We live in a forum where we are always seeing some groups' music being labeled as "noisy" and "construction music". Well, maybe It's fine... until there. We constantly see, along with these statements, people saying how they wanted more boygroups to do "real music" and a variety of concepts not related to the "noisy-construction-music" image. Also often giving opinions on boygroups' path and which musical direction they should follow to appeal not only to them, but to a bigger audience other than their fans. It's okay. I guess.
However, during my studies and research, something isn't clicking. I checked many boygroups "Bop, Blop or Flop?" Threads and I noticed the engagement of our regular and beloved noisy boygroups being bigger than the engagement of most groups that do the famous "real music" and "different" concept. In reality, these boygroups' threads are really a flop most of the time. I don't understand why since there's so much demand from the users.
Do Allkpop users prefer to give chances to groups they already give a bunch of chances and criticize over new boygroups they don't know or boygroups they didn't pay attention in the music before or are known for doing "normal pop music"? Why?
I selected some exemples of what I was talking about, so maybe you can finally check out (If you are a really interested person).
This might be the last song with the whole group for a while, since some are joining the military soon. So if you say Flop...