hello my name is bangtan-chan and id like to own wattpad so i can read all the fanfics
"Y/NNN" My MoThER sCreaMS "WeVE SOlD u To BaD mAfIa HArRy stYLes"
"MoTHer HowW coUld U dO sucH a thINg" I saID CryING
"Im SorYR BuT we NeDED The mOneY"
"FiNe" I gET reDAy
He WaS So MEanN aNd wAs My BuLly AT scHOol
He tORmEntED mE EveryY dAY befORE my cLAsEs
OnE DAy We haD to gO tO a pArty andD thE maID gaVE me A shOrt DrESs
AlL tHE sCarS i GoT fRoM iDeK bUt ThEY WeRe FrOM hAryY StylEs ShoWED
"Y/N, Who gAVre YoU ThEsE" He SaiD, FuriOUs
"WhY do YouE WanA kWNo"
"BecAuSe I caN" He SayS
"Y-Y-Y-y-y-yY-YoU" I SaIDS
"OhMA-" He COUldNt SBelIEve HE DiD iT
"Y/N i LEOv Yu"
they then get 875643789 houses and 67890H kids