this Malaysian actress is underfire for mocking Lisa BP and Jonghyun SHINee

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  • girlgroupstan21

    Changed the title of the thread from “this Malaysian actress is underfire for mocking the late Jonghyun and Lisa” to “this Malaysian actress is underfire for mocking Lisa BP and Jonghyun SHINee”.
  • you wanna maybe give some context as to what si mati means for tbose of us that don't speak malaysian?

    Basically "si mati" is like a very disrespectful way to call someone that already passed away . For example ? "XXX ? Oh that dead boy"

    This celeb basclly saying like this ? "Why do kpop fans r so triggered ? Hes dead lol chile" after KPOP fans attacking her on IG

    nevermindmejin hye fellow malaysian can u help me explain more about "si mati" in english and how is that disrespectful ?? Im bad at explaining :/:/

  • Basically "si mati" is like a very disrespectful way to call someone that already passed away . For example ? "XXX ? Oh that dead boy"

    This celeb basclly saying like this ? "Why do kpop fans r so triggered ? Hes dead lol chile" after KPOP fans attacking her on IG


    but bartkun said it just meant deceased so could it have been a midunderstanding or misconstruction of language ? as oppose to outright hate or ignorance

  • Basically "si mati" is like a very disrespectful way to call someone that already passed away . For example ? "XXX ? Oh that dead boy"

    This celeb basclly saying like this ? "Why do kpop fans r so triggered ? Hes dead lol chile" after KPOP fans attacking her on IG

    Yes, it’s quite disrespectful for using si mati. Maybe she wants attention and she’s getting it now.

    What did she say about Lisa? Is it the one about GG yang gedik nak mati? How does it linked to Lisa?

    Edit: just saw the Lisa Black Pig caption. What an ass. Budget nak femes nie

  • I don't get the connection between the Dilan movies and Lisa in that pic. Also don't really understand gedik nak mati with the woman in the pic and Lisa

    In Bahasa 'si mati' is severely disrespectful, not sure the context in Malay but if it is intended as an insult then f her. But what actually causes the outrage from her side in the first place?

    Edit: watched her IG vid and she explained about the Jonghyun vid. Seems like an honest misunderstanding and the 'si mati' statement seems to contain no ill intent

    As for the Lisa part, it's from her production account which might or might not be her posting those. Anyway waiting to see the explanations for tbose

    Edited once, last by anne_jay ().

  • I learn it through my Malaysian friends before when I'm staying in Malaysia for few months, I think 'si mati' is disrespectful because of Malaysian culture + religion in their country. For Muslim the deceased would be call in term of 'meninggal', non-muslim term would be 'mendiang' and 'mati' would usually refer to animals. I'm not sure whether this is 100% correct, but still, remember what he said to me.

  • Oh I remember her. Around the time when Jonghyun passed away, like maybe around a week after that, she (actress, her name is Janna Nick) and fellow her celeb friend(comedian-actress) laughed at their own jokes. If I'm not mistaken, they were talking about Kpop and in their joke-like conversation, Jonghyun was brought up all of a sudden. And one of them was like, "the one who committed suicide, right? Lol" and they both laughed. It was during public livestream they both did together, like IG livestream, or something like that. It was absolutely disrespectful and insensitive!

    She made an apology afterwards after receiving backlash back then. Alot of Malaysian Kpop fans were angry and dissapointed in her. But Idk why she brought it up after 3 yrs, and now her apology looks insincere the way she's trying to gaslight Kpop fans with her sarcastic tone, and calling Jonghyun "si mati" which means "that dead guy/person" which is like an informal and insensitive way to address a dead person. It's lack of respect. The proper way to address a dead person with respect especially if the dead person is a non-muslim is "mendiang" which means "the deceased". This is what I was taught in schools and even in news programs and articles, if there's a non-muslim person who died, we would address them as "mendiang". It doesn't matter if muslim or non-muslim, everyone was taugnt to be respectful to anyone.

    It would be better if she just leave it in the past but now she brought it up, being insensitive and insincere abt her apology. So all the backlash is bc she brought it upon herself.

    She likes to speak in informal tone and being non-serious with her jokes for kekeing purpose, cause she thinks she's "funny" 🙄 without thinking the consequences that she could stir up mess and she ended up looking dumb and insensitive.

    I used to like watching some of the dramas she was in during her early years as an actress but she became more annoying and irritating as years go by as became more popular. She's like one of the most popular female lead actress in the country in recent years with quite a number of collabs and endorsements. Last year I was trying to collect hearts on Mubeat and Show Champion apps and I just couldn't stand that I kept seeing her ads being played. I always found myself rolling my eyes and I just skipped her ads instantly everytime.

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