{rant} i'm thinking about closing down my twitter acc

  • i recall the days when i used to have only my insta as my point of contact with bts and honestly maybe that was better

    fans on twitter are soo annoying with the daily drama and fanwars not to start off with the nasty solo stans :rolleyes:

    its just that twitter is so fast with news and i probably missed out a lot on insta but maybe having an acc on here would be enough?

    what are your thoughts? do u have a twitter acc?

  • i have twitter only for BTS notifs and being a part of a small community. i have four other twitter accounts and i only use those for BTS notifs too so i never miss anything. otherwise that's it

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • am i the only person who never sees twitter drama unless they go out of their way to check it

    like all i get is updates from the artists :clown:

    Edited once, last by zuzuhhaa ().

  • i recall the days when i used to have only my insta as my point of contact with bts and honestly maybe that was better

    fans on twitter are soo annoying with the daily drama and fanwars not to start off with the nasty solo stans :rolleyes:

    its just that twitter is so fast with news and i probably missed out a lot on insta but maybe having an acc on here would be enough?

    what are your thoughts? do u have a twitter acc?

    Probably the best idea anyone has ever had - and I wish I was exaggerating. Twitter can so easily become a cesspool. We tell people to be careful of who they follow, but it's HARD. Too many petty spats crop up all the time.

  • I block the hell out of people on Twitter.

    Shitty people in the replies? Blocked.

    Shitty people in the quote retweets? Ya blocked.

    Trying to start drama in the hashtags? Get blocked.

    Just generally being a pos and shading members/groups for no reason? You should be blocked already.

    I also block accounts that support saesangs/fansites that cross the line, but that's just a personal thing for me. I stopped following a lot of big accounts for groups because they tend to be kind of shady at times and instead focus on finding accounts that may focus on one specific member, but also support the whole group. Like right now I follow four NCT accounts who bias one member and it's a great way to catch memes and funny tweets, but I also know that I'm not gonna run across a tweet of them mocking any of the other members and will instead also hype them up when they get new opportunities.

    I do hate that sometimes shitty tweets end up in their trending topics that follow, but I just block those before I have a chance to come across them again.

  • There's some kind of drama that only happens in twittter and if you're out you never hear about it. I used one for voting and had one private for a year but even if you pick your timeline you end up seeing suggestions and likes that are involved in drama so I deleted it. I do miss it because there's so many talented and funny people but it's not worth the drama.

  • Also I will say I think it helps to not have a stan twitter account. I just have one account with about 20 or so people from various social networking sites I've made friends with over the years that I really interact with. So I don't just see kpop stuff.. I also get tweets about people's dogs and jobs and kids to balance it out.

    I honestly don't think I'd survive an account dedicated to just follow my kpop groups. :pepe-cross:

  • Also I will say I think it helps to not have a stan twitter account. I just have one account with about 20 or so people from various social networking sites I've made friends with over the years that I really interact with. So I don't just see kpop stuff.. I also get tweets about people's dogs and jobs and kids to balance it out.

    I honestly don't think I'd survive an account dedicated to just follow my kpop groups. :pepe-cross:

    thats my insta acc

    i made the twt acc for voting but now i'm not enjoying it at all

    at first the fanwars were funny but now its irritating

  • thats my insta acc

    i made the twt acc for voting but now i'm not enjoying it at all

    at first the fanwars were funny but now its irritating

    Same, same. It was fun watching the fighting happen, but at some point it just gets to be too much negativity and gets depressing.

  • From the looks of the responses, it looks like there should be a recommended Twitter account follow session. I know I've picked up some great accounts from my fellow NCTzens in the guild. Maybe some Army can help you find some better and more positive accounts to follow. :pepe-excited:

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