I am disappointed that Bibi, not TWS, gets to dethrone IU

  • On 1861, Giuseppe Garibaldi led a force, called Camicie Rosse ('redshirts' in English), and quickly overthrew the Kingdom of Naples, also called the Kingdom of Two Sicilies, and conquered what is now southern Italy. At that time Italy was divided into a bunch of states, under varying degrees of influence of Austria and France.

    Garibaldi's forces , full with revolutionary fervor, now advanced to north to conquer Rome and the rest of Italy.

    Meanwhile, the Kingdom of Piedmonte(which is in the Northwest corner of Italy), also called Kingdom of Sardinia, (yes at that time most Italian states had two names) was run by a chap named Camilo Benso, the Count of Cavour.

    Cavour was from an old aristocratic family and did NOT like popular uprisings. He feared that Garibaldi would make Italy a revolutionary hotbed and would give an excuse to Austria and France, which fought in Italy whenever they felt like that, to intervene.

    Cavour went to Garibaldi's camp. Garibaldi, a former sailor, was excited to see that someone with the renown of Cavour (who was a well known figure in Italian politics) came to take a rebel like Garibaldi seriously, and Cavour held a banquet with Garibaldi's men for three days.

    By that time Garibaldi's enemies had reconsolidated their positions and Garibaldi's advance could not continue. Frustrated, Garibaldi ceded the lands he conquered to the Kingdom of Piedmonte, now the Kingdom of Italy, and faded into obscurity. '

    Although Cavour died a few months after he cheated southern Italy from Garibaldi's hands, the old institutions of Italy continued with no tangible improvement of the lot of people forthcoming, and even now the people of Northern Italy look down people from the South.


    The harm IU has caused to KPop is too many to list here so I won't repeat it now.

    But her domination of Korean Charts is likely to end , finally, in 2024.

    Just two weeks ago, it was likely that TWS' Plot Twist was going to accomplish the mighty endeavor.

    However, no one expected that Jang Kiha, IU's ex, to jump into the arena.

    Jang Kiha gave the song NIght Yokan (Bam Yanggang, Yanggang is Yokan in Korean) , itself a parody of IU's Through the NIght (Bam Pyeonji), to a Kim Hyungseo, who uses the moniker Bibi while she is a singer.

    Bibi will probably beat IU early in March, since she has gained traction and is gaining foreign fans as well.

    But, there are not too much difference between IU and Bibi. Both are soloists, and actresses (Kim Hyungseo acted in a movie called "Hopeless" and also in a drama "Worst of Evil"), and although Bibi started at Hip Hop, having tasted the fruits of success, she said she will continue to sing songs like Night Yokan in the future.

    Bibi dethroning IU only means IU is replaced by a younger and meaner edition of IU, with no tangible change of power structure. It is unlikely that Bibi will ever be more useful to KPop than IU ever was, although Bibi , in anticipation for more foreign projects, did study English a lot to speak like a native.

    Bibi has allied herself with GIdle's Jeon Soyeon and also Choi Yena, to prepare for a protracted fight against IU. Since the latter would rather see IU gone, they did ally with Bibi, but I think they know that replacing IU with Bibi won't really bring any changes.

    If TWS had overthrown IU, it would have brought real changes since it would have been a 4th Gen boy group which accomplished this might deed, changing the whole map of the 4th Generation Boy Group field.

    But Jang Kiha acted like Cavour above. because of a personal desire to have his revenge.

    replacing Lee Jieun with Kim Hyungseo is unlikely to bring real changes to KPop.

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