Who Would Be Interested In A BLACKPINK Kahoot!

  • If Interested, What Day Works Best For You (We'll Figure A Time Out Later)? 12

    1. Sunday (7) 58%
    2. Saturday (3) 25%
    3. Friday (2) 17%

    Hello! So, I got this idea a while back and wanted to see who would be interested in doing this. Personally, I love both K-Pop and Kahoot! so I think it would be very fun. Unfortunately, there wouldn't be an akorn prize (unless someone wants to volunteer to make one for me), but I might make a small winner banner if that makes sense, which you can then put in a thread you make to announce your victory and get akorns by doing that, or put it someplace like in your signature or on your wall (but that would be optional of course).

    You can participate whether you are a Blink or not. Any and all users are welcome. I chose BLACKPINK in particular because I wanted to do a well-known group that I knew a lot about and has a fair number of fans on here. I figured if I picked a smaller group, not enough people would be interested or it would be unfair to the users who didn't know the group as well. With BLACKPINK, however, I feel as if they are the type of group where even if you don't stan them, you probably know enough about them to at least attempt a Kahoot! game dedicated to them.

    I would be making all the questions and answers, but I would not be playing myself (as I would be running the game instead), so it should be fair in those regards. For those of you who either:

    A) Have never played Kahoot! before or you

    B) Have played it before, but are curious as to how I would make it work on here

    Allow me to explain how I will run things and how this will work below in the spoiler:

    As for when this will take place, for those of you interested, I will make a poll. I'll only have you pick the day of the week for now. We'll figure out the time of day later. It won't be until sometime towards the end of the week or next week though, so any non-Blinks who wish to participate will have time to study the group and so I have time to set up the questions and answers. Studying is by no means required, for either Blinks or non-Blinks, but if you would like to and it would give you something to do or help you feel more prepared, go for it. Because some people (including me) are bad at remembering exact dates, I will not focus on dates a ton, and if there is a question about a date, it will only ask for the month and year at the most.

    If you are at all interested in joining, please do the following:

    1) Let me know if you wish to be added to a tag list I will make for the event. This will (hopefully) help remind you to be on time, so you don't miss it.

    2) Vote in the poll to let me know which day of the week works best for you.

    3) Answer the following question: How many questions long do you think I should make the Kahoot!? Without giving any specific questions or answers, what types of questions would you like to see (questions about fandom memes, music, the girls, ect.) and/or how many of each kind?

    I think that covers everything. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them below and I'll be more than happy to try and answer them. I hope this is fun for everyone involved. Have a great day/night!

  • sunday! i need sunday!


  • can I join? i'm not a stan anymore but still know a ton of stuff about them.

    I think you should make it around 35-50 questions and split them pretty evenly up between all of the categories you are thinking of. friday would work best for me because exams are coming up and I need to study on the weekends.

    Of course! The more, the merrier! You don't have to be a Blink to join.

    I think that's a good number. Thanks for the advice! Okay, I'll keep that in mind.

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