It is simple, the more you guys talk about them, the more hype they will get and the more people know about them. People will getting curious about that group that they will thoughts going to be very bad when they probably not and end up liking them. This happen to many previous fandom like Blackjacks, meU and even Ahgase at one point. Well, all the groups after them turn out to be very successful, and one of the reasons is people trying to figure it out how bad those groups might be from all the hate they get and they actually come out really good.
The hate train that hybengg get actually make me really sure that they will going to be really successful. Most of the successful groups coming from the groups that once many people make fun of them and hate them. It is better than no one talking about them at all. Have you ever heard that bad publicity is still publicity, and they just need to play it well and turn it into the good one.
If you actually hate that group, just stop talking about them to kill the hype not otherwise, as you guys will make people jump into the bandwagon and if they released something good, then it will bite you back. As I said, learn from the previous fandom and learn that hate train will doing nothing for you guys other than make the ngg more famous and known.