What does it take for you to like/dislike a song?

  • What does it take for you to like/dislike a song?

    Do you decide on the first listen? do you give it 2 or 3 repeats one after another? Or do you give it time to breathe and revisit it after a few hours or days maybe?

    Do you force yourself to like a song by your favs but spamming it and trying to get hooked on the catchy part(if there is one)?

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  • D. All of the above

    But yeah no. Depends on the day really. I am not... against stockholming myself to like a song? At the end of the day I prefer liking a song over disliking it but I know not everyone likes this which is valid

    I do prefer to give a song a few chances though cause sometimes I'm too tired or grumpy to appreciate it and I don't wanna criticize a song the entire year after only listening to it once

  • Hmm I’m not sure I can quantify why I like a song. Some songs fit squarely in my wheelhouse (power vocals got me waving my hands, beat got me dancing in my seat) and some don’t (my soft spot for a really great shimmering pop song).

    There’s a specific pitch I really dislike, so if something is too high pitched (male or female), then I’m out and not coming back for another listen.

    Something in this pitch

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    Otherwise, I usually try to give a song two or three listens to form an impression. The first time you hear it, you may still be processing what you did or didn’t expect, so it’s always worth another listen.

    There’s this impression that people “force themselves to listen to a song” until it grows on them which really seems to ignore the organic way it can happen.

    I can think of many songs that got played quite bit in Kpop or out of it that I didn’t like at all and then one day I’m standing in line singing to it. :pepe-cringe:

    Or I’ve gotten too lazy to skip it and one day it comes on and I’m happy to hear it. Or the hook is so irresistible that it earworms into my brain.

    Sometimes too, a year or two later you’re like “hey this song is pretty good” or your tastes shifted or whatever.



  • If I "dislike" a song, I usually know by the 1st verse, and I cut it off and typically don't listen to it again. No particular reason. It could be it's too slow, I don't like the lyrics, it's too noisy, I don't like the beat drop. Any number of reasons.

    If I am meh about a song, I might revisit it again for whatever reason. Like, it could just be I found the song objectively good but boring on the 1st listen. Maybe I hear it randomly or someone brings it up and I don't remember what it sounds like, so I might listen to it a few times. Songs have grown on me that way.

    But, yeah, I don't force myself to like songs. There's too much music in the world for me to listen to something I don't like. There has been instances where I don't like a song though, but I force myself to listen to it because I'm watching performances. Sometimes that makes the song more tolerable over time, but I will never feel about it the way I do the songs I genuinely like.



  • Well songs that are boring or too noisy for me on the first listen will usually remain that way

    Normally when a song grows on me it's because it was something unusual but not bad. I just needed time to adapt to it

    And bad vocals or cringy raps are an automatic no for me

    out of service

  • It just depends on the song for me. Some songs i could tell on first listen that i’d never vibe with them, and i never did. For some songs that i was not too sure about, there’s a chance that they grow on me later if i happen to listen to them again by accident. It doesn’t happen all the time of course. Then there’s a category of songs i even find obnoxious at first listen and absolutely not my type but they’re catchy af despite all else and end up looping in my head later without my consent lol so idk how to label them :cryingr:

  • Our preferences of listening are really diverse.

    Yes Or Yes is a song which I have instantly liked since the first listen and has been on repeat, my feelings of the song never changed.

    Loco is a song which I loved in the first listen but gradually gets boring over time, which is a "cup of milk".

    How You Like That is a song which I disliked at first but something dragged me in to listen to it 2-3 times in a short period after that and it began to grew on me and was on repeat.

    La Di Da is a song which I felt it was too boring when it was first released, and it didn't have the wow factor for me to listen to it again. But months later, which is a long period, I just randomly checked it out and suddenly it became good.

    The Feels is a song which I loved at first, got a bit boring after that, but became good again when I took a break from it for a short time.

    Signal is a song which I really felt weird, but because it was TWICE it was always interesting, so I gave it so many chances like 7-8 listens, and when I liked it, it still didn't catch up with other TWICE titles.

    So the thing is I can like a song in any listen, but the song has to have enough charm to drag us in for next listens even if we don't like it. If a song doesn't have that factor, one bad listen is already enough to get over that song. If a song has the wow factor, we can still click on it even the first listens are not that good. Some songs rely on pure luck though.

    :iloveyoub: BRIGHTWIN FOREVER :iloveyoub: SARAWATTINE FOREVER :iloveyoub: 2GETHER FOREVER :iloveyoub: 

    Bom tấn đam mỹ 2gether "đánh úp" bản điện ảnh, cặp BrightWin sắp sửa cưới  nhau hoành tráng?

  • Rant #19445424 incoming sorry.

    Just say no to simple, basic generic songs that have no inventiveness or complexity. Most local pop falls under this these days, it's simple basic 2 chord songs with zero originality, zero emotion, just some dead autotuned vocals layered on top of a simple retro or trap beat that lasts for 2.76 minutes, i'm looking at you Heatwave. That's why i was gushing over Drivers License, Hold My Hand, and Easy on Me, three local songs that just destroyed the competition because they actually had soul and passion, they actually told a story or spoke to something inside of us.

    Just listen to the difference between Heatwave and Thunder Road by the Boss, arguably the greatest song in modern music history, a real song with real emotions and real musicality, a song that paints a hauntingly beautiful picture that transcends all genres, this song is timeless, you can literally picture the entire scene that the Boss is trying to convey here:

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    Kpop is no Bruce Springsteen, but what it does do is actually try to mix genres together and create something different. Especially groups like BP and Twice, Everglow and Itzy. The best songs make masterful use of retro beats/synths, or have a catchy mix of rap or talk rap or emo verses, great beat drop and chorus, an addictive bridge and climax/outro. What local songs can match the literal epicness of this rando song from Ateez?

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