I am done... why??

  • America is planning to help Ukraine- they arent even a part of NATO!!

    Thats putting the safety of 300 million people at risk, because who knows what Russia might do to America?

    They already dont like America, and to be completely honest with you guys... It wouldnt be hard for Russia to absolutely obliterate the states

    They have nuclear weapons, alliances with China AND North Korea- even though they have a lesser population than we do doesnt mean that their troops arent bigger and stronger than ours, because they have mandatory service and the usa doesnt

    I hate this

    *enter aesthetic signature*

  • America is planning to help Ukraine- they arent even a part of NATO!!

    Thats putting the safety of 300 million people at risk, because who knows what Russia might do to America?

    They already dont like America, and to be completely honest with you guys... It wouldnt be hard for Russia to absolutely obliterate the states

    They have nuclear weapons, alliances with China AND North Korea- even though they have a lesser population than we do doesnt mean that their troops arent bigger and stronger than ours, because they have mandatory service and the usa doesnt

    I hate this

    Take a wild guess

    Purple is Ukraine.


  • i don't want ukranians and russinas here to take this the wrong way, i'm not taking anyone's side.

    americans aren't helping anyone. they will "help" like they helped afghanistan, iraq, lybia and syria. they are arming saudi arabia and are supporting genocide in yemen. i always laugh when people use the word help. they are helping no one but themselves. they don't care about ukranians, they want to be close to russia. they are willing to risk people's lives, including their own citizens, for their gain. they just don't care.

  • I don't think the US (or anyone really) wants to go to war for Ukraine. The US can suffer not having military bases in Ukraine.

    well of course the US doesnt want to go to war??

    But they already put 8 500 troops on alert and are "prepared" -- to say the least

    *enter aesthetic signature*

  • i don't ukranians and russinas here to take this the wrong way, i'm not taking anyone's side.

    americans aren't helping anyone. they will "help" like they helped afghanistan, iraq, lybia and syria. they are arming saudi arabia and are supporting genocide in yemen. i always laugh when people use the word help. they are helping no one but themselves. they don't care about ukranians, they want to be close to russia. they are willing to risk people's lives, including their own citizens, for their gain. they just don't care.

    exactly, they arent helping anyone

    i swear if russia nukes ukraine im out

    *enter aesthetic signature*

  • exactly, they arent helping anyone

    i swear if russia nukes ukraine im out

    they won't. if anyone nukes anyone that won't be russia be the us

    Sen. Wicker: Don’t Rule Out Hitting Russia With Nukes, Ground Troops
    U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker, the second-highest ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said the United States cannot rule out any options for…

  • don't worry

    I'm from Poland, both Russia and Ukraine are our neighbors

    at least you are in safe place

    people are calculating everything these days, and I believe war is too expensive, for example let's say Putin will take some part of Ukraine but it will be heavily bombed and two-three big cities destroyed

    now imagine how much money Russia would need to spend to rebuild everything and how much they would need to invest to build proper defense system on newly created border

    this doesn't make any sense, they are playing their card because of Nord Stream 2, they want it approved asap.

  • If you want peace, prepare for war. Right now, every side is trying to show how resolute and firm they are. But you just need one side to be bluffing, and nothing happens.

    im prepared to head down to mexico, only 5 hours away and i have my citizenship

    thats what my mom said- i dont like her but i dont want to let the Russians kill me

    but i hope they are bluffing- i dont even think the USA should have gotten involved...

    *enter aesthetic signature*

  • factual

    i hope you stay safe though

    *enter aesthetic signature*

  • im kinda confused with the op...so we should just let russia take over ukraine if thats their intention...? that would set the precedent for china to do the same to taiwan and hong kong. the usa as a global power has to put its foot down to show other countries they cant just do that shit without making a huge enemy. i agree that the u.s probably shouldn't send troops there, but people are stupid if they think the problem will be solved by the u.s turning a blind eye and not saying anything.

  • im kinda confused with the op...so we should just let russia take over ukraine if thats their intention...?

    big if

    Most likely Russia wants Ukraine to remain some kind of buffer between them and NATO. For the US and NATO to descalate the situation, they just have to say to Ukraine "nope you won't enter NATO". Russia doesn't want US military bases right at its doors which is understandable. Would the US let the Russian install military bases and missiles in Mexico? No they wouldn't. (think of the Cuban Missile Crisis)

    Why does NATO still even exist anyway? The USSR is long gone, communism is dead. The only things that remain are empires fighting for their area of influence; there's no ideologies involved anymore.

  • big if

    Most likely Russia wants Ukraine to remain some kind of buffer between them and NATO. For the US and NATO to descalate the situation, they just have to say to Ukraine "nope you won't enter NATO". Russia doesn't want US military bases right at its doors which is understandable. Would the US let the Russian install military bases and missiles in Mexico? No they wouldn't. (think of the Cuban Missile Crisis)

    Why does NATO still even exist anyway? The USSR is long gone, communism is dead. The only things that remain are empires fighting for their area of influence; there's no ideologies involved anymore.

    i mean, russia is literally still under a technical dictatorship and are allied with china and subsequently nk. nuclear war is always a possibility with these 3 countries. if i was a european country i'd want to be allied against them too.

  • i mean, russia is literally still under a technical dictatorship and are allied with china and subsequently nk. nuclear war is always a possibility with these 3 countries. if i was a european country i'd want to be allied against them too.

    I've met a few Russians, none of them felt like they were living in a dictatorship. You're just reciting Western propaganda right now. I'm a European and I'm fine with Russia. If the US was not trying to have a finger in every pie, things wouldn't be so tense.

  • I feel more bad for Ukraine. If Russia could just stop invading countries that would be great X/

    i feel bad for ukraine too, really do. having said that, just here to remind you how many countries the us bombed after ww II

    plus meddling in other countries' business. it's been known they meddled in my country's election, it's a known fact, but we cannot do anything about it.

  • World “politics” makes me so frustrated and sad. I know I’m gonna sound naive but I don’t understand why so many countries care so much about power. “Rule the world” sounds catchy but I don’t wanna live in a country where that’s the government’s end goal/dream.

    Ideally everyone should do their best to help each other without being invasive.

  • I've met a few Russians, none of them felt like they were living in a dictatorship. You're just reciting Western propaganda right now. I'm a European and I'm fine with Russia. If the US was not trying to have a finger in every pie, things wouldn't be so tense.

    a few russians feeling like they aren't under a dictatorship doesn't change that putin is literally by definition a dictator...? cause yeah, silencing and killing people who dont agree with you is super democratic and i wonder why the russians you spoke to potentially didn't want to say anything bad about putin :suure: its not "propaganda" to use a word the correct way. also the communist party is literally the second biggest political party in russia... im sorry but i think it was fairly tone deaf of you to say "why does nato even exist". you being personally fine with russia doesn't change their potential as a global threat. same with china. these are just facts in a world where nuclear war is a real possibility if any of the countries i mentioned just felt like it.

    yeah, the u.s doesn't need to always be in the business of other countries. but that doesnt change that sometimes the interference is asked for or even needed. and war with russia would sure as hell effect the u.s, whether we sent troops ther or not.

  • a few russians feeling like they aren't under a dictatorship doesn't change that putin is literally by definition a dictator...? cause yeah, silencing and killing people who dont agree with you is super democratic and i wonder why the russians you spoke to potentially didn't want to say anything bad about putin :suure: its not "propaganda" to use a word the correct way.

    That's not the definition of a dictatorship though. The fact is Putin is widely popular among Russians and that's just the way it is. Doesn't mean Russia's perfect, doesn't mean the country has no issues. But the demonizing of Putin and the Russian regime because they don't align with US interests is indeed propaganda.

    you being personally fine with russia doesn't change their potential as a global threat. same with china. these are just facts in a world where nuclear war is a real possibility if any of the countries i mentioned just felt like it.

    These countries are as much a threat as the USA are. Is all I'm saying. And last time I checked, the US is the only one country in history to have use nuclear weapons against civilians. Not once but twice. And the main purpose was to showcase their new ultimate bombs to the big bad USSR; Japan was already toast at that point.

  • America is planning to help Ukraine- they arent even a part of NATO!!

    Thats putting the safety of 300 million people at risk, because who knows what Russia might do to America?

    They already dont like America, and to be completely honest with you guys... It wouldnt be hard for Russia to absolutely obliterate the states

    They have nuclear weapons, alliances with China AND North Korea- even though they have a lesser population than we do doesnt mean that their troops arent bigger and stronger than ours, because they have mandatory service and the usa doesnt

    I hate this

    Don't scare yourself to death. American politicians - in particular the Biden family - have been using Ukrainian government and corporate interests as money-laundering partners for a long time. Now they have to keep up pretenses, but as long as the Russians don't discover and release any documents about their activities they don't really care what happens in Ukraine.

  • That's not the definition of a dictatorship though. The fact is Putin is widely popular among Russians and that's just the way it is. Doesn't mean Russia's perfect, doesn't mean the country has no issues. But the demonizing of Putin and the Russian regime because they don't align with US interrests is indeed propaganda.

    These countries are as much a threat as the USA are. Is all I'm saying. And last time I checked, the US is the only one country in history to have use nuclear weapons against civilians. Not once but twice. And the main purpose was to showcase their new ultimate bombs to the big bad USSR; Japan was already toast at that point.

    "a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force." sure putin isnt in power by force, bc russians actually like his ruling style, but i have read multiple sources and opinions that state that he does have total power over russia as he controls the 3 branches of government. and when he wasn't elected president and was prime minister, he was still running the country despite the constitution. putin critics have literally been killed, likely at his command, but sure, lets not demonize the poor baby. putin's decisions have made russia's economy terrible.

    also i never said the u.s isn't a "treat". im not nationalistic at all and i know the u.s is also a danger to other countries. there can be more than one bad actor at once.

  • I think that USA should stop interfering into the politics of other countries. And Russia should stop doing the same. Both are threar to this world with their huge ego.

    idk, this rhetoric just doesnt 100% sit well from me. "the u.s shouldn't interfere" but these things literally affect the u.s and their allies directly, especially economically. the u.s only intervenes bc they are looked to as such a global power, and ofc for less noble reasons. i 100% agree that the u.s has fcked up, made things worse, stuck its nose in places it doesnt belong ect ect. but at the same time im just not rlly seeing what the u.s has rlly...done in terms of whats going on with russia and ukraine other then make threats.

    but its true that both countries need to sit tf down either way :(

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