Why we never see people talk about American mistreatment of Japanese looking people during WW II ?

  • I'm curious i always heard about french concentration camps against german, chinese concentration camps, japanese concentration camps or german concentration camps

    but until recently i didn't know that when pearl harbor americans start to deport every japanese civilian living in America in some concentration camps and force them to give up their business and belongigs

    why this part of history seems forget from history book ?

  • because agressors doesn't deserve to be treated equally

    Japan made deal with Hitler

    also they even earlier occupied Korean peninsula (from 1910-1945)

    at that time the only thing they've deserved is shit or well death...

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  • Because it was ordered by progressive hero Franklin D. Roosevelt, so the media doesn't like to talk about it. If a Republican administration had ordered it, you would never hear the end of it.

    And yes - it was an injustice that should be more widely known and discussed. Indiscriminate detention of entire populations by governments is never a correct solution.

  • But they did these to all Japanese-Americans even those who renounced their Japanese citizenships to become American Citizens not to mention all those who were born in America and never had any allegiance to Japan. It wasn't like it was Japanese soldiers they were doing this to. It was to normal every day innocent American Citizens who happened to be Japanese in heritage.

    I don't think they deserve death.....they were literally prosecuted for something they couldn't help or change about themselves.

    ~ ω

  • But they did these to all Japanese-Americans even those who renounced their Japanese citizenships to become American Citizens not to mention all those who were born in America and never had any allegiance to Japan. It wasn't like it was Japanese soldiers they were doing this to. It was to normal every day innocent American Citizens who happened to be Japanese in heritage.

    I don't think they deserve death.....they were literally prosecuted for something they couldn't help or change about themselves.

    ah that I didn't know,

    you mean situation when they were kids of immigrants were born in US, and then treated badly because of whole situation which happened during WWII?

    then that's messed up,

    I thought it was about Japanese people who for example came to US for work a bit before bad things started

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  • i'm sorry, but WTF

    yes Japanese militaries deserve to be treated like this because they are the one who did the attack

    but Japanese americans, who lived in America and became American, or even japanese kids who were born in US and never put a foot in Japan didn't deserve to be put in a concentration camps for the only reason that their ancestor are japanese

    they were civilian who were living their life in America without annoying anybody and most likely were even against this war

    that's just weird that you're trying to justify the injustice they face, especially the conséquences that he had on these people, japanese man were forced to join the US military and participate in the war just to go out of these concentration camps, and were so break from the inside after war that they most of them start to drunk, and because of what the US governement qualify as a "mistake" domestical violence and suicide rate increase

    without talking about the PTSD kids faced after living for months or even year in these concentration camps

  • yeah ok I get it


    didn't get point because you wrote 'civilian living in America'

    still I understand point of view if someone Japanese was just few months or even 2-3 years in US and that gov wanted to kick those people out

    also remember that was more than 75 years ago?

    and Japanese overall at that times in the past had this thing that they thought they are "superior" nation

    you know how they treated Koreans, maybe overall US gov had intel about everything, what was happening there, and someone made decision to kick JPNese out of US soil for good

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  • Honestly, the US doesn't like to talk about the times we fucked up. So many dark spots in our history have been softened and watered down to make it not seem as bad as it is. We don't like to be seen as the "bad guy"

  • ah that I didn't know,

    you mean situation when they were kids of immigrants were born in US, and then treated badly because of whole situation which happened during WWII?

    then that's messed up,

    I thought it was about Japanese people who for example came to US for work a bit before bad things started

    Yeah it was those! It was messed up because it was just innocent immigrants. Like they were punishing innocent people for the war crimes of others they weren't related to!

    ~ ω

  • still I understand point of view if someone Japanese was just few months or even 2-@@@3d6a7b00-b1a4-45a8-b729-f14a4a1cd98c@@@ years in US and that gov wanted to kick those people out

    i disagree

    being 1 months or living in a country forever doesn't mean you support what's the country your native is doing

    it have nothing to do with how long you stay in a country, it's just based on your own beliefs

    and i don't think that trying to justify sending people to concentration camps with argument like " yeah but they came to america recently " is a good thing, especially if they came to america because they didn't share the same beliefs than japan

  • i disagree

    being 1 months or living in a country forever doesn't mean you support what's the country your native is doing

    it have nothing to do with how long you stay in a country, it's just based on your own beliefs

    and i don't think that trying to justify sending people to concentration camps with argument like " yeah but they came to america recently " is a good thing, especially if they came to america because they didn't share the same beliefs than japan

    look nowadays, in 2022 your belief is accurate, maybe even 70-80% people would agree with it

    but we need to remember it was in totally different age

    you can see even now what Putin is doing, his mindset is stuck in Soviet era, so about 30 if not more years ago

    so I'm sure that in 1945 or some time later there were also people who had similar way of thinking, now that would bring them back to what times? let's say around 1915... that's more than 100 year gap

    sadly it's not that we can 'clear' everything in a way that people would understand

    for example Ukrainians, even Zelensky himself said recently that they weren't killing Polish people in the past, well sad thing is that they did, I mean Bandera and his guys did it, they've killed more than 100 000 Polish people but Ukrainians were growing up and they've learned in school that Bandera was a hero.

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  • Do we not teach this anymore? I learned about this in history class. Maybe it's cuz I grew up in the SF bay area where a lot of people were affected?

    i never learn about this before

    i always heard about the japanese camps

    the concentration camps in germany for jewish

    or the french concentration camps for german prisoners of war, or french concentration camps for jewish during "le regime de vichy"

    but never heard about american sending to concentrations camps japanese american

  • i never learn about this before

    i always heard about the japanese camps

    the concentration camps in germany for jewish

    or the french concentration camps for german prisoners of war, or french concentration camps for jewish during "le regime de vichy"

    but never heard about american sending to concentrations camps japanese american

    We learned about it and about the Japanese Americans that volunteered to fight like the 442nd regiment which was the most decorated in US history. Manzanar is a historical site now that you can visit if you want to learn more of the history

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