BLACKPINK Is Re-signing With YG + LISA Will Not Go Solo

  • Screenshot_20230123-034845_kindlephoto-14817428.png

    I don't know why people think BlackPink aren't gonna resign with YG.

    All these articles about the members, mainly Lisa being offered millions of dollars.... I personally think they don't care about that.

    I'm not even a Blink, and I only know surface level things about the members.

    But I feel they truly want to stay together as a group, and also it can be scary to them to step outside of the Kpop walls so to speak, and sign with a foreign label, not knowing deep down what your getting yourself into etc.

    YG is the one that debuted them, and they have so much freedom already, they do what they want, they already millionaires and make tons of bank just from modeling, promoting brands, and fashion deals etc. And all that is money apart from the music, so imagine with the music alone makes them too.

    They've expressed numerous times that their comfortable with YG and comfortable with Teddy, since he makes their music.

    Already having individual opportunities, making millions, dont have to care about music that much and having a personal relationship with the producers and staff you worked with for years at your company???

    Yeah them girls are staying at YG..heck I myself wouldnt leave either.

    The only way I can see any member leave YG and sign with a Western label is if they're that money hungry, other than that, I don't see it.


    Changed the title of the thread from “BLACKPINK Is Designing With YG + LISA Will Not Go Solo” to “BLACKPINK Is Re-signing With YG + LISA Will Not Go Solo”.
  • I agree 100% she already have more than enough money and safest dicision would be to remain with group. Western entertainment can be too much sometimes and they also don't protect their artists the way kpop companies do.

    Also BP members have really good relationship with each other so I doubt there is any possibility of her going solo

  • YG gave her less than 2 weeks of promo for her solo and hasn't updated her album sales in a year, so no Lisa shouldn't re-sign with YG. She got three stage performances, her debut stage being empty and half-arsed.

    The way they never bothered to promote Money after it went viral, no live performance except for a couple of radio interviews after the hype was dying down speaks volumes. That company doesn't value her.

    She can leave YG and still stay with BP.

  • there has been three threads about this lol the source they are getting this info from it's not credible and it's more of a speculation from some random reporter

    there was a recent article talking about YG's prediction and what's coming from them this year saying otherwise that BP is very likely to renew

  • YG gave her less than 2 weeks of promo for her solo and hasn't updated her album sales in a year, so no Lisa shouldn't re-sign with YG. She got three stage performances, her debut stage being empty and half-arsed.

    The way they never bothered to promote Money after it went viral, no live performance except for a couple of radio interviews after the hype was dying down speaks volumes. That company doesn't value her.

    She can leave YG and still stay with BP.

    Lisa should leave 100%

  • Taking up the offer doesn't make Lisa money hungry tho, it just means they gave her an offer better than YG. Good enough isn't good enough when there are better options on the tabel

    Lisa owes YG nothing and I'll respect whatever decision she, and the rest of the Pinks, makes



  • Who's offering this? what company? and how legitimate is it? what are the deals?

    Lisa's an artist, not a footballer.

    This actually doesnt make any sense.

    Footballers have a weekly or even bi weekly crowd that generates tens of millions, and advertising revenue from their loyal fans who come to watch the game, so they can have those outlandish contracts

    no entertainment company on earth has that type of structure or income revenue.

    Music Artists make income through music, concerts, brand deals.

    that means, if they dont make music or go on tours, they cant generate anywhere near 81 million, so who IS this "company" that's making this offer?

    if such a company exist, and if they're legitimate, then lisa should go. cus that's a better company than YG, SM , HYBE, JYPE put together - they can magically make money from a music artist w/o having a tour or publishing an album. * - or they can predict magically how much money an artist can make even before they go on tour or publish an album. MAGICAL!

  • I'm gonna wait until it get confirm if BP renew their contracts or not

    same. It's not about money. It doesn't matter about money. Like your opinion matters. If they wanna stay, let them stay, if they want to leave, let them leave. I doubt any of the members even care about the money :boompepe:

  • That kind of offer is typical from China.

  • YG gave her less than 2 weeks of promo for her solo and hasn't updated her album sales in a year, so no Lisa shouldn't re-sign with YG. She got three stage performances, her debut stage being empty and half-arsed.

    The way they never bothered to promote Money after it went viral, no live performance except for a couple of radio interviews after the hype was dying down speaks volumes. That company doesn't value her.

    She can leave YG and still stay with BP.

    This. Lisa is the most popular female idol in the world but YG constantly treats her as much lesser than the others.

    I believe she will resign out of loyalty to the other girls, but she really shouldn't.

  • That kind of offer is typical from China.

    oh then YG should definitely let Lisa go.

    no question. afterall, china is made up of these mythical magical "companies" that work their artists to death tryin to catch up to kpop - and Lisa will fit right in.

    who knows what will happen with china vs the world , and how stable their currency is.

    YG wont have to deal with Blinks complaining about how YG mistreats them any more, and they can focus on

    Baby monster.

    Jisoo can focus on acting. Jennie can focus on becoming a fashion influence. and rose can focus on being taylor swift of New Zealand.

    Blinks will be happy that BP is no longer what they think is the worst company.

    Haters will be happy cus BP no longer is a group

    Chinese are happy with lisa

    and Lisa is happy cus she's making money - although chinese money but they're stable for at least until they invade taiwan or unless the ccp doesn't* do anything crazy.

    YG is happy cus they dont have to deal with the haters, blinks, and the members constantly being exhausted from the criticism.- or worry about goin on tour , etc, they can focus all their effort on to treasure and baby monster.

    i'ts a win-win-win-win.

    obviously i'm being sarcastic. no such company can afford lisa, even if they say they are they're talkin out of their A**. how are they going to generate that amount of revenue? make her tour china for 5 yr staight?

    i mean.. i guess that works, and i guess the're betting her presence alone would bring some international exposure to chinese ent... but with rising tension btwn china and the rest of the world, idk if even that much money is worth it for Lisa if she's going to have to start tweeting about "one china policy" just cus she's under the ccp umbrella.

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