Which is more popular internationally?
Which is more popular internationally?
I have the feeling Anime but I could be totally wrong
Anime of course
Anime definitely
Let's be real, Jiraiya alone is more popular than Lee Sooman, Yang Hyunseok and Park Jinyoung combined.
Anime by farrrrrrr
DBZ is more known than the most known kpop group
Johan Liebert >>>>>>>>>> any K-pop idol
I bet Anime is more popular even in Korea...
Johan Liebert >>>>>>>>>> any K-pop idol
The serial killer?
I bet Anime is more popular even in Korea...
more than kpop? really? o.o
DBZ is more known than the most known kpop group
more than bts? o.o
The serial killer?
Nauto/ Dragon ballZ/ Attack on titans and many many more and kpop is still growing world wide, it's not really in the same category for comparison though
Anime. It started to grow big internationally in the 80s while kpop's rise is too early in comparison. Like, 2009+.
Nauto/ Dragon ballZ/ Attack on titans and many many more and kpop is still growing world wide, it's not really in the same category for compression though
but kpop fan claim kpop is so popular worldwide..
Anime, I think.
but kpop fan claim kpop is so popular worldwide..
Generally it's known world wide you can't argue with that, I don't know if it is popular and liked but it's popular
but kpop fan claim kpop is so popular worldwide..
Most kpop fans are anime fans
Meanwhile a minority of anime fans are kpop fans
I guess kpop must have a big number of passionate fans, close to the number of passionate anime enthusiasts
But anime is mainstream, almost every Brazilian child born after the 90's have watched anime in their lives. It might not be a passion, but it's so common that is just a piece of media at this point
Generally it's known world wide you can't argue with that, I don't know if it is popular and liked but it's popular
yes the point of this thread to compare which is more popular...
Anime easily.
more than bts? o.o
Yes definitely. You shouldn’t have mentioned the group with the anime weebs F82791F2-7582-43A9-86EF-3A4188EA60D8.jpg
Saotome Mary outsold all your faves with ease
Yes definitely. You shouldn’t have mentioned the group with the anime weebs
ah because some poster said most known kpop group so bts come to my mind instantly lol
I'd say anime. However, it may depend on how you ask about popularity. As preference, Kpop could feasibly win in some age groups. If asked which one you know better, anime for sure.
Anyway, anime spread outside Japan way sooner than Kpop outside SK and usually exposition to anime/animation starts very young while Kpop is a relatively new phenomenon and on average I would say people form their music taste during the teen age, so there is a timing for music.
Anime. I bet some individual animes like dragon ball, Naruto etc are bigger than all of kpop
anime x100
I'd say anime. However, it may depend on how you ask about popularity. As preference, Kpop could feasibly win in some age groups. If asked which one you know better, anime for sure.
Anyway, anime spread outside Japan way sooner than Kpop outside SK and usually exposition to anime/animation starts very young while Kpop is a relatively new phenomenon and on average I would say people form their music taste during the teen age, so there is a timing for music.
Kpop and anime target the same demographic. Kid, teen and young adult. So in this age demographic which u think is more popular for them??
Anime lol and it isn't even close...
Anime, weebs are everywhere.
But K-pop is bigger than Japanese music (outside of Japan).
Kpop and anime target the same demographic. Kid, teen and young adult. So in this age demographic which u think is more popular for them??
I don't think Kpop targets kids that much, at least not outside SK or even East or SEA Asia if I can be generous. For sure anime is more popular for kids. Music isn't really that much of a factor when you are a kid IMO. Kids would be more attracted to something with more stimulus and anime has music embedded in it with possibly more stuff attached to it like toys, games, and other products.
Teen could be a toss up if asked as which one you prefer. Music starts to define teen mentality a lot, so maybe Kpop could win here depending on how you ask the popularity question. Young adult is just continuation of teen ages, but more refined.
Still I'd not ignore older audiences. Nostalgia is a big factor for adults past their prime years and anime for sure is more nostalgic as people from this gen and onward were probably less exposed to Kpop during their teens if at all while not being exposed to anime is quite hard as its spread started around late 70s. Like gaming, enjoying animation isn't viewed as something unique to young audience anymore.
While music is a different beast in this regard. People form their music taste and it platoons at some point around 30~40 if not earlier and may not evolve/change much after have it matured. Older people outside SK sphere of influence would not get into Kpop in droves. If given the option to just vote Kpop x anime, they would vote anime for sure no matter how you ask the question.
So adding the pool of age groups, Kpop may have a chance around 11~25 age group (if asked as preference), but if not asked in a way that favor music taste, I'd say anime still wins here. The rest is overwhelmingly anime.
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