let's start with talking about what happened to 2NE1 after their 2nd full album release in 2014 shall we
so yeah, 2NE1's 2014 pretty much started well with the release of their 2nd full album called Crush with a Japanese version of that album to boot but after all that Park Bom was caught taking amphetamines she was prescribed for her mental situation when she was in the US in Korea and that's considered illegal there
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and in 2015 YG gave CL another Korean solo single with Hello Bitches and got her to debut in the US the next year with the song "Lifted" but the way they did her dirty by causing the scrapping of her US debut album (which was for allegedly unknown reasons but I won't get into that now) never fails to piss me off
then in early 2016 Minzy got out of the group to start a solo career with Music Works and just when it seemed like 2NE1 was going to make a new CB as a trio they disbanded later that year
and some time after that they announced a goodbye present to Blackjacks that got released in early 2017 but YG being YG they never did that before their disbandment and that pisses me off
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see what I meant here now let's move onto Blackpink's situation
after releasing LSG in 2020 BP stopped making full group comebacks in Korea and instead mostly went their own ways in 2021 with Rose's and Lisa's solo debuts but at least there was another Japanese album from the entire group to boot and now in 2022 it's been more than a full year since BP's last Korean comeback and Blinks are getting angrier at YG day by day to the point that they're boycotting any official BP merch YG pushes out and even urging each other to send letters to YG's CEO over the whole-group drought in Korea
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and then there's me who fears what happened to 2NE1 after their 2014 promotions (Park Bom's drug scandal, Minzy leaving before the group disbanded without any CBs in their disbandment year beforehand) could repeat with Blackpink bc I fear Lisa could leave her group in 2023 (when BP's contracts are set to expire) like Minzy did before her group's disbandment (not to be Lisa's akgae just comparing BP's current situation to 2NE1's post-2014 )
any thoughts