Why should I stan NCT? Calling out fans.

  • If you like their music, why not? Have you ever given them a try?

    There are four units as of now and each one of them has their own distinctive sound, so we never get bored in terms of music. It doesn't mean you have to stan all of them though.

    They put out videos on YT almost daily and their content is very entertaining, in case you like that kind of thing.

  • The level of talent of the members will overwrhlm u cause there are no fillers and since there are 23 u will certainly find a member to love and since there are three units u can choose which one u like best.

    But idk it just depends wther u click with something they've done or not

  • Now on a serious note,

    There are 3 fixed units with 4th as rotational. You will be drought-free and get to have a mix of talent. One thing that is attractive about NCT is their ability to bring out the best and have an amazing structure where each unit has its unique charm which never reciprocates in NCT U because all the Neos are flexible, they can change according to the theme and its always fresh.

  • Neo city is like going to utopia. Ever since I discovered them (as I started keeping up with them) I get excited and thrilled every day. From discovering different impressive talents to the interesting personalities and the fun dynamics between each and each (and there's a loot of members). I only became a fan not long ago but their content came into my life at a time I was feeling really down and everything was boring and unenjoyable to me. Plus it's not like I wasn't drawn to other current groups during these times, it just that I stuck with NCT the most. I have been a K-pop fan since 2008 and 3rd gen never felt comparable to the groups I used to like in 2nd gen. Only now I am starting to feel it again.



    Edited once, last by Yumeku ().

    • Official Post

    They have three units that only release bops and their performance is always worth a watch.

    They also keep their fans well fed. Every single day there's a treat for us. They always always dropping something funny or sweet for us on YouTube.

    Just in the last three days we've gotten a Lucas vlog, random cute content, and a brand new variety show with Dream. Not to mention Taeyong literally just dropped another solo track on his soundcloud while I was typing this message.

  • The level of talent of the members will overwrhlm u cause there are no fillers and since there are 23 u will certainly find a member to love and since there are three units u can choose which one u like best.

    But idk it just depends wther u click with something they've done or not

    omg exactly! overwhelm is the word that describes my feelings then. I was expecting a group of 23 members to have a lot of fillers but it's crazy how everyone just proves they deserved their place.



  • Can we just give a huge applause to the NCT stans. I mean, they freaking memorize 23 people's names!!! I just watch their mvs and go because I will never be able to memorize that many people!

    The fact I didn't even try to learn their names but just watched a few of their videos and viola! every member was memorable for me.



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