So like.... twice. No solo stans from what I've seen, or very very little solo stans. Then bp. Bp has THEE most rabid solo stan issues along with bts of course. Looking at other groups, rv also has a solo stan issue (not as big as bp, but still present) soooooo why? What triggers this sort of thing? How did twice seem to avoid it?

Why do certain groups have a big solo stan problem and others dont?
Changed the title of the thread from “Why do certain groups have a big solo stan problems and others dont?” to “Why do certain groups have a big solo stan problem and others dont?”. -
I could be wrong but Isolo activities???
the more solo activities a group has the more chances for fracturing within a fandom...With Twice having more and more solo activities as of recently, will we now expect to encounter more "solo stan" issues? Or, will their previous emphasis on the group as a whole preclude such problems?
For BTS, with solo activities, it's expected that they will gain solo stans. It's not essentially a bad thing because everyone has their preferences.
Now the reason why they become toxic, first, they're competing to break records and they think that their fave is being mistreated well hence the harassment and hate toward the other members. They are also people who are immature or just someone full of hatred.
I personally think it’s on the solo stans and their delusions and obsession with the extremely charismatic idols they choose to support. Both BP and BTS have gorgeous, talented members so these solo fans let their personal bias go off to the extreme. This behavior was even before solo activities but I def agree that once solo activities start, solo fans continue to do their thing. I purposely avoid BTS solo stans whenever possible.
I think great success of the group and idol also adds to the delusion too - the more the idols achieves, the more delusional these solo fans get etc.
Competition does strange things to people. The bigger the idol, the more competition their fans feel on the behalf of their faves. IMO, it doesn't really matter if it's the whole group or just one member they stan - the competition they'll feel on behalf of their faves will always holds true. But if that idol is in a group with other big idols that the person doesn't also stan? Ever seen a cat fight?
Solo activities and perceived mistreatment of your faves.
I guess time will tell
I'm not on social media so I can't really tell but from various other sources there are chinks in the armour so to speak
Cant speak for other groups but for Twice, it also helps that the members themselves pushes the OT9 mentality.
There are millions of example like when Nayeon had her solo, she purposely includes all member colors into the videos. She also mentions it's Twices first solo instead of her first solo.
The members always put up a united front.
Solo stans almost wholy exist around the concept of making their fave a victim.
Particularly a victim of the company.
The company then "loves" the other members more and their fave is the only victim. What I find very pathetic about BTS solo stans is that they all think their fave is given the least and is the most victimized. These stans say basically the same things only about different members and it's giving huge clown levels.
With BP, this became extreme quickly as one member got a solo a long time before any others got one. The solo stanning and fanwars really intensified after Jennie had her first solo and became the main target of hate for solo stans of the others as "YG Princess" etc.
Now, with BTS they were there, but more niche guessed it...their solo activities became more prominent. Since they all started having albums quite quickly after each other, the focus is more on the promotion of said albums and how they're different and HYBE 'gives' the others more.
Another main focus point is screen time and lines in MVs. Of course, with BP having very few comebacks and content relatively to other groups, all the hopes and expectations are on that one comeback they do have. Then, when the fave doesn't get enough lines, people get mad, like with Ice Cream.
Twice has lots of comebacks and content, so there is less chance for fans to feel starved on content. Perhaps one member gets more screentime in one MV, but another had more in an MV just a few months before, so there is less of that feeling of squashed expectations.
To me it seems that solo stans, more than group fans, use their fave as a sort of avatar and live through them. They feel a need to feel like a victim, so they use their fave for this.
Solo stan fanwars are even worse than group vs group fanwars a lot of the time. People fighting them are completely deranged in what they say, probably because they identify with their fave too much and see any perceived insults as insults to themselves.
I'm not going to elaborate further because I'm not in the moody of picking fights atm
But it has mostly to do to what attracted those fans into to fandom in the first place
In the case of Twice I think a small part of the fandom come to them because they found a particular member attractive (I'm not talking about how they look, but attractive here understand "I want to be your fan"), whereas for BTS and BP many fans were drawn specifically because of 1-2 members and learned how to like their interactions with other members rather than being fans of the other members themselves
And it's not exactly a subproduct of individual activities, as this is a well observable case even when the group only promotes together
with bp agkaes I notice majority of them were never into blackpink and usually stan another group (not all of them) but a big part do and it's evident when they only stan one member and hate on the whole groups while stan a completely different group
with bp agkaes I notice majority of them were never into blackpink and usually stan another group (not all of them) but a big part do and it's evident when they only stan one member and hate on the whole groups while stan a completely different group
I think you are right.
the more popular and successful the members are, the worse the solo stan fights are. I don't think the idols mentioning/praising the group as a whole or other members individually during solo promotions lessens the fan wars tbh, if this was the case BTS's solo stan problem would not be as big as it is now
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