lmao that's literally what i believe
Imagine a unit debuting on 2025 and calling them 3rd gen
It would be pretty weird imo, but ok I guess.
lmao that's literally what i believe
Imagine a unit debuting on 2025 and calling them 3rd gen
It would be pretty weird imo, but ok I guess.
WayV is a subunit of NCT and they are 4th gen. Only Winwin and Ten debuted before 2018 there and the subunit debuted on 2019. That's like saying the next NCT unit with a lot of new members would be 3rd gen because they are part of NCT lol. NCT as a brand may be 3rd gen but as a group some of their units are and will be 4th gen.
NCT quality as usual, love to see it and so hyped for the release.
Even though I disagree with your opinion about 127 title tracks it's good to see an actual list that showcases the true here.
And people talk about how SM has been "on deficit" lately as a drag to their groups lmao, like no shit, covid situation + LSM being shady and stealing a big part of it + SM investing on a shit ton of not cheap things.
LSM being shady with money is not new really, I do not think it's comparable to what YHS has done but LSM, with his good actions, good relationships with idols and all is pretty much the average "evil capitalist" shady with money, obssesed with the future stuff and all, he's not saint and everybody who stans any SM group for some time knows that. I do think that man is side-faced though, it's amazing how he's so close to so many idols and a lot of them seem to have a great relation with him yet he's so sneaky and shady when It comes to money.
Kick It did amazing on bringing attention, popularity among idols, is iconic and had a lot of impact, I do consider it a hit among Korea for Kpop standards but people Will only look at charts when mentioning a hit, specially Melon which is a unique listeners fest rn, and NCT music is not made for charts, much less for depending on how likable it will be for people on their 30s,40s and higher.
I think SuperM was more like a group that SM created to make some noise on the west, make connections, benefit of their relationship with Capitol group, another group to make money from touring, a group that represents all the aces or how talented SM artists are to make their brand stronger, etc, etc. Yes obviously NCT could benefit the most from it among EXO and Taemin/Shinee but I don't think It was their main purpose, just one of many. I do think it has showcased the talent of Kai, Baekhyun and Taemin as well tho, WayV members are the ones that were being done dirty imo.
4/7 members of SuperM are from NCT so no wonder we kind of support them the most. There are NCTzens who don't care about SuperM and others that really like the group's dinamics and music, personally, I like some of their songs but it's true I don't like the group and their sound as much as the NCT units (which is very hard to do anyways). I support them bc I like most of their music but yeah I'd prefer a NCT cb any day.
Honestly I don't understand the lack of a "national hit" criticism, NCT ain't gonna change it's sound to appeal to the GP because that's against what NCT as a brand has done for almost 5 years. It would be cool and all to have one and it gives you bragging rights for Stan twt but NCT didn't need a national hit to already become very big. They only really needed a very big fandom who support then and what's marvelous it's there are still a lot of people that haven't diacovered them precisely because they aren't BTS/BP level popular or has a huge hit, but the ones that discover them... If you like NCT's music, you REALLY like it, same as the members. One of the biggest strengths of NCT to have such buying and stanning power it's their music, but it's also one of the things that hold them back when It comes to getting super popular because it's not for everyone and it's not radio hit material because It doesn't try to, their songs are a lot more oriented to showcase performance and musical uniqueness than to show how catchy the song is, it's their trademark.
"China needs to lift the ban on Korean culture"
EH... the ban has been lifted long ago, before corona kpop groups were planned to do fanmeetings there
that his groups don't appeal to the gp there like they used to its not the same case as its being banned
I'm pretty sure fanmeetings is the last thing LSM means when talking about the ban. Concerts for a start is the thing that if China would completely lift the ban would make not just SM but K-Pop much bigger.
are they? i'm mainly about snsd and exo so the only mvs i can think of are mr taxi and tempo.
Yes they are for the last like 5 years, with NCT it's actually insane if you think about it, there is always a car/motorcycle on the back somewhere, and even with EXO as well and not only Tempo; Obsession, Love Shot... modes of transport are everywhere. WayV first original song was Take Off with motorcycles, cars and dancing on a hangar in front of a plane... Sometimes they hide it better but there's always some xd
Even Red Velvet: Umpah Umpah, Ice Cream Cake, Zimzalabim kinda with the rollercoaster... I swear SM be having a complex storyline for all their groups that at the same time seem to be somewhat connected between them but it's so complex and abstract almost nobody tries to decipher it, although there are some teories here and there.
Yoo Young Jin is Yoo Young Jin, he's SM's soul when it comes to music, their R&B obsession and trademark has got a lot to do with this man. I'd add Kenzie as well though, those 2 are basically what shaped SM's music since the 90s.
SM in general is obsessed with modes of transport actually, if you think about it I'd say it's easier to imagine an MV with than without them.
I love Cherry Bomb but have yet to have been able to get into many of their other songs, although I have tried by forcing myself to play nothing but their singles for a few hours while I work. I have issues enjoying the songs and trying to make myself remember their lyrics to sing along like I do with many groups. As per usual I am always open to song suggestions though.
if you like other SM groups I can't resist but to recommend you 127's 2nd mini album with the queen Limitless as title track, it's pretty much impossible you wouldn't like any song from there.
Yep NCT is like the name of the brand, the only fixed units so far are Dream, 127 and Wayv. Sometimes members from those units come together and release music under the alias NCT U, so far they did this twice, first in 2018 when their first album Empathy and again last year when they released Resonance (check it out, it was one of the best albums last year imo)
The fixed units have their own separate discographies and promote separately like regular groups.
I can recommend NCT content that might make it easier for you to get into them if you want.
They also did it when they debuted to introduce the NCT brand with 'The 7th Sense' and 'Without You', and sometimes when they do an OST with a random combination of members or they do an SMStation. On special ocassions pretty much.
Even though NCT U is a combination of any NCT members I can see why you feel that way. I think NCT U and WayV title tracks are a little bit more public friendly when compared to 127's. Which is why many multis even here who don't like NCT that much tend to like WayV or NCT U the most. I do feel like you would like some 127 and Dream songs if you like Take Off and Make A Wish though, those 2 are very NCT and kind of have that 127 sound. 127 is not only Cherry Bomb, Kick It and Firetruck. Glad you like WayV and NCT U songs though.
*x files theme song plays*
Maybe if Neo got your back...