Who is the best material soloist in izone ?
Changed the title of the thread from “What is the best material soloist in izone ?” to “Who is the best material soloist in izone ?”. -
Im sure Yuri is new soloist in stone cause Theres re no news of her so maybe she should get big projet
i was talking in term of Successfull solo artist
having the potential of going solo doesn't mean you're material soloist, every kpop idol have the potential to be soloist but that doesn't mean that they are material soloist
Yuri is a great vocalist, but she's not as popular than sejeong was and doesn't have this thing that Sejeong had since Produce to connect with the audience
Chaewon and Yena same, they are really great ace, good vocalist, good dancer,
but like i already told you Yena voice color is to strong, she's like somi, both have very distinctive voice that if they are not ease by softer voice can easily become too overwhelming for a listener that's why nobody saw in Somi a material soloist, and that she didn't find success as a soloist even with her popularity
and in the Case of chaewon she's a really good dancer and singer but she doesn't have the charisma to fill the stage by herself
Well yuri is the main vocal and we know the main vocal get always solo projet
i was talking in term of Successfull solo artist
you're having the potential of going solo doesn't mean you're material soloist
Yuri is a great vocalist, but she's not as popular than sejeong was and doesn't have this thing that Sejeong had since Produce to connect with the audience
Chaewon and Yena same, they are really great ace, good vocalist, good dancer,
but like i already told you Yena voice color is to strong, she's like somi, both have very distinctive voice that if they are not ease by softer voice can easily become too overwhelming for a listener that's why nobody saw in Somi a material soloist, and that she didn't find success as a soloist even with her popularity
and in the Case of chaewon she's a really good dancer and singer but she doesn't have the charisma to fill the stage by herself
Yuri is pretty popular among korean wizones so they love her vocal skill but underrated in international
Chaewon is okay singer and confidence leon lol she get more brave in 2020 and the k wizones love her
Well Yena is one stable singer in izone and entertainer member ,she is really great dancer and better than somi .
You should see Gangster stage with yujin and chaeyeon .
Yena has ate up with her stage presence and panorama gesture (she has make her own part in panorama )
She is producer tho
Yuri is pretty popular among korean wizones so they love her vocal skill but underrated in international
Chaewon is okay singer and confidence leon lol she get more brave in 2020 and the k wizones love her
Well Yena is one stable singer in izone and entertainer member ,she is really great dancer and better than somi .
You should see Gangster stage with yujin and chaeyeon .
Yena has ate up with her stage presence and panorama gesture (she has make her own part in panorama )
She is producer tho
Yuri already release an ost who didn't do so well in chartand your talking about Korean wizones, i'm talking about the GP , a soloist unless you're a soloist from a big BOygroup or a group as Big than Blackpink, you can't focus on thinking that the fanbase will support her, in group from Produce there's a lot of solo stans in fact who will only follow once they disband the activities of their bias, so a soloist must target the GP. And among the GP yuri isn't as big than Sejeong was
like i said Chaewon is a good singer, she have confidence but she doesn't have a strong charisma to fill a stage by herself, and i saw every performance of Izone to know that it's true
and Like i said did i talk about if yena was a stable singer or not ? No
and i never mention her stage presence since i have no critics to tell her about this
like i said her vocal color isn't soloist material, it's not a common vocal color and it's not the type of voice who's popular among soloist
if you go soloist your vocal color must be easy to listen to for the majority of people if you want to be successfull that's why it's better to have a "sweet" easy to listen to vocal color, like taeyeon or IU
Yuri already release an ost who didn't do so well in chartand your talking about Korean wizones, i'm talking about the GP , a soloist unless you're a soloist from a big BOygroup or a group as Big than Blackpink, you can't focus on thinking that the fanbase will support her, in group from Produce there's a lot of solo stans in fact who will only follow once they disband the activities of their bias, so a soloist must target the GP. And among the GP yuri isn't as big than Sejeong was
like i said Chaewon is a good singer, she have confidence but she doesn't have a strong charisma to fill a stage by herself, and i saw every performance of Izone to know that it's true
and Like i said did i talk about if yena was a stable singer or not ? No
and i never mention her stage presence since i have no critics to tell her about this
like i said her vocal color isn't soloist material, it's not a common vocal color and it's not the type of voice who's popular among soloist
if you go soloist your vocal color must be easy to listen to for the majority of people if you want to be successfull that's why it's better to have a "sweet" easy to listen to vocal color, like taeyeon or IU
Yena has sweet voice but sometimes husky
Noboby is annoying with her vocal on the fanbase ...
Yena has sweet voice but sometimes husky
Noboby is annoying with her vocal on the fanbase ...
because you're fan
i don't find her voice annoying
without mentionning that Yena husky voice is mix with other members voice, so it ease her voice, it's not like it was yena voice for 3min50 non stop
but in the perspective of a non fans it wouldn't be the type of voice koreans would like to listen in vocalist
no soloist have this type of voice, and the soloist who have husky voice struggle to be popular because it's not the type of voice that koreans like they prefer sweet, chill voice
because you're fan
i don't find her voice annoying
without mentionning that Yena husky voice is mix with other members voice, so it ease her voice, it's not like it was yena voice for 3min50 non stop
but in the perspective of a non fans it wouldn't be the type of voice koreans would like to listen in vocalist
no soloist have this type of voice, and the soloist who have husky voice struggle to be popular because it's not the type of voice that koreans like they prefer sweet, chill voice
Oh oh oh
This is right
Gp love sweet chill vocal
for the members being mentioned the most (eunbi, chaeyeon, chaewon, yuri & yena)
i shall categorise
eunbi -> the most difficult one to place, but i'd say group (and definitely a leader if she were in a future group)
chaeyeon -> deserves to be a soloist 100% (deserves to choreograph her own thing, she just needs to train her voice for more stability)
chaewon -> group 100%
yuri -> soloist (one who releases OSTs, ballads, etc like taeyeon)
yena -> everglow
in izone she's above average... (well to me anyway)
her vocal isn't pleasant like somi
i like her vocal tone the issue is she's decent and the gp like her....
i like her vocal tone the issue is she's decent and the gp like her....
Gp love chaeyeon this is new thing
In order:
Chaeyeon (decent vocal, dance machine, versatile)
Yujin (vocal colors, decent vocal, versatile, young)
Yena (decent vocal, good performer but downside is vocal not distinctive)
Chaewon is more suitable in group, as her voice can be quite polarising. It can make the song unbearable if she sings for whole 3mins (btw, im fan of her)
In order:
Chaeyeon (decent vocal, dance machine, versatile)
Yujin (vocal colors, decent vocal, versatile, young)
Yena (decent vocal, good performer but downside is vocal not distinctive)
Chaewon is more suitable in group, as her voice can be quite polarising. It can make the song unbearable if she sings for whole 3mins (btw, im fan of her)
What is yuri?
What is yuri?
Honestly, yuri is one of the best vocalist in 4th gen and she deserves to be main vocal in any group. Plus, she is a very good dancer (usually main vocals in groups are weaker in performance but she isnt)
However, dont think she is solo material. Her vocal is very powerful, and her good control allows her to sing any song. She could do ballad / OST, but that would waste her dancing/performance talent. Moreover, her visual doesnt fit Korean's beauty standard. She will have tough time as soloist. She will be better off as main vocal in group.
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