Manifesto: We Are Bulletproof -- RULES / MEMBERS / HOW TO JOIN --

    • Official Post



    CIAO CIAO! If you've ever asked, "Any ARMY here?" then you're in the right place. Welcome to the Bulletproof Guild, a BTS focused guild! We have termed ourselves the Bullets, though we flirted with other names like "Bullies" (Bulletproof shortened, tongue-in-cheek funny but tragic), "Bangers and Mash" and "Fannies and Tannies". Yea, we picked the tamest one, but if we talk about those names, you'll know why :wink:

    Our Guild Protectors are none other than the BTS Illuminati.


    We considered TinyTan, but the Illuminati part sounded cooler! Onto necessary things...


    Have OT7 BTS as your ult biases
    Be respectful
    This means:
    - No passive aggressive behavior
    - No call-outs
    - Resolve issues in DMs

    Participate! (Members at least every 2 weeks)

    NOTE: You do not need to be a member to post, but you do need to follow the rules. If you would like to start a thread, but are not a member, please DM Ves, Ibby, lonelywhalien or rrrrrrapmonster


    Before joining:

    You must answer questionnaire below! DON'T WORRY IT'S FUN

    Read the rules ⇡ then ⇣

    REMINDER: You do not need to be a member to post
    This guild is a community effort - all contributions matter!

    ⤑ That you love BTS as your ult biases
    ⤑ To post at a minimum of every 2 weeks
    ⤑ Get along with the current members of this guild
    ⤑ To remain respectful in your posts





    1. Afriyieau1
    2. AmmaAffa
    3. aliye12
    4. beatrixavier
    5. BTS-ae-1320
    6. Cashmere-Rose
    7. Charmed123
    8. cheersj
    9. drchimchim
    10. dryheat
    11. dsc
    12. Fansamy
    13. Flowercrew
    14. ForeverBTStrash
    15. frozenolaf
    16. Heamic08
    17. heartclue
    18. Jasmine_Waters
    19. jangmi08
    20. kiwijoon
    21. kristalli0109
    22. licoricebtch
    23. lonelymoon
    24. Mack-Attack
    25. @moon-pie
    26. musicqueen
    27. nevermindmejin
    28. BRIYANI
    29. onlyfacts
    30. penepol
    31. piedpiper134340
    32. poptarts0
    33. potatodonuts
    34. ppiper
    35. rrrrrrapmonster GUILD MODERATOR
    36. Yoonminnie
    37. rosapastel
    38. Straw_berry
    39. taetaepie
    40. tafattsbarn
    41. tetetete
    42. tinyducktan
    43. worldlove27
    44. FeLiNa
    45. Yinye
    46. yoongistaecup
    47. ZestyMochi










    In order to easily designate guild posts from other types of posts if they happen to show up in the sidebars, we now have a system to prefix guild threads. If you forget to add it, don't worry, either myself or lonelywhalien will add the prefix!


    {𝕓𝕥𝕡𝕗} ⑦ - ARMY discussions

    {𝕓𝕥𝕡𝕗} 🜲 - BTS official content

    {𝕓𝕥𝕡𝕗} 🎼 - BTS official music

    {𝕓𝕥𝕡𝕗} 🝊 - Bulletproof Guild content

    {𝕓𝕥𝕡𝕗} 🁊 - Bulletproof Guild games

    {𝕓𝕥𝕡𝕗} ❝ ❞ - BTS official quotes





    Bored? Take a moment to introduce yourself!


    AKP ARMY Questions:
    What does your AKP username mean?
    Why did you join AKP?
    Are you joining Bulletproof?

    The Basics:
    What moment did you realize you were ARMY?
    How long have you been ARMY?
    Who is your bias?
    What was the first BTS song you heard?
    What was the first BTS MV you saw?
    What is your favorite BTS album?
    What is your favorite BTS song?
    What is your favorite BTS performance?

    Getting More in Depth:
    Do you call the members by their stage names or real names?
    Do you have any ARMY friends in real life?
    Which member do you feel you are the most like?
    What was the last piece of BTS merch you bought?
    How far would you travel to see BTS?
    Favorite BTS expression or saying?
    Name your most memorable BTS or ARMY moment.
    Link your favorite YouTube reaction to BTS related content!
    Favorite BTS meme?

    Still bored? Want an :akorns: ?

    ⤑⤑⤑ {𝕓𝕥𝕡𝕗} ⑦ 𝚃𝙷𝙸𝚂 𝚘𝚛 𝚃𝙷𝙰𝚃

    Guild Emotes:




    FED UP




    Guild Design Spec:


  • haha, yes!!! but why aren't sleeping Vesti? go rest, you just revamped a forum :D

    INTRO POST (i'll edit it in time, when the fancy strikes):

    What does your AKP username mean?
    doesn't have any special meaning, i just wanted something quirky and fun :D

    Why did you join AKP?

    to keep up with my fave groups at the time. Ended up discovering BTS, ditching other groups and finding a fun group of people to make things spicy around here.

    Are you joining Bulletproof?

    no doubt about it!

    The Basics:

    What moment did you realize you were ARMY?

    when i actually made it all the way through American Hustle Life :D

    How long have you been ARMY?

    Since Prologue dropped ( 2015).

    Who is your bias?

    Kim Taehyung :love:<3<3<3

    What was the first BTS song you heard?


    What was the first BTS MV you saw?

    Prologue (not sure it counts ), I need U

    What is your favorite BTS album?

    LY: Answer, Wings, HYYH Young Forever.

    What is your favorite BTS song?

    House of Cards full version, Outro Tear

    What is your favorite BTS performance?

    how can we choose just one? uhmm... This year's MMA performance i guess.

    Getting More in Depth:

    Do you call the members by their stage names or real names?

    Real names for the most part.

    Do you have any ARMY friends in real life?

    yes and no? not in my immediate friend circle, but i've met a nice ARMY at the Berlin concert in 2018 and we stayed in touch. even met in London in 2019 for the Wembley concert and spent time together visiting London.

    Which member do you feel you are the most like?

    Namjoon, we both tend to overthink things :D

    What was the last piece of BTS merch you bought?

    merch as in excluding DVDs, albums etc? Would have to be the at the Wembley concert, when I bought a few T-shirts.

    How far would you travel to see BTS?

    i've already travelled a little to see them, through Europe. I'd love to go see them in Japan one time, in Tokyo Dome or something. My best friend lives in Tokyo so at least I'd have a place to stay :D

    Favorite BTS expression or saying?

    Maybe I made a mistake yesterday, but yesterday’s me is still me

    Name your most memorable BTS or ARMY moment.

    Singing Young Forever on the Wembley Stadium for BTS. By far the purest and most intense experience I've had as an ARMY.

    Link your favorite YouTube reaction to BTS related content!…GY&ab_channel=BangtanSubs

    hehe :P

    Favorite BTS meme?


  • you guys all know me ( I hope) but I'll do the intro too :

    What does your AKP username mean?

    Nothing , it's a random generated name . I'm lazy af

    Why did you join AKP?

    Liked the conversations about BTS .I just wanted to join the discussions and help hype Dynamite promo . and I was a permanent lurker on worldlove27 growth thread .

    Are you joining Bulletproof?

    I'm one of the OGs lmao

    a final word?

    The genre is BTS

  • random generated username. it’s so you lmao

  • What does your AKP username mean?

    Nothing special. I just like black cats.

    Why did you join AKP?

    I’ve been a lurker of the forum before and I’ve witnessed how this forum has had constantly downplayed BTS, and it got to a point where I couldn’t take it anymore. That’s why I’m kind of petty, sometimes.

    Are you joining Bulletproof?
    Gladly. But I’m not very active. It’s nice to have a space exclusively for ARMYs. <3

  • you're one of my favorite users . I love shooter armys

  • AKP ARMY Questions:

    What does your AKP username mean?

    No special meaning. I just like potato donut and been craving for it when I created this acc...

    Why did you join AKP?

    To fangirl over BTS ofc...

    And also I feel called out when I was lurking while waiting for hot 100 announcement, so I decide to just create an acc and join the hype train :P

    Are you joining Bulletproof?

    You bet I am... I'm an OG member, I may retired my old acc but there's no way I'm giving my spot to someone else... :evil:

    The Basics:

    What moment did you realize you were ARMY?

    After I watch carpool karaoke and watch lots of get to know bts youtube video to learn about them more

    How long have you been ARMY?

    I first watch BTS around end feb/early march 2020? And watch most of their video and clips, but becoming army around May 2020...

    Who is your bias?

    Stan Mr. President! (It's RM if I didn't make myself quite clear 8o )

    What was the first BTS song you heard?

    ON! *well tehnically It's BWL but since I didn't listen to it completely I didn't count it...

    What was the first BTS MV you saw?

    -same as above-

    What is your favorite BTS album?

    A toss up between MOTS:7 and The Most Beautiful Moment in Life: Young Forever

    What is your favorite BTS song?

    On, Black Swan, HoC, Mic Drop, Blue & Grey, Baepsae, Tear, Fire, YET

    What is your favorite BTS performance?

    Getting More in Depth:

    Do you call the members by their stage names or real names?

    I switched depends on my mood

    Do you have any ARMY friends in real life?


    Which member do you feel you are the most like?


    How far would you travel to see BTS?

    As far as my wallet allows me :(

    Favorite BTS expression or saying?

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    Name your most memorable BTS or ARMY moment.


    1st BB Hot100 announcement

    Grammy nomination announcement

    Favorite BTS YouTube reaction?

    Favorite BTS meme?

    most of them :P

  • Hello vesti!

    I am bored so I am going to answer all the questions because why not..

    AKP ARMY Questions:

    What does your AKP username mean?

    My name and birthdate call me lazy X/

    Why did you join AKP?

    I am still not sure but something must have made me.. but I have been a lurker for years!

    Are you joining Bulletproof?

    I am a OG member <3

    What moment did you realize you were ARMY?

    The moment I saw the glorious Jin slamming that locker door :love:

    The Basics:

    How long have you been ARMY?

    Been a fan since January 2014 <3

    Who is your bias?

    Seokjin the beautiful, handsome and aesthetically pleasing human or more like @@@cb1c9527-1ed9-4fd7-bada-443bd1e3f124@@@  <3

    What was the first BTS song you heard?

    One of their oldest songs or BIL :/

    What was the first BTS MV you saw?

    Again I think it's one of their early ones or BIL :/

    What is your favorite BTS album?

    I can't answer this  X/

    But some of my favorites eras was “HYYH" and "Love Yourself" but I really loved MOTS7 era as well.

    You know what scratch that every era means something to me so nope I ain't choosing. X(

    What is your favorite BTS song?

    This changes a lot but I will go with Black Swan but I love every song (besides 80% of the persona album I don't hate the song nor do I care X/ )

    What is your favorite BTS performance?

    I always love to watch INU, RUN, BS&T, FL, SD, BS, ON to name a few... 8)

    Getting More in Depth:

    Do you call the members by their stage names or real names?

    Both I guess...

    Do you have any ARMY friends in real life?

    Yes! My bestfriend is an army and I have other friends who is ARMYs.. <3<3

    Which member do you feel you are the most like?

    I am not sure my bestfriend says I am like Suga and I kinda agree with her I think... I am an Aquarius shouldn't I be like Hobi? :/

    What was the last piece of BTS merch you bought?

    Season's greetings 2021 <3

    How far would you travel to see BTS?

    Well I have to travel to see them... I am manifesting more Europe dates :!:

    Favorite BTS expression or saying?

    "teamwork makes the dream work" and Borahae ;(<3

    Name your most memorable BTS or ARMY moment.

    All moments are memorable :!:

    Link your favorite YouTube reaction to BTS related content!

    Hmm I don't watch that many reactions...

    Favorite BTS meme?







    NOW I AM DONE ^^

    “we never felt so young”


    Edited 2 times, last by aliye12 ().

  • AKP ARMY Questions:

    What does your AKP username mean?

    slumber means sleep i think. but i love sleeping but hell i been using this since friendster days lmao im old i know. yoshi came from my favorite shoujo manga female lead. i loved reading mangas 3 yrs back.

    Why did you join AKP?

    Was lurking for quite a while. Got interested and I joined because of myaza and worldlove27 and freakyfantasy ‘s threads before

    Are you joining Bulletproof?

    I’m already a member. Duh xD

    I’ll be here while Bangtan is still active :)

  • Ooooh... This looks interesting ForeverBTStrash especially to new army like ppiper  dryheat and I...

    I’ll have to do it on the weekend so I’m not faced with disappointment again 😒 lol but yeah this weekend, most likely Saturday! Anyone wanna give me any game ideas? Please and thanks <3

    Or you could continue the last game that I missed ;(

    Btw, like sephius  celyn21 said don't forget to put reminder every day so that people didn't forget and could join :P

  • Okk I'm new to the forum so I'd like to clarify a couple of things. Anyone who follows the rules can post, but there are certain conditions to be met if you want to be a member. What are the benefits of being a member?

    Thank youuu <3

    Well if you need a safe space as an Army then you can join here. The forum can be so draining and toxic. It's like friend and family here in the guild. That for me is the biggest benefit you can have in this forum. ^^

  • Yay, glad to have the guild here. Thanks Ves for all your effort and great job on the revamp <3

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