(Daily Naver) Media suffer backlash for malicious press over 'Snowdrop' amid drama's rising ratings and positive reviews

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    Article: "That dog of a regime"... 'Seolganghwa' did not undermine the democratization movement

    Source: Media Today

    Media are suffering backlash for their malicious press over 'Snowdrop.'

    Last year, a petition was posted on the Blue House website that has surpassed over 350,000 signatures under basis that the drama "distorted history" and "undermined the democratization movement." The problem became serious as many media outlets clamored over the fact that the petition had received over "200,000 signatures" putting focus on the upcoming broadcast.

    Media also compared the drama to tvN's 'Crash Landing on You' that enjoyed box office success despite the fact that it explored the "two Koreas" theme however with a romantic comedy twist. 'Seolganghwa' on the other hand was viewed as an "obscure" genre that was not a romance, comedy or period drama but with added "heaviness" in the plot.

    As a result, politicians, sponsors and the public began cutting off the drama and many media outlets participated in the "cancel movement" with undue criticism.

    However, as the drama aired, despite the initial backlash, the drama began to enjoy rising ratings and positive reviews. This is because it became clear the drama did not undermine the democratization movement instead it appeared the drama aimed to convey the "tragedy of the times."

    The government cannot start banning the airing of dramas on the ground of distorting history. Such regulations are difficult to find in the Broadcasting Act. Only post-deliberation is allowed through the Korea Communications Standards Commission. However, as these cases keep happening, drama producers are forced to fall into a swamp of unreasonable self-censorship and the damage is passed to the viewers. To avoid this cycle, media must be cautious about claims to ban a drama's airing.


    1. [+551, -49] All the people that sh** on this drama claiming it was propaganda that undermined the democratization movement need to seriously reflect! It's nice to finally see an article making fair statements. I recommend everyone watches the drama themselves, you won't regret it.
    2. [+335, -23] 'Seolganghwa' is about the suffering of citizens because of military dictatorship, Ministry of Security and North Korea. Claims that it was anything otherwise is just wrong.
    3. [+270, -11] Ah, finally a normal article like this is coming out...this incident made me realize how terrifying the media and online communities are. Media kept writing about insignificant keyboard warriors cursing the drama...who's the real perpetrator and who's really distorting history here?
    4. [+247, -8] Those ignorant netizens that instigated this witch hunt against the production team after leaking the plot of the drama need to really self-reflect. This goes to show there are idiots everywhere distorting history, this is the level of their brains..
    5. [+122, -2] The media really needs to reflect. 'Seolganghwa' is a genre we haven't seen yet in dramas of the past because most dramas stay faithful to the same genre. You can tell the director put in great efforts to blend the genre with his directing skills. Jung Hae-in's transformation as the charismatic Su-ho is amazing to watch. Above all that, 'Seolganghwa' is drama with an important message.
    6. [+101, -1] Watching the drama made me realize the seriousness of this scandal. If they had cancelled the drama over this, it would've been hard for the producers and actors to come back after this. It's crazy that the public were misled with fake claims and misunderstood the drama. You can tell how much efforts the actors the producers put into the drama if you watch it. I hope more accurate articles like this get posted in the future.
    7. [+95, -1] It's horrifying how the fabricated articles spread everywhere and the public just accepted and agreed with those reporters without one ounce of doubt.
    8. [+78, -1] So many people claimed they bought off Disney Plus with this unreasonable scandal but once I watched it myself, I realized the different characters and positions created a constant tension that kept me glued to the drama. I have a feeling it's going to get even better as it continues to air..
    9. [+65, -3] I personally think it's a very well-made drama.
    10. [+60, -1] And to think that they filed petitions to cancel this drama before it even aired...this is the state of our country. Shouldn't the media have at least confirmed before criticizing the drama? And all those people that participated in the witch hunt...you should all be ashamed!
    11. [+33, -0] It's a bit disappointing that such a well-made drama got boycotted. I heard the writer prepared for this for over 10 years? You can actually tell with the actual script and directing that they paid a lot of attention to the details. The public really needs to re-evaluate this drama.
    12. [+29, -1] The first normal article in a long time ㅋㅋ. Hul ~ so many actors, from Jisoo and Hae-in and the director who got cursed and images ruined over a drama that hadn't even aired. It's not like they can re-air the drama from the first episode...aigoo...so unfair...

  • im glad snowdrop aired regardless of the petitions and stuff


    1. [+101, -1] Watching the drama made me realize the seriousness of this scandal. If they had cancelled the drama over this, it would've been hard for the producers and actors to come back after this. It's crazy that the public were misled with fake claims and misunderstood the drama. You can tell how much efforts the actors the producers put into the drama if you watch it. I hope more accurate articles like this get posted in the future.

    There was a point where I thought canceling it would have been the better solution now… but after further thinking about it, this was one of the reasons I didn’t wanted it to be canceled at the end they should get the chance to clear the misunderstandings. Cause if they would have canceled it after the first two episodes, all the fake claims would have become the truth. The producer, writer and all the Actors in the production would have been accused of accepting playing in a Drama that was right-wing propaganda. People were questioning the political position of the actors and were questioning their intentions or straight out called them right-wingers. If the Drama would have been canceled without clearing their name, it would have actually caused bigger damage to so many people.

    It’s really scary how people can jump on a witch-hunt without questioning anything or the accuracy of what has been claimed. This whole situation is another prime example of how media can manipulate people.

  • I've said repeatedly that this whole thing was just a manufactured scandal, nobody in Korea actually cared. Kpoppies on here with their fake concern trolling only used it to shade Jisoo and Blackpink, not one of the haters from rival fans have ever given two tin shits about Korean history or the democracy movement.

    Sometimes it makes me wanna go ham on these antis' faves. X(

  • I'm glad ratings are rising and it seems to be doing well on Disney+

    But man I'll never forget the essays some users (funnily enough mostly from one fandom) were writing on here and Twitter about how harmful Snowdrop is to Korean history and how the show was definitely going to get canceled.

  • i called this 'history distortion'bullshit since day 1

    I've said repeatedly that this whole thing was just a manufactured scandal, nobody in Korea actually cared. Kpoppies on here with their fake concern trolling only used it to shade Jisoo and Blackpink, not one of the haters from rival fans have ever given two tin shits about Korean history or the democracy movement.

    Sometimes it makes me wanna go ham on these antis' faves. X(

    Agreed. It was clear from the beginning that the supposed controversy was mainly being fueled by jobless and crusty kpoppies. Glad the show didn't cave in to their demands.

  • What are the ratings now?

    2.5-3.5% it looks like. It's doing about the same or better than the two shows that aired in that time slot before it. That's good for premium channels iirc. People kept trying to compare it to The Red Sleeve which was pulling in 6-12% but that's a public channel and ratings are always higher for those shows.

  • Can't say I am surprised. The way many old K-dramas were okayed years ago then suddenly became controversial last year making the cast -that was once loved for it gets canceled, was ridiculous. The rage is more about following cancel culture than any other culture. Not to mention the many newer dramas that got canceled just because crowds kept finding faults in it and demanding to shut it down. SnowDrop refusing to stop airing saved many writers whether you think they're problematic or not. Sure obviously not everything should be okayed and real concerns should be heard but it should be done with reason. If a drama gets canceled every time it is deemed problematic and gets backlash (which is like 70% of the time in this age of canceling), then it would kill creativity and people would end up with empty bland plots.



  • Well I am happy till everything is sorted for good. The ratings are okay. Not that bad given the controversy and jtbc is flopping

    `✵•.¸,✵°✵.。.✰ 𝓛𝓘𝓢𝓐 ✰.。.✵°✵,¸.•✵´


  • Suddenly i miss the times where that anti user made Snowdrop's threads... But i guess that they must be in shock seeing how even with all that mess Jisoo keeps winning and Snowdrop is doing fine!! :mukbang:

    Also the activity in the negative Threads were so much bigger, you might think with people being so concerned about Koreans and their history, they should be happy and applauding that no history was actually distorted and it was just false alarm. But they all gone mia.

    I say this over and over again. People who claim to care for victims don’t give 2 cents about them, they just use the situation as weapon to against whoever they don’t like.

    The energy some had to get this show canceled without even watching it themself is really telling.

    I’m glad that cancel culture didn’t win at the end.

  • The way we (blinks in the forum) were told to shut up bc the drama was "obviously" a distorted history was so aggressive, but funny bc all were in this mess bc of BP/Jisoo, not bc they cared for the history. But nothing new, everything is used for fanwars, no?.... Jobless people...

    The funny thing is, this thread won't get 1000 pages full of essays, bc look, it's a positive thread. People want the mess and even dare to cry about the toxicity...

  • The way we (blinks in the forum) were told to shut up bc the drama was "obviously" a distorted history was so aggressive, but funny bc all were in this mess bc of BP/Jisoo, not bc they cared for the history. But nothing new, everything is used for fanwars, no?.... Jobless people...

    The funny thing is, this thread won't get 1000 pages full of essays, bc look, it's a positive thread. People want the mess and even dare to cry about the toxicity...

    Because of this mess, people who lived through that time and were victims of the ANSP brutality believed their sacrifice was being mocked in this Drama, even though it did not happen. Imagine linking real victims to scenes that had nothing to do with them and claim it was a reference to their story to belittle them, to the point they had to come out and criticize a Drama they haven’t watched either (otherwise they would have been the one to bring this to light not netizens)… it was never about the democratic movement. The length people go to get their way is really worrisome, the way they tried to abuse peoples empathy to be on their side and not question the lies they are spreading.

    The way the made list of sponsors and pressured them with boycott if they don’t cancel sponsorship after just one episode…. and people saw this and thought it was right ?

    Many stayed neutral, but the ones who wrote essays as if their life depends on it, the ones who acted as if they are Koreans themself knowing their entire history (but didn’t even know what organization the ANSP even was), adding issues that weren’t even mentioned by those who made those claims, telling others to shut up if they aren’t Koreans, but they themself acted as if they were their spokes person.

    And of course using this to come at Blinks…. Nothing new tbh… just never saw this on this big scale.

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