Armys: "Grammy used BTS for clout and views"

  • but.........................

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  • Just get out of your little hole of Jealousy & try to learn & point out the actual problem.

    "Racism & Xenophobia" should never be accepted in veil of jealousy.

    If Grammy had no intention like this, they wouldn't have given only bts the entire solo ad of Grammy.

    And before talking about viwership, hope you had researched about it. Army dumped the live after BTS's performance. The 1.2 million to 400K is not veiled by anyone.

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    The nomination wasn’t even main show the viewers dipped as soon as that was announced

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    And they baited Armys all show long just to play them at.

  • Just get out of your little hole of Jealousy & try to learn & point out the actual problem.

    "Racism & Xenophobia" should never be accepted in veil of jealousy.

    If Grammy had no intention like this, they wouldn't have given only bts the entire solo ad of Grammy.

    And before talking about viwership, hope you had researched about it. Army dumped the live after BTS's performance. The 1.2 million to 400K is not veiled by anyone.

    Name a single white boy band that has a Grammy

  • We have more important things to discuss right now than viewership..

    Maybe speak about actual problems, especially the racism and xenophobic acts which are going on right now, and how the whole Grammy thing is being used as an additional way for people to be jerks and racist openly towards bts, army and asians in general so easily.

    Thank you for a very reasonable post.

    But don’t expect the OP to have this simple decency and awareness. Anything to bash ARMY or BTS is priority and trumps everything else

  • We have more important things to discuss right now than viewership..

    Maybe speak about actual problems, especially the racism and xenophobic acts which are going on right now, and how the whole Grammy thing is being used as an additional way for people to be jerks and racist openly towards bts, army and asians in general so easily.

    It's funny how Armys suddenly became concern about "Grammy racism/xenophobic" after BTS didn't win.

    I still remember you labeled Billboard as xenophobic too before because BTS wasn't nominated to major awards at BBMA. You guys throwing this xenophobic card easily if things aren't going your way.


  • I know OP is trolling but I'll speak about my experience. I hate the Grammys so I refused to give them my view. I watched only the last hour on a twitch stream that I found by searching online. It was Brazil army stream and had over 100,000 viewers by the time BTS performed. That was 1 random twitch stream, I'm sure there were a lot more streams with similar numbers. A lot of Army were upset by BTS losing so they boycotted official viewing. By the way I have live TV/CBS in the US. It would've been easier for me to watch on my TV.

  • you do realize the award bts was nominated for was announced during the PREshow right? armys knew they hadn't won before the main show even started an many opted for illegal streams instead of watching it on tv specifically bc of this.

    if you rlly think making them literally perform last when they werent even nominated for any main awards and announcing they were "performing 'next' " for literally over an hour before they performed wasn't desperation for army clout...idk what to tell you. this is not the shade you think it is.

  • It's funny how Armys suddenly became concern about "Grammy racism/xenophobic" after BTS didn't win.

    I still remember you labeled Billboard as xenophobic too before because BTS wasn't nominated to major awards at BBMA. You guys throwing this xenophobic card easily if things aren't going your way.


    I am not an army and even I am concerned... Yes, some fans are hypocrites but that does not justify all this trashing BTS members are getting for doing absolutely nothing wrong. Can't you see and read the room right now, I get it, you want to troll and have fun but atleast dont be so tone deaf about everything and dont do this right now, especially when the whole asian community is in such a chaos and when BTS themselves are being targeted like this

  • I am not an army and even I am concerned... Yes, some fans are hypocrites but that does not justify all this trashing BTS members are getting for doing absolutely nothing wrong. Can't you see and read the room right now, I get it, you want to troll and have fun but atleast dont be so tone deaf about everything and dont do this right now, especially when the whole asian community is in such a chaos and when BTS themselves are being targeted like this

    Am not even trashing BTS. :clown:

    Point of this thread is to clown delusional armys who believe the above thread title. And you made into racism.

    And just you know, racism against asian community has been rampant even since the start of pandemic but I remember the KPOP community didn't talk about it that much. :/ I didn't see someone calling out users bashing kpop groups here? Hypocrites.

    I am half asian myself so miss me with that pretentious self righteous you have there.

  • I am not an army and even I am concerned... Yes, some fans are hypocrites but that does not justify all this trashing BTS members are getting for doing absolutely nothing wrong. Can't you see and read the room right now, I get it, you want to troll and have fun but atleast dont be so tone deaf about everything and dont do this right now, especially when the whole asian community is in such a chaos and when BTS themselves are being targeted like this

    Thank You for this, it's so tiring to see kpop stans dismiss the racism thats been directed at Bts continuously (even more so since covid) & Army have been discussing the grammys racism for years this is more of a disappointing but not surprised sort of thing.

  • The Grammys didn’t needed BTS, because not even they could help the growing disinterest for this Show, but COVID 19 probably played a bigger role here too. But let’s be real, they would have had even lesser views without them lol.

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