When will company hire psychologist .....?

  • Idols can just pretend to be fine infront of psychologist. And it would be really awkward if idols says they are fine but psychologist say no you have some mental disorder. Often times people are really good at hiding their feelings and can easily fake a few minutes meeting once a month.

    Yes this. This is one reason I said the depression etc stuff is sooo scary because even those that are close like loved one's can miss it because the person can hide it from them it's rather deceptively easy because this person is close to you they know your habits etc and can tailor how to easily hide it from you. They find it hardest to hide it from strangers as they don't know them well enough to tailor strategies to conceal it. I thought a way for you to know if you had a slight suspicion, is invite another family member or friend you trust and have them join you and your suspected person on whatever event you planned. Thr other person likely will pick up on what you may have missed.

  • It's Korea I don't think it will happen anytime soon. For them when you are meeting with psychologist psychiatrists it means you are ill and be treated as outcast

    Yep mental illness is a joke here it's like hiring trump to be your doctor lol

  • Mental health can only be improved on a systemic level if the root causes are addressed. Throwing mandatory counseling sessions at idols who may or may not resist it probably wont do much overall, though they may help in a few rando cases where an idol might be too reluctant/shy/ashamed to see someone on their own.

    And by root causes, i'm talking about the crazy stress and societal pressures brought onto kids in Korea by parents and societal expectations. Bullying. Income inequality. Intolerable work demands and a work ethic that drives Koreans to an early grave.

  • Mental health in Korea like the rest of the world is often ignored and not taken seriously. People including myself often have to suffer in silence due to the lack of mental health services available. It would benefit idols a lot if they were offered counselling, as often they don't have anywhere else to turn to or don't wish to be a burden on family and friends who are dealing with their own problems. It is a tragedy really and modern pressures are not helping.

  • I do agree that their should be therapists working at companies but idols should be able to willingly go to them. I mean it's a very hard subject to talk about because what's really the right solution? People blame fans, companies, korea, the industry, but nobody really seems to know the right answer, it's always the kpop industry is dark and evil, companies are evil, fans are evil, but we truly don't know why idols commit suicide. There's no point in making up things, instead people should just celebrate their life and remember them as who they were, how they loved to sing, dance, and preform, and how kind they were.

  • Forcing people to see a therapist is one of the worst ideas I've ever heard. You might as well lock them up in a mental hospital and only let them out to perform while you're at it.

    I agree, people temporarily go to the mental hospital as a dire measure, if they are at risk of killing themselves, but not all people need to take that dire measure or would be helped by it. Forcing celebrities to attend therapy sessions would be assuming that they desperately need therapy that much, that would only be some people and otherwise they could be uncooperative with the sessions

  • i think i saw something on Baby monster last evaluation. Someone mentioned that they have psychologist for idols

    did blackpink release a new album today?'s tweet - "#LALISA ACAB, aquí solo  respetamos a la POLISA " - TrendsmapID BI****S


  • There's been a Psychiatrist working at JYPE for some time now. JYPE Trainees are assessed as well as Idols and Staff, so it's something the Company has been aware of.

    But it still depends on the individuals themselves, whether they will seek the help available.

  • i'm talking about the crazy stress and societal pressures brought onto kids in Korea by parents and societal expectations. Bullying. Income inequality. Intolerable work demands and a work ethic that drives Koreans to an early grave.

    THIS among a few things most people don't know about which sorta pisses me off when all these ifans jump in with their bs opinions about my country, when they don't even bother to try and understand why this place is fucked up.

    Most of these issues started way before all them kpop fans were even a thought let alone born. The invasion of Korea by Japan it's subsequent victory over it's oppressors and then the Korean war and having to rebuild a broken poor starving weak nation from total devastion TWICE in a short period of time plus pushing for industrialization has been a huge toll on Korea. So much tragedy occurred from this including multiple rebellions, coup's and dictatorships that even caused holocaust levels of atrocities here against our own people. Before true democracy was restored and that last bit wasn't that long ago it was the 1980's most of your faves have been indirectly or directly affected by it especially every idol including BTS members from Gwangju. The cure to all these problems isn't one thing and will likely take many more generations to fix, these problems run over a hundred years deep.

  • I like what others have said about forced therapy sessions being a terrible idea. Often greedy companies will just slap therapy onto struggling employees without addressing terrible work culture etc

    BY all means, offer therapy but with that:

    - make sure the psychology practice is FULLY independent from the company to decrease any confidentiality issues/conflict of interest

    - make sure idols actually have multiple different therapists on offer; not every patient and therapist are a good match

    most importantly:

    - actually try to address the awful idol system that worsens people's mental health in the first place

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