Which one do you prefer 27
Option 1 (18) 67%
Option 2 (9) 33%
We have narrowed it down to two options for the gradient, the same colour way but reversed, if you would like to take a moment to vote it would be highly appreciated!
We have narrowed it down to two options for the gradient, the same colour way but reversed, if you would like to take a moment to vote it would be highly appreciated!
Option 1
Also tagging the new members, did not even manage to update the guild taglist in time as so many people joined again
Display MoreAlso tagging the new members, did not even manage to update the guild taglist in time as so many people joined again
Yay, thanks peachie
Display MoreAlso tagging the new members, did not even manage to update the guild taglist in time as so many people joined again
Hehe not needed I was the first to vote
Hehe not needed I was the first to vote
lol sorry then! Just updated the taglist and tagged all the people I added
Actually it seemed like an internet problem on my end, are you still having problems voting?
Yes fixed thanks :)
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