Do you ever remember your first video game ?

  • Mine was a PC game for Windows 95

    I can't remember the title anymore but it was based on a lynx that had to move away from his old forest in the west of Germany cause they were cutting down the trees of his forest to build new houses. The lynx was seperated from his family cause they ran away into different directions when the mashines came to cut down the trees. They made up to meet again in a natur reserve in the east of Germany after a crow told them where it would be save.

    On his way to the natur reserve the lynx visited the alps, places on the coast in the north and other parts of the country and there was a lot to learn about animals, plants and natur when you clicked on different parts of the scenery.

    The goal of the game was to not be caught by humans (not be run over by cars, not be shot down by a hunter,...) and also not die from the natur (trees fall down, a house you're in caught on fire by accidant, you almost drown in a lake,...) and to safly make it to the nature reserve

    A.C.E | ATEEZ | DRIPPIN| MCND | NU'EST | ONF | SF9 | Stray Kids | TFN

  • I have to ask my brother but I'm pretty sure it was pokemon Sapphire on the gameboy.

    We had single parents growing up and couldn't afford a ton, but those games were some of my favourites. I can't remember the name but I know one was a adventure one, where you have to go and rescue other pokemon in dungeons

  • What the heck, so an environmentalist game. The same vein as the Lorax

    My first video game ever was probably a kids' learning game/animation on the web. The first one I remember is Pokemon Pearl (Nintendo DS), I saw my relatives' kids playing it at their house then eventually I got the game. I also remember watching my dad playing Chuzzle although I have no idea how he would find the game/download it anyway


  • My uncle gave me a SNES and my first game was Super Mario All Stars which had like 4 Mario games in 1. Then my parents bought me a few SNES games and by sheer luck most of them turned out to be excellent like Zelda, Mario Kart, Yoshi, Secret of Mana etc.

  • Atari Pitfall and Pac Man!!!!

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    It’s incredible to see how much games have changed since then lol.

  • For me it was The Simpsons Quick in and out. I was presumably around 2 or 3 and my father let me play it on his PS2. I have exceptionally unclear looks at sucking at the game, yet it's just around perhaps of the earliest memory I have. Perhaps I ought to return to it on an emulator or something like that.

  • if we're talking not a console, then yeah, mine was also a PC game on windows 95. I really can't even remember what kind of game it was. I was too young. I only remember being in kindergarten when we were ushered into the school library and placed on these computers. They might have given us a floppy disk I think. I don't know if it's just my imagination making stuff up but I think there was some sort of purple dragon in the game.

    As for the actual console, it was my brother's Nintendo 64. We played Pokemon and Mario and James Bond 007 a lot but I can't remember which was my very first.


    I looked up the PC game just to make sure I wasn't just making shit up and it turns out the game does exist (Fun School 6 Magic Land). I'm surprised even though I have very few clear memories back then I was somehow able to retain this tidbit of information. Makes me wonder just how much of my memory that feels like vague made-up instances are actually based on truth (I have bad memory this is why it fascinates me).

  • Duck Hunt on the NES! I must've been like 5 or 6 years old when I exposed my retinas to that awful blinking of the screen for the first time... Other than that, I think I played a few educational, math-based games on a PC, but can't remember their names, I can only vaguely recall how they looked (one included aliens attacking the earth, I'm pretty sure)

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    this game

    a dark scifi combat game

    really fkn good

    came out the year i was born but i played it when i was 4-5

    u r m o m g a y


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