Happy 6 month anniversary to us, the best guild members, Exotics!
When I first created the guild in January the 13th, I never expected for the guild to grew as big and successful as it did. I honestly thought I would mostly be talking to myself since exols were of the few on this forum but to my surprise, many lovely members came and kept me company. With your help, our guild has grown so big and I have made so many precious friendships a long the way. I am so grateful to be able to have a safe space just for me to do what I love most and that is loving EXO and talking about their music with other EXO-Ls. I never expected to be so active on here but this place has now become one of my favorite pass times and who knew 6 months would fly by just like that. My only hope is for the guild to continue to grow and that we can celebrate our anniversary for years to come. Thank you to every single one of you, I hope you know how much I appreciate each and every single one of you for being here and creating so many memories with me.
And so, for our 6 month anniversary, I have decided to compile every single member's first post in the guild and share some of the member's most favorite memories so that we can look back and laugh,cry,reminisce of our guild's history. This big brain idea was proposed by no other than our fav sveznalica , The head of the family (or so she claims) so credits to her! Consider this your crowning thread svez
I have only shared moments that were sent by other exotic members and some favorite memories of my own. Of course we have so many more hidden in our collection of over 128k posts so if you have any you want to share, please feel free to post them in the comments below!