I'm sorry but...

  • Not if it causes you trauma for life. Imagine seeing your bully who tormented you for years or months hitting it big while you have to suffer from the consequences of their actions. Victims deserve Justice. It’s not a bitch move it’s what has to be done in order for people to understand that it’s wrong to act this way and that idols need to be held accountable.

  • Traumatizing someone who did absolutely nothing to you is a b*tch move. A person's livelihood wouldn't be ruined if they 1. never did it in the first place or 2. apologize to them before they got started in their profession. You can't make someone's life hell and always get away with it.

    Proof of trauma please. Anyone can claim trauma at any time. Right now a random user can claim that you, as a moderator, traumatized them with your moderating methods. Maybe you should lose your spot then? No questions asked?

  • Proof of trauma please. Anyone can claim trauma at any time. Right now a random user can claim that you, as a moderator, traumatized them with your moderating methods. Maybe you should lose your spot then? No questions asked?

    I don’t think you need to give anybody your proof of trauma. Nobody knows what you have went through in life and it’s not our place to ask people what their trauma is.

  • honestly I can't stop cackling with the whole

    " i'm a christian, bullies are entitled to forgiveness, tis their holy right, victims should stop being bitches " energy

    gonna grab some dinner, g'luck with the thread.

  • Traumatizing someone who did absolutely nothing to you is a b*tch move. A person's livelihood wouldn't be ruined if they 1. never did it in the first place or 2. apologize to them before they got started in their profession. You can't make someone's life hell and always get away with it.

    Just imagine a person in your past who you've met once or twice and who you would never thought in a million years that you had wronged them, and then they all of sudden come to inform a loved one of yours and/ or employee that you are evil person-- so evil that you're not to be allowed to provide for your family starting then. Just imagine how you will feel. Of course contempt breeds contempt. It's an endless cycle which invariably leads to Hades.

  • Sry but if I were bullied and I saw my bully become so successful in life, I would be so angry and I would be in the right even if it's petty to try and bring them down.

  • Just imagine a person in your past who you've met once or twice and who you would never thought in a million years that you had wronged them, and then they all of sudden come to inform a loved one of yours and/ or employee that you are evil person-- so evil that you're not to be allowed to provide for your family starting then. Just imagine how you will feel. Of course contempt breeds contempt. It's an endless cycle which invariably leads to Hades.

    This isn't what's happening tho, 3 different accusations is more than a person you've met once or twice

    • Official Post

    Proof of trauma please. Anyone can claim trauma at any time. Right now a random user can claim that you, as a moderator, traumatized them with your moderating methods. Maybe you should lose your spot then? No questions asked?

    My post wasn't in relations to the Soojin situation I'm just responding in general to the OP. However I'd like to say that bullying online vs IRL is a bit different as the victim oline can collect evidence of the words being said while someone who was bullied a long time ago verbally IRL probably doesn't have tangible evidence. If someone doesn't have evidence of me bullying them then yeah I'd be upset losing my position but what if multiple people kept coming forward about me? Even if I didn't realize it, there was an issue with how I was handling people right?

    Just imagine a person in your past who you've met once or twice and who you would never thought in a million years that you had wronged them, and then they all of sudden come to inform a loved one of yours and/ or employee that you are evil person-- so evil that you're not to be allowed to provide for your family starting then. Just imagine how you will feel. Of course contempt breeds contempt. It's an endless cycle which invariably leads to Hades.

    Bullying most of the time isn't a first encounter never see the person again type of a thing. Its something that continues and persist for long periods of time. Not being a bully is the easiest you can ever do, and like I said before you won't have to lose everything if you don't become a bully in the first place or recognize your harmful actions and apologize before you get your career started.

  • La venganza nunca es buena mata el alma y la envenena

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