Scroll down to the end of the page and click the "Change Style" link. Select the Mystic skin for clear skin!
CIAO CIAO! If you've ever asked, "Any ARMY here?" then you're in the right place. Welcome to the Bulletproof Guild, a BTS focused guild! We have termed ourselves the Bullets, though we flirted with other names like "Bullies" (Bulletproof shortened, tongue-in-cheek funny but tragic), "Bangers and Mash" and "Fannies and Tannies". Yea, we picked the tamest one, but if we talk about those names, you'll know why

① Have OT7 BTS as your ult biases
② Be respectful
This means:
- No passive aggressive behavior
- No call-outs
- Resolve issues in DMs
③ Participate! (Members at least every 2 weeks)
NOTE: You do not need to be a member to post, but you do need to follow the rules. If you would like to start a thread, but are not a member, please DM Ves, Ibby, lonelywhalien or rrrrrrapmonster
Remember that the guilds are PUBLIC domain and all users can see what you post. The same rules that apply to the rest of the forum apply to these guild threads as well. No calling out though mild generalized venting is allowable, but remember, we are trying to maintain a positive environment here.
It is fine to share links for discovery, enjoyment, out of interest, etc. Problems can arise though when users follow a link and pile on suddenly or people discuss thread particulars, especially posters, off thread. Intentional or not, words may be taken out of context. It's easy to do - like the digital version of "telephone". And even if the discussion is meant to be positive, discussing it extensively off thread can make people feel like they are being discussed behind their backs. We all need to respect each other and to avoid drama which is why generalized is the operable word here.
If you have questions or complaints pertaining to the rules, you can DM your guild forum moderators.
Before joining:
① You must answer questionnaire below! DON'T WORRY IT'S FUN
Read the rules ⇡ then ⇣
REMINDER: You do not need to be a member to post
This guild is a community effort - all contributions matter!
⤑ That you love BTS as your ult biases
⤑ To post at a minimum of every 2 weeks
⤑ Get along with the current members of this guild
⤑ To remain respectful in your posts
- Afriyieau1
- AmmaAffa
- aliye12
- beatrixavier
- BTS-ae-1320
- Cashmere-Rose
- Charmed123
- cheersj
- drchimchim
- dryheat
- dsc
- Fansamy
- Flowercrew
- ForeverBTStrash
- frozenolaf
- Heamic08
- heartclue
- Jasmine_Waters
- jangmi08
- kiwijoon
- kristalli0109
- licoricebtch
- lonelymoon
- Mack-Attack
- @moon-pie
- musicqueen
- nevermindmejin
- onlyfacts
- penepol
- piedpiper134340
- poptarts0
- potatodonuts
- ppiper
- rrrrrrapmonster GUILD MODERATOR
- Yoonminnie
- rosapastel
- Straw_berry
- taetaepie
- tafattsbarn
- tetetete
- tinyducktan
- worldlove27
- FeLiNa
- Yinye
- yoongistaecup
- ZestyMochi
In order to easily designate guild posts from other types of posts if they happen to show up in the sidebars, we now have a system to prefix guild threads. If you forget to add it, don't worry, either myself or lonelywhalien will add the prefix!
{𝕓𝕥𝕡𝕗} ⑦ - ARMY discussions
{𝕓𝕥𝕡𝕗} 🜲 - BTS official content
{𝕓𝕥𝕡𝕗} 🎼 - BTS official music
{𝕓𝕥𝕡𝕗} 🝊 - Bulletproof Guild content
{𝕓𝕥𝕡𝕗} 🁊 - Bulletproof Guild games
{𝕓𝕥𝕡𝕗} ❝ ❞ - BTS official quotes
Bored? Take a moment to introduce yourself!
AKP ARMY Questions:
What does your AKP username mean?
Why did you join AKP?
Are you joining Bulletproof?
The Basics:
What moment did you realize you were ARMY?
How long have you been ARMY?
Who is your bias?
What was the first BTS song you heard?
What was the first BTS MV you saw?
What is your favorite BTS album?
What is your favorite BTS song?
What is your favorite BTS performance?
Getting More in Depth:
Do you call the members by their stage names or real names?
Do you have any ARMY friends in real life?
Which member do you feel you are the most like?
What was the last piece of BTS merch you bought?
How far would you travel to see BTS?
Favorite BTS expression or saying?
Name your most memorable BTS or ARMY moment.
Link your favorite YouTube reaction to BTS related content!
Favorite BTS meme?
Still bored? Want an ?
Guild Emotes:
Guild Design Spec:
These are signature gifs that I made to commemorate BTS's Grammy nomination. FREE TO USE!
Life Goes On:
What do I look like?:
Simple Dreams:
World Domination:
Celebrate 7:
Take a Bow: