What’s your opinion of people who identify with things they weren’t born with?

  • I heard that Oli identifies as a gay Korean man. Then I saw a lot of stans put him down. But I thought, isn’t that intolerance? There’s many people in the world and not all of them will identify with things we think is “normal”. I never understood the concept of needing to criticize people for what they identify as. If you want to judge then judge Oil’s actions against others, not his identity.

    there IS an argument floating around that he does all of this to keep attention and that an easy way to keep attention on him is to do inflammatory things like what he does.

    One thing that is aside from his "identity" -- he once claimed that he is an army but once stated confidently that jungkook was leader. Lots of other things like consistently incorrect korean pronunciation despite having a long list of videos that "teach" korean.

    tldr some suspect that he is doing the bare minimum to keep him in the limelight but not sinking the effort to actually deliver on what he promises.

    ( learning korean pronunciation, actually doing the eye surgery to make his eyes actually look asian (there are plenty of examples where other public figures actually went in and came out looking genuinely korean -- oli doesn't look korean at all) learning a bit of BTS choreo and lyrics I guess, etc.)

  • The difference is that gender is inherent. Science used to think that gender was mutable and something that could be imprinted on a child if they were raised as that gender from a young enough age. We know now that that isn't true. However gender is formed, whether it's through a combination of genetics, hormone wash, whatever, we know it's not formed by environment (nor is it dependent on outward genitalia btw).

    Race and ethnicity are social constructs made of a wider variety of combination of physical traits, heritage, community identity, and lived experiences (especially shared experiences). It's not something you inherently are or something you can suddenly become.

    Doesn’t matter. Identity is something personal. He identifies as a certain individual and that’s his business.

  • So he has shoddy body of work. But again that shouldn’t be what people use to judge his identity

  • people can be whatever they want to be...

    just as others can choose to accept that or not...

    everybody is free to make whatever decisions they want but always remember that one then has to bear the consequences of such actions...

  • Eh, I say do whatever the fuck you want to do as long as you're not causing life threatening harm to anyone. Do what you want, smoke what you want, be what you want.

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  • It’s their business and choice. These people have a hard enough time as it is without more bigotry and prejudice. My daughter is friends with a trans woman and I’ve met her and she’s lovely. I don’t care what someone was born as.

  • Hi hi us trans/nb kpop stans do not stan Oli just so you know :danceb: and this

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    Comes off like some kind of attempted "joke"

  • I don't care that Oli London is gay or that he wants to be Korean, or that he got a lot of plastic surgery, I don't care what he identifies as as long as he isn't be an a**...... my problem is that he is an attention seeker and a creep, for marrying a cardboard print out of Jimin from BTS and getting plastic surgery to look like him, and lying about how 'famous' he is. He's said before that people see him and think he's Jimin. The other problem is that he said he's an ARMY but can't get basic things right about BTS, and he wants so badly to be Korean but he has no concept of korea at all and can't speak Korean well, but he acts like he's all that, even correcting a KOREAN person's KOREAN

    In short, he can be, say or pretend to be whatever he wants, I don't give a crap.

    But he's bad because he is a creep, an attention seeker and a poser

    Edited once, last by JaedaKim ().

  • I think trying to make Oli London the same as trans people is insulting. A lot of korean people have shown they are uncomfortable with him, mostly because everything he does, he makes it look like a joke. I don't think it's okay to do what he is doing.


    I'm throwing you away for keeping me locked up

  • Trans people go through terrible dysphoria being born the wrong gender. Oli is an attention seeker who didn't go through what trans people go through. He can do what he wants, but I don't want anyone comparing him to transgender people.

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