"We are very thankful for you guys trying to protect us, right? But you know, protecting us should be the only thing you do, but downgrading others is something you should not do. Don’t, don’t do that, don’t do that. You are gonna ruin your own image, you are gonna ruin our image too (...) You know, I’ve said this before, but like sometimes even if it’s something really agitated and you’re like, oh my gosh, how can you say this? I’m going to say stuff, but don’t do that, don’t, don’t do that.
I know it’s annoying, I know it’s annoying, it’s really agitating, I know it really, really makes you agitated, but for the long run, if you fight back you’re becoming the same person, you’re as that person. It’s not going to make you any different. You know what I mean? My dad told me, you have to lose to win, sometimes it’s just good to ignore things and just don’t care about anything. I feel sometimes that people that don’t care, that don’t give a… that don’t care about anything, they’re always the coolest people to be with. I know stays, you guys want to be cool, so be the cool person, be the cool person, yeah. If anything angers you, just let it go, let it go. Let it go."