I'm conflicted (rant)

  • I'm not sure if I wanna stay in the kpop community.

    I've been facing so much toxicity and scrutiny for trivial things. My mental health has gone down severely in the past year because of it. I try to not take things to heart but it's just too much. I keep on getting messages on twitter saying I'm problematic for stanning a certain idol. I'm so sick of it. I'm shedding tears as I'm typing this. Am I wrong for being so sensitive? Am I wrong for liking kpop? Am I overthinking it? Should the posters on my wall be there? Am I too obsessed? So many questions. I'm scared to even say anything on discord servers I'm in because everyone seems so passive aggressive on there. I'm talking like they will cancel you for liking Blackpink because they're "racist." Usually I just talk to the friends I already have. I really want to make new friends yet I feel so awkward whenever I try esp on discord. People either ignore me or criticise me. I don't know why kpop stans have to be so condensending when I'm only trying to have fun. I didn't hurt anyone.

    I'm trying so hard to stay in the community, honestly. But so many people are making me question my place. Sorry for the rant, I had to get these feelings off my chest.

  • cherryshiii

    Changed the title of the thread from “I'm conflicted” to “I'm conflicted (rant)”.
  • i'm so sorry this is happening to you. at the end of the day you should chose what's best for your mental health. it's easy to get caught up in this (i had an era when i did too trust me) and put too much stake into what is essentially just a genre of music. keep the posters in your room and keep speaking your truth. stanning someone doesn't make you racist- people just love that argument because it's all they have.

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • Take a break or leave.

    Your piece of mind and mental health come before anything. If those things aren't right then everything else will go to shit. So maybe sit back and take a breather just enjoy the music

    Am I wrong for being so sensitive? Am I wrong for liking kpop? Am I overthinking it? Should the posters on my wall be there? Am I too obsessed?

    1. No you're not. Some of the things said online are just plain toxic.

    2. You're never wrong for liking a genre of music.

    3. A tad bit, but it's normal.

    4. They express your interests and ig make you happy so leave dem.

    5. No unless you're a delulu. You know the type.

  • I think like any other community there will be toxic sides and positive sides. I would suggest trying to distance yourself for the toxic parts.

    Still, the toxic parts are nasty and they can be kind of dominant at times. I don't you're wrong for liking kpop or feeling hurt by these people. They are the ones who need to step back and check themselves. The idea of being kind or respectful is kind of dead sometimes, and that's sad.

    Additionally, if you do feel it's stressful. Then it could be good to take a break from kpop. At least from the social media side of it.

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  • You should really take a break, please nothing in the world is more important than your own health, if you feel like the pressure of being a kpop fan is affecting you in a negative way you have every right to distance from that, in the most unapologetic way... I know sometimes we feel like we need to be there because we are already a part of it or have friends, but in the end of the day if that's making you sad and stuff you should try to distance yourself everyday and just try to follow your group without engaging in the fandom.

    And I know what you meant, this is one of the reasons I could never bring myself to make a twitter account.

  • What others already said. Besides, just know that whoever tries to guilt-trip you for liking an artist that they believe to be bad (based on their psychoanalyzing bullshit) is more problematic and you should never take them seriously because 99% of the time they are not even genuine.



  • I’m so incredibly sorry to hear that you’ve been through this. By all means, take a break if you feel like that will help you. Your mental health is more important than staying within a community you feel is not supporting you. Like others have said, doing what is best for you is all that a matters when it’s said and done. And again, I’m so sorry you have experienced this. I know I keep apologizing, but that’s only because I’ve been through something similar, and I know how this can really affect one’s mental health. Please, if you need to talk about this more, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. My dms are always open. Keep your head high, cherry. You’re wonderful, and you deserve to feel welcome and accepted wherever you are, no matter the community <3

    ・❥・🖤🤍~A wish your heart makes~🤍🖤・❥


  • I've been harsh myself to people for taking kpop seriously, so idk if I'm the right person to be speaking on this but all I can say is you should surround yourself with positive energy, that's what you deserve. Kpop is something you like, why let people on discord or wherever else make you feel uncomfortable for liking whoever you like and make you feel ignored/not a part of this community. Nothing you're doing is too much or too "sensitive" it's understandable you'll be upset to see that kind of toxicity. Instead of feeling the need to leave, question why others get the right to make you question your place. It's just music at the end of the day right? Hope you feel better soon:borahae:

  • My experience in kpop social media so far is really good. You just need to find good moots or follow non toxic one. Don't engaged in fan war or anything because people will targeting you, I mean no one will suddenly find and give you harsh dm if you stay out of the line. It will pretty much enjoyable. And if you want to make new friends through social media, just find someone around your fandom, the unproblematic one.

    I do this for almost 8 years in kpop social media, find new friends and quite happy. Or you can just lock your acc and enjoy the contain from the side. Your mental heart is important!

  • Sounds like your in pretty shitty Discord Servers if they are going to cancel you for liking a "Racist" groups Music

    Might be a blessing in disguise to get out of there, find some more like minded people elsewhere

  • A lot of us have gone through this phase. Take a break from any platform that is causing you anxiety. Make your twitter account private, block anyone who harasses you. Block anyone who regularly starts toxic shit that you get triggered by or want to react to. When I was getting overwhelmed I made new accounts and only followed updates accounts and positive people who ignored drama. Just focus on the parts of K-Pop that make you happy, put the rest on pause.

  • They call you "problematic" for stanning because they're closet bullies and that's the only socially acceptable insult they can use. It's such a lazy copout.

    Once upon a time, bullies used homophobic and racist remarks to insult and bully people. Now that they're afraid of the consequences (being cancelled), they resort to calling someone "problematic" or "racist" to make themselves appear virtuous while doing something bad. It's a "safe" way to bully someone. K-pop itself ain't bad. It's the fans' projection of self-hate and personal problems onto others that makes it seem unbearable.

    This is not just with K-pop, but with stan culture anywhere else. It's a modern-day, generational thing.

    Don't let that ruin your experience with something you love, something that brings joy and meaning to your life. Not saying K-pop should be your main purpose, but it has a place and it can inspire you to do great things.

  • Tbh i'd advice to stop doing social media (overall not just for kpop) if it ever impacts your mental health in such a negative way, lifes to short to waste time on stuff that can be cut from it and its not really worth it (id say the same is true for people irl as well, even if it can get much more complicated when it comes to relatives etc).

    Theres nothing stopping you from still enjoying kpop or anything else as a hobby, but i can see how being apart of a community etc can be a big part of the experience , and if its something you still wanna be apart of, block users immediatly thats toxic/harrasing or trolling, even if its not directed at you to begin with, don't even bother trying to argue back, in the end it will just drag you down to their level.

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