I wish kpop fans would stop normalize these concerts prices

  • Okay so we all talked about Blackpink price and how 1k€ was too much, but can we talk about how them doing this gave idea to smaller group that putting huge price was good and would work ? The Rose price dropped for their US/Canada tour and let me tell you... it's worse. The VVIP is $1500 dollars. And yesterday the leak was a little bit less and they said "no don't worry the price aren't these one" to finally dropping something worse lol.

    But what could justify a 1k5 dollars ticket ? A solo pic with the group and 5min with them backstage with other VVIP (I assume that it's every VVIP together bc it would be a lot if it's separate unless there are like 3 tickets.) Also there are merch but I think we all agree that it's mostly to boost a price so I'm not even counting this technic in 2023 lol.

    Now let's compare with what they did before. For this tour, for 300€ (331$) you had a picture solo with the group, a fansign AND a 1 hour long QnA. It's literally 1k1,5$ less with basically the same stuff.

    In 2018, I saw them in Paris for their first time. It was a duo concert with Marmello. For 130€ (143,55$) you had a fansign with both group, solo picture with each member with your phone and they gave you the album for the fansign. It's 1k3,5$ less.

    Nothing justify these price. Yes after covid and the current inflation things are more pricey, but we talk about the same price x10 in only 5 years. Unless there are 2 VVIP tickets idk how they will be able to sold out their venue. I'm proud of The Rose and how huge they became but rn the label could kill them by doing stuff like that, especially since the kband community isn't the same as kpop. We aren't used to pay that much. Like next month I will see Cotoba and for free, when the band basically have 3 french fans. Like they rather pay debt and try to make a fanbase than putting huge price to "refund".

    Sorry for the ranting but I saw The Rose like 5 years ago and I really wanted to go see them with their new stuff that they dropped since then. But if the price are the same here I just won't. I don't care about VVIP but even the normal one are already kinda pricey like wtf happened with KPOP ?

    source: https://www.reddit.com/r/kpopr…uld_stop_normalize_these/

  • kpop like any other concerts is about supply and demand

    if demand exceeds supply then prices will rise to reflect

    if you set a price too low then what happens is scalpers and bots will take advantage of that

    the other option is to set a price and not allow reselling in which case it becomes a matter of first in first serve and people not being able to buy because they are in a queue of thousands of people all clamoring in at 9am sharp refreshing ever millisecond to score those all exclusive tickets

    either method someone will lose out

  • they are making up for covid lost

    I guess the bigger u are the more u can charge, now if that its pass on less know acts thats on them bc everyone gonna know where they stan

  • can't be me

    Fans need to stop buying when it's high and wait for them to drop the price

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  • Pay artists what they're worth. The Rose is much bigger now than they were in 2018 and they never got paid for their first few tours to begin with despite how much work they did for it.

    The actual ticket prices to see the show are pretty reasonable imo and still below the price for other shows. Even for the VIP and VVIP are reasonable and you still get interactions with the boys

    VVVIP is obviously not a standard ticket and extremely limited for people for really really want to see them. It's up to the buyer decide whether The Rose is worth that or a normal ticket where you can still enjoy the show

    And I say this as someone who's already been to their concert and probably won't ever again lmao



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