eaten a TREAT at school? doesn't have to be pizza. and eating in class is normal during class parties or rainy days. at the end, everyone has to clean up after themselves/other students and help recycle all the trash.

    4) Cause you're having fun. Simple. I mean even if you've never had this experience I kind of thought this one is a no-brainer, even with cultural differences.

    5) Well you definitely pay attention well lol

    6) Not in America. Teachers don't "kick your ass" for being there before you. In fact, the teacher is always there before students- they have the keys to their classroom and have to unlock it and usually greet students as they enter the classroom. Teachers usually arrive half an hour before the class actually starts. So, if you get to class and the teacher is already there, that doesn't mean you are late. You are only considered late if you arrive after 8 am (or whatever time your school starts).

    And if you walk into class and see a substitute teacher you know that you will have a slightly more relaxed day because if your teacher is sick, they usually leave a simplified lesson plan for the substitute teacher. Less of learning new things that the teacher might want to teach themselves and more of revising previously taught material/sometimes even watching a movie in the afternoon or playing outdoors.

    I did say you could share things you remember from your own childhood lol.

    -When you are sick as a kid and miss school and keep glancing at the clock- knowing exactly what your classmates are doing at that time. "oh its 2 pm..they're in science" Meanwhile you're lying on the couch and watching TV (I loved school though so I wasn't always that happy to be home lol)

    -When you hear the ice cream truck/ see an ice cream stand (day instantly made) (does anyone still see ice cream trucks?)

    -When you know you're getting pizza (or any treat) in school that day (at the school I went to, if we did good on something- like a class-wide project, our teacher would schedule a pizza party, just for our class. it was always exciting knowing just your class is getting pizza and likewise it was a major source of envy when you saw pizza being delivered to the neighboring class

    -when you're playing at friend's house and throw a tantrum/hide from your parents when they come to pick you up. I remember sometimes telling my parents "can I stayyy for like 2 more hours??! come back after 2 hours!!"....probably to the horror of my friend's parents. they were probably thinking " please go you've been here for quite a while"

    -when you daydream in class and suddenly you're called on to read out loud next and you don't know where on earth you are supposed to begin reading from. the teacher then has to tell you and do the usual "can someone please show them where we are??"

    -when you walk into your class and see a substitute teacher that day and know that you can have a chill day at school lol

    Add things you remember!

    Could be true, could not be true. As we've seen, sometimes people have been innocently framed and sometimes they are definitely guilty.

    What has happened so far, is that JYP said the other person- Lia's classmate- is trying to defame Lia. The police looked into the student's stories to check the defamation claim and they say they cannot prove that the classmate is trying to defame Lia in any way. Meaning, there are no major loopholes or huge lies in her story.

    It means the classmate could be telling the truth....or could be carefully crafting a story that is believable.

    As someone else said it's just a he said/she said game. Other classmates need to be spoken to.

    To anyone who is getting bullied, please just report that person ASAP. It's very hard to investigate these things when years have passed.

    Anyway the truth will eventually come to light here. There's got to be something that would either prove Lia's innocence or the accuser's claims.

    They're having fun and playing around but still singing their hearts out (and dancing too!)

    Shinee has amazing encore stages too

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    I ain’t reading all that, but since I saw my boys name mentioned. JK auditioned as a singer and got in. V and Jin were the only members scouted to be Auditioned based on their visuals and charms in BTS. With that said, they are one of the best critically acclaimed singers rn, so it all turned out great.

    Oh I didn't say that JK or V were scouted based on visual. Because I grouped them in with Nayeon and Heejin and all and none of those girls were scouted based on visual.

    I was referring to all of those idols as people who are considered visuals in their respective groups (not main visuals perhaps but they're part of the visual line or they get a lot of appreciation for their visual) but they happen to be very talented as well and born to be idols.

    I mean I'm not that familiar with BTS but I was under the impression that V and JK were part of the visual line, after Jin, similarly to how Heejin/Nayeon/Jinsoul are all part of the visual line in whatever group they're in but you can't deny they're all rounded talents so its fine.