(G)I-DLE Soojin’s alleged bullying victim’s sister, ‘To take legal action against the secondary attack’

  • (G)I-DLE Soojin’s alleged bullying victim’s sister, ‘To take legal action against the secondary attack’


    The sister of (G)I-DLE Soojin’s alleged bullying victim A has filed a lawsuit against malicious commenters.

    According to legal circles, ‘A’s older sister filed a complaint with the Seocho Police Station in Seoul against internet users for defamation and malicious comments. ‘A’s sister previously alleged her younger sibling ‘A’ had been the victim of school bullying by Soojin, and since then, some fans of (G)I-DLE and other netizens have been posting malicious comments and slander about her.

    Choi Sun Hee, the head of the Blue Tree Foundation at the Youth Violence Prevention Foundation, expressed, “From the victim’s point of view, they can suffer secondary attacks, including cyberbullying, for life. Our society should think more so that we can look from the victim’s point of view for public good.”

    original post: theqoo

    1. We support the victims

    2. Soojin and her fans are disgusting, by the way, why didn’t Soojin voluntarily withdraw? Does she feel sorry for the members?

    3. Soojin, please retire

    4. Let’s sue all the bad guys. We support you!

    5. Fighting!!! Soojin fans are stupidㅋㅋㅋ

    6. We support you! I hope the victim gets compensated and the bully gets punished!

    7. But what is Soojin doing these days?

    8. It’s crazy that she hasn’t left the group yet

    9. But what is she doing, she has been silent for weeks

    10. What the hell is Soojin doing?

  • just some thoughts <3

    i would go there and say this myself but i'm too lazy to turn on my korean keyboard :(

    1. We support the victims

    -> no you don't and i would know because i was one. you're just hopping on it for the sake of hating and clout.

    2. Soojin and her fans are disgusting, by the way, why didn’t Soojin voluntarily withdraw? Does she feel sorry for the members?

    -> tfw when there's no proof but you want her to withdraw.... imagine being so stupid.

    3. Soojin, please retire

    -> no i don't really think she will :)

    4. Let’s sue all the bad guys. We support you!

    -> then they would be suing themselves. expecting the Cube lawsuit to come hard and strong. take law classes you fucking idiot.

    5. Fighting!!! Soojin fans are stupidㅋㅋㅋ

    -> soOjin fAns arE StuPID KEKEKE.... 꺼져 <3

    6. We support you! I hope the victim gets compensated and the bully gets punished!

    -> you're gullible. that's all. i hope for humanity's sake your kid's IQ isn't as low as yours.

    7. But what is Soojin doing these days?

    -> probably preparing a legal case that won't fall apart in .02 seconds, oh and getting therapy because of people like you! but bullying is wrong... right? :(

    8. It’s crazy that she hasn’t left the group yet

    -> and it's crazy this isn't over yet after months but here we are!

    9. But what is she doing, she has been silent for weeks

    -> this is her reputation era and it's fucking genius.

    10. What the hell is Soojin doing?

    -> refer to #7 but also writing and singing for the new G-IDLE album since she won't be leaving :)

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • there isn't any proof that soojin actually bullied the "victim," i support whoever is innocent honestly and so far it's soojin. there isn't any good proof that soojin was a bully and stuff the victims sister has done-

    you're always speaking straight facts this is why ily

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • We don't have the full story right now but that's exactly why soojin fans need to chill.

    This not a battle of evidence but public opinion and a fandom attacking accusers only hurts the accused in the court of public opinion.

    soojin's fans have made this so much worse tbh- I understand defending ur faves but like I dont think they realize how bad this is

  • not everyone bashing fans for defending their idol who doesn't have substantial proof against them.... some people rlly do think they are high and mighty on their high ass horse as if they wouldn't do the same for their faves

    "i'm just a child,

    but i'm not above violence."

    -ethel cain, "family tree"

    (find salvation in the plastic)

  • We don't have the full story right now but that's exactly why soojin fans need to chill.

    This not a battle of evidence but public opinion and a fandom attacking accusers only hurts the accused in the court of public opinion.

    The court of public opinion is indeed much more important for somebody in the entertainment business, than the legal one, unless accused of a heinous enough crime for a jail sentence of course.

  • The main point against the sister seems to be the threats she made against Soojin on a live? But that's getting into "perfect victim" territory. She couldn't have been bullied because her sister is making threats kind of thing.

    I think it's understandable for her to be furious. My little niece got bullied at school and I don't remember ever being angrier. In a world without consequences I'd have smashed that little shit's head against a wall for traumatizing her. So I get it. I see why stans would grab onto that as proof but on its own it isn't.

  • Leaked footage of nevies in jail after they got sued by this psycho bitch lol:

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  • So Soojin's lawsuit against the original accuser was withdrawn on lack of supporting evidence

    But she re-iterates her continued claim of innocence from the more serious bullying accusations which she has held from the very beginning

    Sadly I don't think this helps her move forward, withdrawing the lawsuit will be viewed by some as proof she had no case and therefore was a "Bully" all along

    I just wish people weren't so emotionally invested about this topic of how children interacted whilst at grade school. Even if she did say mean things to another student when she was 13 or whatever age it was, why do so many people get so angry and demand "justice" from it

    Surely the person they are today is more important

  • Not enough evidence for her to sue the accuser.

    Is one persons word vs the other.

    So no proof that it happened, but not proof that the story is made up.

    So people will believe who ever they want.

    The police can't do anything about it.

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