I'm not sure if I wanna stay in the kpop community.
I've been facing so much toxicity and scrutiny for trivial things. My mental health has gone down severely in the past year because of it. I try to not take things to heart but it's just too much. I keep on getting messages on twitter saying I'm problematic for stanning a certain idol. I'm so sick of it. I'm shedding tears as I'm typing this. Am I wrong for being so sensitive? Am I wrong for liking kpop? Am I overthinking it? Should the posters on my wall be there? Am I too obsessed? So many questions. I'm scared to even say anything on discord servers I'm in because everyone seems so passive aggressive on there. I'm talking like they will cancel you for liking Blackpink because they're "racist." Usually I just talk to the friends I already have. I really want to make new friends yet I feel so awkward whenever I try esp on discord. People either ignore me or criticise me. I don't know why kpop stans have to be so condensending when I'm only trying to have fun. I didn't hurt anyone.
I'm trying so hard to stay in the community, honestly. But so many people are making me question my place. Sorry for the rant, I had to get these feelings off my chest.