With some changed stores are finally open again in my country after being locked for 4 months ... and no freaking joke I want to go to a store that has the cheap art surplies and the cheap home decor now since I moved to a new apartment in February and need a lot stuff for my new home ... I was in a store last week wich was allready open but due to laws they could not sell half of all their products so RIP because I don't know if they allow you to buy every item now so I am glad that the other stores are opend now :)
... but there is 1 thing that sucks... for each 40 suqarmeters they only are allowed to let 1-2 people in wich means in some stores they can only let up to 8 people inside wich means if too many people want to go there at the same time they have to give you a card where its written on at wich time you can go shopping in there... ah thats so sad ...