How tall/short are you? (If your weight is on the increment, choose the taller interval) 93
> 6'3" (>190.5) (1) 1%
6'0" - 6'3" (183 - 190.5) (7) 8%
5'10" - 6'0" (180 - 183) (6) 6%
5'7" - 5'10" (170 - 180) (19) 20%
5'4" - 5'7" (162.5 - 170) (34) 37%
5'0" - 5'4" (152.5 - 162.5) (21) 23%
<5'0" (<152.5) (5) 5%
I'm bored, so I want to know the height distribution of AKP Users.