NEW DISPATCH article FIFTY FIFTY producer exposed?

  • Dispatch is really on the side of the company owner.

    If the signature is forged, does that mean the producer does not own the rights to cupid?

  • I think it's safe to say that they're kinda done now. People aren't interested that much to their case anymore. In reddit, twitter or even here, we kinda tired with their news. Unless it's a big one, we just want to see the final results and it may take months to years to end. So yeah, goodbye girls.

  • They peaked at #10 on Melon in Korea, and this is with one of the best songs of the year in the world. So they were already done in Korea a long time ago, since they have never even been in the running there ever.

    They still have a chance globally, but need a big backer like Warner. Their current value would be rock botton, so maybe another company could buy out their contracts at a bargain basement price.

  • Dispatch is really on the side of the company owner.

    If the signature is forged, does that mean the producer does not own the rights to cupid?

    Copyright is being disputed between Attrakt and SIAHN (note that the students aren't the ones suing). However, this dispute will be settled in a separate lawsuit and is more of a character smear/distraction from the more important lawsuit between the girls and Attrakt for which all documents must be submitted by the 19th. Not arguing SIAHN is innocent, but the motivation from Attrakt couldn't be clearer.

    Attrakt would like you to think that they are the victim and SIAHN will be making off with all income. While it is true that SIAHN holds say 100% of the copyright (composer/songwriter credits), no explanation is given that streaming revenue is actually split among copyright holder, the record company (neighboring rights) and the artists after the distributor's cut. In fact, Attrakt is still likely be geting a bigger cut of the pie regardless.

    Here's an interesting observation on Reddit:

    "It would be interesting to see how much each party will get from the streaming platforms. Here is a link of streaming distribution chart in Korean.[740],options[limit]

    You can disregard the rest and only look at the far right. Copyright owner (AHS) gets 0.66 cents per stream. Artist gets 0.389 cents. Agency gets 2.7cents. The group has about 640million streams from spotify alone. I'm sure apple music and others have many streams as well. It's quite possible that JHJ can recoup the payment for investment from interpark perhaps."

  • Its buffling how the public think siahn is stealing all the streaming income from jhj while he only get 10%, with jhj getin more than 50%.

    The same with the public thinking the group ask for payment and not for financial transparency.

  • Your numbers are way off as it's common knowledge that Spotify's payout is roughly $4,000 per million streams...not $37,490 as your numbers would suggest.

  • Dispatch is really on the side of the company owner.

    If the signature is forged, does that mean the producer does not own the rights to cupid?

    No. He forged the signature in some documents given to the KOREAN copyright board , but the only people who can challenge that are the original composers from Sweden , not Mr. Jeon.

    It seems the purchase of copyright by Siahn by itself cannot be challenged.

  • Your numbers are way off as it's common knowledge that Spotify's payout is roughly $4,000 per million streams...not $37,490 as your numbers would suggest.

    You are probably right. I think the redditor might be misinterpreting the chart. I just used it to illustrate that the copyright holder actually only gets a small piece of the pie.

    Here's perhaps a more reliable source:

    Sub-publishing: Royalty Collection in South Korea
    In the seventh edition of the book Music, Money and Success, published in 2011, Jeffrey Brabec and Todd Brabec wrote, “In recent years…

    On June 20, 2018, the South Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST) decided to raise the music creators’ share of the streaming service revenue. Before this announcement, the collection societies were receiving 60% of the revenue, but starting from January 1, 2019, this will be increased to 65%. This share includes the money that goes to songwriters, performers, and record labels. However, in this case, KOMCA, which collects the money for songwriters, will only receive 10.5%, whereas RIAK collects 48.25 % of the total revenue for record labels. FKMP, which collects money for performers will receive only 6.25% of the total revenue (Hwang).

  • It seems Mr. Jeon is the culprit who stopped the music video filming of Barbie Dreams.

    If that can be proven, it is over for Jeon and his Korean supporters.

    It is likely that the girls will win the injunction, and now they have learned that Siahn cannot be trusted either, they will go their own way most likely

  • all this mudslinging reminds me of politicians' shady ad campaigns, it's all just a play for public emotion. it's honestly embarrassing at this point -- does anyone actually give a fuck about the agency involved? no. they weren't on anyone's radar. and the only reason K-Pop fans suddenly "care" about the agency side is because of schadenfreude. they were envious this group got a hit without the usual K-Pop mechanics at play and now enjoy "their downfall" (even though the song is still doing really well lol).

    set the girls free from these ridiculous men, the spectators, and their circus.

  • all this mudslinging reminds me of politicians' shady ad campaigns, it's all just a play for public emotion. it's honestly embarrassing at this point -- does anyone actually give a fuck about the agency involved? no. they weren't on anyone's radar. and the only reason K-Pop fans suddenly "care" about the agency side is because of schadenfreude. they were envious this group got a hit without the usual K-Pop mechanics at play and now enjoy "their downfall" (even though the song is still doing really well lol).

    set the girls free from these ridiculous men, the spectators, and their circus.

    Ironically the whole mess will lead to the girls freed from the hands of Siahn, who appeared to have an agenda of his own. After the whole mess is over the girls will quietly move to another country where they will start anew, minus the Knetz.

  • Your numbers are way off as it's common knowledge that Spotify's payout is roughly $4,000 per million streams...not $37,490 as your numbers would suggest.

    with 640mil streams it would still 2.5mil $ from spotify alone.

    얽히고설킨 4자 관계…‘피프티 피프티’ 진실 공방 격화
    ‘중소돌의 기적’으로 불리던 걸그룹 피프티 피프티의 거취를 둘러싼 진실 공방이 격화하고 있다. 소속사 어트랙트와 피프티 피프티 멤버 4인, 외주 용역사인 더기버스와 글로벌 음반 레이블간 얽히고설킨 관계가 파국으로 치


    accordingly to some guy the investment is less then 3 mil. that would made 50/50 allready be profitable.

    더기버스 "피프티 '바비' MV 촬영, 전홍준 대표가 직접 중단 지시" [전문] | 기사상세 | iMBC 연예
    더기버스가 그룹 피프티피프티(FIFTY FIFTY)가 참여한 영화 '바비' OST 뮤직비디오 촬영 중단에 대한 입장을 밝혔다. 더기버스는 17일 공식입장을 통해 "최근 어트랙트 전홍준 대표는 '바비' OST '바비 드림즈' 뮤직비디오 프로젝트를 안성일 대표가 자신의 승인…

    also according to this article JHJ cancelling barbie dreams MV shooting under advice of his lawyer instead of just proving that his accounts are straight and transparent.

    cant wait to find out what the court will make out of this drama.

  • Merge?

  • Not gonna comment on anything but the spotify profits. It seems everyone here still thinking Spotify paying that much when they actually not. A lot of artists complaining about how little they get even with millions of stream and snoop dog even saying those with billions of stream didn't even getting paid anything near 1 million.

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