they only going to Europe 😞
Posts by h78
I clicked don’t play this artist after espresso and million dollar baby annoyed me so much, even with different genres that aren't pop they kept auto-playing them lol
Ty will check out next week! hope they change the setlist
did they do sorry yet?
People are NOT blaming her for his crimes, people are blaming her for dating him DESPITE his crimes. Get it right already.
I keep seeing this sentiment and people infantilizing Hyuna on Twitter, but women like Hyuna who willingly date predators or defend them are scary to me. In my county, older women with internalized misogyny are the first ones to shame and spread rumors if a girl is SA. They only blame women and defend predators, so how are they different from misogynistic men? I really don't see the difference; she should be rightfully called out and shamed for dating this creep
I always respected her for being so open about women empowerment and speaking up about how she was sexualized.
Clearly it only matters when it's her
I recently read her talking about how she hated her concept and how sick she felt she was sexualized from a young age, so I can’t believe she is dating this guy
Bop, it’s such good gym song
Correct me if I am wrong, but for Nmixx, aren’t these only Korean sales? As far as I know, they didn’t ship anywhere outside of Korea. I think the number will increase after they start shipping the albums
the way she scolded him wasn't it, but I wouldn't go as far as to call her a b-word over that. minwoo isn't some innocent guy who needs to be saved. he literally made her believe he was going to choose her after their paradise date, and he suddenly left her because sieun approached him
she didnt know bc she was in paradise when Sieun and Minwoo were talking, and gyuri and sieun don't room together. She isn't innocent, but she's not a villain like people are making her out to be
was she a hypocrite when she said she didn't want to be compared when she was doing the same? Yes, she is, but Minwoo isn't innocent either
I really hated Dex's comments like calling the girls dense and superficial. Did he forget what he did last season
I didn’t know they were still together
I just saw the final and I liked it, I think this season was my favorite.It was really entertaining. I wish for the future men to be more proactive and to know how to make a conversation. The girls caried the show on their shoulders. Hyeseon is a smart and mature woman. Some of my opinions: Gyuri is a bitch and she doesn't deserve nice guy Mingyu, Jinseok is the man, Minji most desperate little girl and pls no more filler guys like Habin, handsome guy but very weird.
Gosh I totally forgot how to put Spoiler so I edited my comment.
Gyuri didn’t do anything bad for you to call her misogynistic slur
I mean, well we see what being on this show did for Dex and Freezia too despite the backlash she later faced.
People wanting to follow in their foot steps and achieve their kind of attention and success would gladly go on this show. However, you have no say in how the producers decide to portray you and your actions or how the public will respond in kind. That was her main mistake.
She got painted as a fox. She took a big gamble. This could have either been a career game changing move that would launch her into stardom or torpedo any credibility she would have.
True, it did wonders for Jia and Dex's careers.
She's the one that gave them the content. Since most single Inferno viewers are women, she should've known that trying to be a sneaky wouldn't make her a fan favorite like Jia
If it were Love Island or some American TV show, she probably would have been popular. But yeah, she fumbled the bag for now
The helicopter scene was totally cringe, BUT GH was laying it on thick that they were endgame and then pulled the rug from under her. Truth is he just wanted to have (1) a backup plan and (2) make HS jealous. That would indeed hurt being on the receiving end of that and realizing you've been lied to.
Unfortunately, she wants to be a news anchor, right? She may have just jeopardized her career trajectory being on this show. Woof.
maybe backup plan after he heard HS was into wonik, and gyuri wasn’t even checking him out. imo he wants all the girls to go after him and chase him. What I don’t understand about the helicopter scene is why she would embarrass herself over someone that doesn’t respect her choice. She even said she was sad that he was disappointed in her like why you care you just met him two days ago
I am so disappointed that all the girls are boosting his ego.
From what I know anchor is very serious career in SK, so I don’t know why she would come to dating show if she was serious about it