Hey everybody,
I know this probably isn’t how you guys expected to hear from me for the first time in a while.
But, I am honestly not joking with my title. It’s semi-medium story of how, but I’m too lazy to explain how. Just bunch of stupid events leading up to stupid events.
Though do not worry, the piece got crushed and chewed until they were extremely tiny pieces. I was zoning out very hard to even realize it wasn’t chips that I’m chewing on.
I think I swallowed a bit, but I spat the rest out the minute I figured. It’s a little fuzzy, and I can’t entirely remember if I ingested it or not. God knows how I didn’t ruin my teeth.
Anyways, the point is it didn’t hurt then. But almost 12 hours have past since then, and only now I am feeling a dull pain on my middle-lower left abdomen that comes and goes. I can’t tell if it’s related to the events of yesterday, or just another coincidental problem.
What do I do? I don’t wanna call the non-emergency number and ask them, since I have anxiety talking to people. I want to text them, but I don’t know if they even offer that service. I also don’t have other social media’s where I can ask anyone for advice, so here I am. Does anyone have any idea what’s going on and what I should do?