;judgingpepe: There only one correct answer.
Sunday, 6:27 pm New #1 Supernova >>>>> Drama 26 OMG, yes! (12) 46% absolutely, NOT! (14) 54% List Participants There only one correct answer.
Sunday, 6:36 pm New #3 Quote from Tru-Multistan does a bear sh*t in the woods? which one is more poopular?
Sunday, 6:43 pm New #4 I don't really like Supernova but I am obsessed by Drama. It's my favorite aespa title track with Black Mamba.
Sunday, 6:59 pm New #6 Drama for me.I get that alot of people prefer the easier listening side of Aespa though.
Monday, 4:36 am New #16 SupernovaI think Drama is the aespa title track it took me the longest to really like