Do You Believe In Aliens?

  • Yes or No?

    I'm obsessed with physics and astronomy and there's a well known theory that there's either A LOT of life or it's EXTREMELY rare.

    I tend to believe there is a lot of different life forms across the universe, but that doesn't mean they are all intelligent civilization founders and have access to advanced technology like humans.

    We may never find out even if an advanced civilization is relatively near by to us (in light years) because of how insanely difficult it is to travel to other planets in our own galaxy let alone to the something trillion more that exist:holding-back-tears:

    If there are in fact alien life being investigated by the US government, they are either from an extremely advanced and technological civilization that we as humans could never even comprehend or are travelling from different dimensions (surprisingly, the existence for other dimensions is very plausible in science, it's just how to set that in motion which feels impossible)

  • hypernova did you see/read the US congress hearing about UFOs recently?


    ^it’s very X-Files ✨

    Yes I did!

    I found a few things very interesting. The fact that they called them “non human biologies” and even hinted at inter dimensional travel was surreal. Also the description that they’ve seen a UAP perfectly stationary during a hurricane and that they’ve seen one of big as a football field.

    I do certainly have some doubts about this too just because of how insanely impossible space travel seems.

    It would take NASA’s Voyager 1 17,000 years just to travel the distance of one light year. That’s at 61,000 kph. So just imagine how insanely advanced they’d have to be to accomplish travel at the speed of light. We’re talking an advantaged and sentient civilisation that’s probably maintained life for millions of years of more.

    Whatever these UAP’s are must be traveling as fast as the speed of light or even faster which seems so unbelievable.

    Also the fact that they stated only around 5% of UAP’s were reported which suggests there are much more than we know. That also sounds so crazy because like Neil Degrasse Tyson said, we have 6 billion smart phones across the world. Why is it so extremely rare to have footage of a UAP if they’re so common?

    Also the fact that if these species are so advanced they’ve accomplished light year travel or inter dimensional travel, how is it that a hostile threat hasn’t idk…like wiped us all out by now lol. They don’t lack the technology not too according to this.

    But I did particularly find the inter dimensional theory from it all super interesting because it would honestly make more sense. And could confirm the parallel or infinite universe theory real,

    I think the next few years will be super cool and we’ll find out hopefully much more as the doors have opened. It may even change the way we live significantly.

  • Re the hearings - I was just impressed that both D and R representatives were actually peaceful (no usual major politics bickering) and allow the hearings to actually cover some great questions and topics.

    I also think that inter-dimensional theory is possible when you also take in some of the point of view of some paranormal beliefs re souls after death and other beings; it would also explain these beliefs too.

    Re the paradox why we don’t have any clear evidence - in my personal belief their technology is probably better than ours, and of the evidence we do have with our technology - not to say that all aliens are advanced, I don’t think they are - some evidence are not yet released and for the tiny ones that have it is easy to dispute when people don’t want to believe.

    I forgot which documentary I watched on UFOs but there was a case where so many people - like hundreds- in Arizona witnessed a UFO but the local government made a joke about it and with time, most people just wrote it off. It also made a point that there’s more report of sightings when we humans are on the brink of some terrible wars or disasters.

  • I believe life has to exist elsewhere in the universe.... rare doesn't mean much with the size of the universe. Every star we can see with our eyes is a solar system... Plus every star we can't see. And that's just in our home galaxy.

    I haven't watched the hearing or anything, but I have heard the point that a lot of people attribute human characteristics to aliens. Which can skew research/interpretations of findings.

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  • The perspectives between the two answers is like a narrowband and broadband experience. Someone with 1 lane of bandwidth can’t understand what it’s like to have multiple lanes of data flowing. The universe can’t experience itself without the contrast.

    It reminds me of a TikTok about autism and how someone said people who are on the spectrum process with 47% more of their brain capacity compared to people who are considered “typical”.

  • Since the US government publicly acknowledged it about sometime last year........ yes???

    ::: stifles laughter ::::::

    My real answer is I suppose........ I mean we had a TV series called The X-Files in the '90's!!

    :::: stifles laughter, runs quickly out of the thread ::::::

    "You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't bout how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward." ~ Rocky Balboa


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