I don't wanna focus on the negative stuff as Lisa solo is one of the best moments to me this year (alongside with Rosé solo and Jisoo drama), buuuuuuut i saw a lot of comments here about Lisa albums and yes, it was funny...
Lisa is at +190k albums "sold" just in one site in her 4 days of pre order and while blinks were celebrating such HIGH numbers, some non fans were saying: "oh, i expected more", "not bad for a female soloist", "just this?".... Like are we for real??
Lisa is already outselling 95% of female soloists on kpop just with this pre order and still expecting her to sell +1M is just hypocrite and a way to set her up to later say: " i thought she was more popular than this", "her fame isn't that big" so I'm already making this thread to say it clearly: Lisa selling 100k, 300k, 500k or whatever shouldn't be disappointed for someone who never supported her so let's just mind our faves business without trying to set other's faves up just to prove a "fandom" wrong.
No one is silly. It's clear as water why people are still saying non sense things like this. So yeah, essay done bc i don't wanna get a wp trying to put reason on people's @$$.
And to blinks/lilies: let's enjoy and make happy memories! I'm sure Lisa is as excited as us and I'm sure she is working as hard as ever to give us her best!
Lots of love for Lisa!! And yeeees! Finally 3/4 done!
From a images - 2021-08-27T093842.948.jpeg
BLACKPINK fighting! Lisa fighting! Blinks, I'm happy that i discovered you guys here!