It's the best title to be released this year. The melodies, harmonies and vocals on it are just another level.
I agree from a practical standpoint ballads don't tend to have choreos and this song is very much stand and deliver so having it as a promoted b-side/dual title track wouldn't have been a bad idea. Give yourself scope to grow with a less restricted title track.
But I guess they wanted to give their full attention to this song for a reason. I thought they had all renewed but it definitely gives the end of an era vibe.
At first I thought it was a nice, chill song. But after listening several more times to it the past day and after seeing the Music Bank performance, I can honestly say I enjoy WAWN most of the Mamamoo songs I've heard the past years, it's in my personal Top 5 Mamamoo songs now.
It has a majestic vibe to it.
I don't think they haven't renewed though? Wouldn't they have announced it before their comeback, instead of having a comeback and then immediately afterwards disband? At the most it could be that maybe 1 member didn't renew, but even that feels farfetched.