Why BTS and not other boygroups?
it took a while for the Korean GP to trust bts and start checking out their songs
and they also have started making some public friendly titles.
most bg don't make public friendly songs. if they have a catchy tune like love scenario, they would blow up on the digital chart too. bts have arrived to a place where people like enough of their songs to check out their new releases. that is the same with gg.
I came across this post from an older korean ARMY (this was posted in 2017, I think). And I thought it captured the thought process of Koreans and I want to share with you guys. Because international kpop fans can assume but the best way is from koreans themselves
This reminded me of a conversation I had with a Korean guy. I used to try to learn Korean and used an app to learn the language. At this point I was talking to this guy for month mostly about grammar but when we grew closer I asked him about kpop... and he called it idol music. He was 32 and he said he doesn’t listen idol music, it’s for teenagers. He said something along the lines of Kpop is what most older Koreans don’t take seriously. He explained it roughly the same way minus Han. He said that style wise usual idol music don’t gonna draw in the older people.
This reminded me of a conversation I had with a Korean guy. I used to try to learn Korean and used an app to learn the language. At this point I was talking to this guy for month mostly about grammar but when we grew closer I asked him about kpop... and he called it idol music. He was 32 and he said he doesn’t listen idol music, it’s for teenagers. He said something along the lines of Kpop is what most older Koreans don’t take seriously. He explained it roughly the same way minus Han. He said that style wise usual idol music don’t gonna draw in the older people.
Yes and we can see BTS has passed that just an idol mindset from the Korean Gp. I think the only other BG that achieved that was Bigbang. Other BGs need to overcome this first to be able to chart well
As someone who watches BTS since debut, koreans only started caring abt them after their achievements on Billboard and sucess on USA (around 2017/2018). It's a korean pride thing to support BTS.
Male koreans don't listen to BG because they think liking bg is a g*y thing. And between girls there's always that rule of "stan one group" or "others groups are rivals from my faves" kind of mentality still going on strong on fandoms in Korea, so most people won't even give a chance to listen to bg music in general to begin with.
Koreans jumping on the bandwagon.
they have taste
Because 98%of South Korea's GP is Army.
And BTS has something as gift in their music for every person irrespective of age, profession, genre. And their main weapon to make people fall in love with them is Their lyrics. Children, Teenage, adult, ajumma, ajusshi all love BTS & their music cause they find themselves in their music.
Being the only idol group to have 1Billion point consecutively 4years in a row with Spring Day, Idol, BWL & Dyna can't be happen if you are not king of South Korea's music industry. Even no GG could do this.
And their PAKs are just icing on the cake.
because they’re better.
Well, the answer is actually like a puzzle where many pieces just click at some time.
BTS had better music indeed. Who else could come up with such a range as Run-INU-Fire-BST-Spring Day-Mic Drop? They delivered bop not just once, but consistently thus maintaining and building up the interest.
BTS also has had actually amazing lyrics, deep and meaningful, on the top of which rapline actually writes that lyrics - everyone loves authenticity and artist being involved in their art, it's not just a west thing. Plus, SK also at some point started to be aware about BTS talking in lyrics about very meaningful things in Korean society, history and culture.
There is an IT factor in BTS, it's undeniable how charismatic the whole group is in many different ways.
Their clean image too plus SK is in love with how professional they are and how dedicated to their craft - those are traits which Koreans like.
And of course, them being a hit in the west and spreading awareness about SK. That was like a last nail in the coffin)
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