A very specific type of male girl group stans on sns are dangerous and insidious

  • These are insecure, hateful and misogynistic men who token stan female kpop idols or female white pop artists to be able to say that they are feminists. It's funny because they are not feminists at all. They will hate on female fans of male idol, degrade them and be misogynistic towards them and hate on other female idols they don't like.

    It's even more alarming because these men are in female fan spaces, claiming to be fans of asian female idols while engaging in toxic, predatory behavior and gaslighting. They fetishize and objectify asian women and exhibit downright incel behavior. These men pretend to be very progressive when they are far from it. They are insidious trolls most of the time. They weaponize and misuse the term "feminism" to be more misogynistic to other women around them.

    It's very important to recognize the dangers of these men and what their presence in predominantly female fandom spaces mean. There are a lot of minors in these spaces too and men like these are highly dangerous. Opinions on this?

  • Even Cardi B calls out this behavior.

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    This behavior is predominantly seen in poc women stan spaces from general white males.

  • Moderator

    Changed the title of the thread from “Male girl group stans on sns are dangerous and insidious” to “Some male girl group stans on sns are dangerous and insidious”.
  • Moderator

    Changed the title of the thread from “Some male girl group stans on sns are dangerous and insidious” to “A very specific type of male girl group stans on sns are dangerous and insidious”.
  • Can we see the insecure and hateful posts?

    I only see cardi b post. Is she kpop idol now?

    I can bring a series of posts like that from twitter if you want. They are generally microaggressive and hateful. For example one girl group fan slut shaming another girl group member and then in the next post will talk about feminism while victimizing their own faves. It's a very very common thing that happens on gg stan twitter. Some of them even pretend to be another fandom and send their own female faves hate in an attempt to set other fandoms up.

  • I’ve seen it happen on AKP, some will profess their love for ggs and how much they support women in the idol industry and then be saying misogynistic shit in other threads. Makes no sense. Thankfully it’s only a minority. Most male gg fans on here seem nice.

    I don’t know about Twitter though, I stay away from that hellhole. It’s literally a cesspool.

  • I can bring a series of posts like that from twitter if you want. They are generally microaggressive and hateful. For example one girl group fan slut shaming another girl group member and then in the next post will talk about feminism while victimizing their own faves. It's a very very common thing that happens on gg stan twitter. Some of them even pretend to be another fandom and send their own female faves hate in an attempt to set other fandoms up.

    thanks i just wanted an example. For me its a big difference between "I hope xy dies or have an accident" and " i dont like xy"

    well, twitter... guess thats toxic to everyone. They will not use only feminism or antifeminism but whatever they seem usefull to put other down and their own faves up.

    If you pay attention to them they have allready won. just ignore/report them.

  • I don't see the reason to single out male fans in this case. Almost everyone is toxic on twitter, whether its gay white males, black women, trans people. Whatever they are they all seem to adopt the same aave using "woke" sassy persona that pretends to be righteous when in actuality they just want to talk shit and cancel people.

    If you wanted to say male fans are trying to groom underage girls for their sexual pleasure then that's another topic entirely and not just your typical toxic fake woke random online.

  • I can bring a series of posts like that from twitter if you want. They are generally microaggressive and hateful. For example one girl group fan slut shaming another girl group member and then in the next post will talk about feminism while victimizing their own faves. It's a very very common thing that happens on gg stan twitter. Some of them even pretend to be another fandom and send their own female faves hate in an attempt to set other fandoms up.

    Are you saying it’s men who does this?

  • I know what you mean, I've come up against some in the past, but some female boy group stans can be just as vicious and just as objectifying.

    I tend not to speak on women much because I feel that it always leads to them being degraded in a misogynistic manner back and since women are not in a position of power most of the time but men? I go hard against them.

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