Posts by booople

    im sorry for what you've gone through. truly i am. no one should go through that.

    but just try this before you think its not worth it.

    for the next month, every day, morning and night at least, speak kindly to yourself. spend 5 minutes in the morning complimenting yourself. even if its hard at first, do it. say i have such a pretty face, im pretty inside and out, i am a beautiful soul, i love myself. say all sorts of different things. you can do it in bed or in the mirror or outside, wherever you feel best. and do it again at night. write it in a diary too if you want, in first person.

    try to detach during the day. like distract yourself with responsibilites, hobbies, conversations.

    don't focus on your looks and if you do pass by a mirror or think of yourself, tell yourself i love myself.

    you can also avoid all mirrors for a month while doing these positive affirmations if it helps you.

    as for people, i think you should try to, for now, forget any hurtful incidences. its hard, but do it for you.

    if you fixate on those it will hold you back.

    tell yourself "no one can hurt me without my approval and i do not approve"

    i know its way easier said than done and i'm not trying to simplify things, but just try to overlook anything hurtful and focus on feeling good

    if you do feel bad, watch a good movie, listen to good music, go on a walk, talk to people online, just detach.

    you can message me

    and read this

    we all have the power to do what we want with our lives. its way way way way way more than you think. we cant control the way others treat us but we can control our reactions

    just read this and follow what i said and trust me and trust in the universe