between Thanksgiving and Christmas?
What differences does it make
Thanksgiving is Afternoon Person event.
Christmas is a Morning Person event.
Thanksgiving is Afternoon Person event.
Christmas is a Morning Person event.
Most of them are wasted chewing turkey?
one involves turkey the other involves ham
Ham the size of a turkey?
Ham the size of a turkey?
it can be lol
Thanksgiving is an American holiday like 4th of July.
Thanksgiving is an American holiday like 4th of July.
There is a Canadian Thanksgiving too. It's in October.
where I live doesn't celebrate (Australia) though I'm not sure about other countries~
Would the Fourth of July be similar to Guy Fawkes?
Fourth of July is Independence Day in America. It's when the Declaration of Independence was signed.
I'm not sure how that compares to Guy Fawkes Day.
Christmas has presents.
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